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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

Fontaine would be on the ground, covering his face, yelping in pain.

Fontaine would change back to his human form, as he cover his face ,yelping.

A small blood pool would be around Fontaine head. "Help..." He mumble.
When they got to the restraunt and seated, Romulus asks "So, what do you want to eat? Doesn't matter the price, I'll pay anything for you." When Romulus removes his gas mask, there was a beautiful, handsome face that no-one could resist looking at.

After waiting for his wounds to heal, Maximilian changes into an old man before climbing up ladder leading to a manhole. Just as Maximilian opens the manhole and climbs out of the sewer, he sees a man in the form of a wolf chasing after someone and mauling his face after he caught him before returning to a girl with fox ears. Intrigued, Maximilian begins to discreetly follow Tekina and Romulus.
Tekinai's magenta eyes widened as she saw the gold plated sheathe. "Oh... wow!" She looked at Romulus, then the sheathe in her hands. "This is amazing!" Without any second more to wait, she swapped her old black and red sheathe with the golden one, smiling at the boy all the while. "Thank you so much." Once he asked that question, she stood pondering for a second. "Well, I do like Baccala with a side of red wine. What about you?" She watched as he took off his mask, her eyes widened in surprise. He was a very handsome man, and she was glad that she met him, and not only that but he was in her faction. 'Score... Wow.' She blushed as she looked at his face, and turned her surprised face to a smile. "W-wow... You're... you're..."

@Romulus Deathbringer
"Me? Well I'm going to order the rare steak with some white wine. Oh, and its no problem. "What? What are you trying to say" Romulus asked in a soft, calming tone.
Tekinai sighed happily, giggling a little at her foolishness. Both of her fox ears pointed half way up, yet slightly placed at an angle. "You're just so... handsome." She blushed, looking at the table with her hand on the white cover sheet of the table. Her katana was placed next to her boots, and under the table so others didn't look at it. "That's a good dining choice. Simple, but a good choice. As for me, I just like things complicated." Tekinai folded her hands as she leaned on the table, her soft, pink fox tail sat still. "This is nice, Romulus. I've never been asked out by a gentleman. All the men I've encountered just wanted to..." She paused, her expressions went blank for a moment, then she shook her head. "Nevermind." Tekinai laughed a little, then lifted a smile for Romulus.

@Romulus Deathbringer
"Really? I'm handsome? Everyone says that about me. Anyways, I like things complicated when I'm fighting, but everything else, I'm easy going." And folded his hands. "I'm not like them guys, I see the full potential in you." And smiled at Tekinai

As Maximilian makes his way towards the restaurant, he sees the boy who got his faced mauled begging for help. Annoyed by the whining, Maximilian speaks to the boy before entering the restaurant and taking a seat near the back of the restaurant. " Stop whining, it's just a flesh wound."
Tekinai turned her head down to the table, smiling all the while. She laughed quietly for a moment, keeping her head down to look at the table. "Potential? I don't think so... I'm just serving the king, that's all I'm good for. Lying and killing to protect the highest of royalty." Her mind fluttered to the dark place of thinking. 'I'm not really good for anything more...' She kept her head bowed, with her hands folded in front of her. "But you... you can conquer anything. You are a better person than I'll ever be." Tekinai paused for a beat, then kept speaking. "You know that thief you took care of? Well, back in the city, I was one of them. Always using my power to steal from shops to get by."
Linus left from Church's place, knowing she would follow suit when she was ready. As he walked down the street he saw a boy lying on the ground in front of a resteraunt. He was laying face down in a puddle of his own blood... not good.

Linus took the satchel of potions out and grabbed another health potion... he only had one left after this... he better make it count...

He rolled the boy over, taking his head gently and pouring the magical liquid in his mouth, hoping he would swallow it.

"Ja, drink zis, brother, you vill be fine."

He smelled something... peculiar... but couldn't put a finger on what it was... Linus stayed vigilant while feeding the boy the elixr.
"Stop talking like that. Here, take some of my shapeshifting." Romulus quickly took Tekinai's hand and generated a purple light. In a few minutes, he took his hand back. "There, you can now shapeshift. You are good for everything you always were, you always will."
Fontaine would woke up, as he swallowed the elixr. "Who... are you..?" Fontaine would ask.

Fontaine wolf form and human form would flicker, but it would stop after some seconds.
Linus stood up, seeing the boy was awake.

"My name, is Linus Vahlen, Knight of ze Vahlen clan, my family. I try to keep some semblance of Justice around here."

He held out a huge hand to help the boy up.

"And who might you be?"
Linus sighed.

"Unt how many verdammt beasts are zere in zis city?! I thought my family vere ze only ones."

Linus nodded.

"You vere hurt. I can't leave someone in ze streets to die. Vhat happened to you, anyvay?"
"Eh... i don't know... new around..." Fontaine would say, changing to his wolf form. (Full wolf, not lycanthrope)

"Oh, some other wolf mauled me... or whatever you call it." Fontaine would answer, calmly.
As Maximilian is devouring a bakd Pheasant that he payed for with the coins he looted off of victims,he senses the werewolf he fought some time ago. Not in the mood to fight rigt nw, Maximilian continues eating the baked Pheasant.
Linus thought for a moment.

"Is zat so?" He asked, sliding his massive sword out of its sheathe, the blade itself standing taller than Fontaine, and almost as wide.

"Do you know vhere he vent? I may be able to take care of him."
"No... i'ts alright... i think he mislead me by a thief." Fontaine would say.

Fontaine would check his pocket. "Damn it! where's the purse?" Fontaine would keep searching for the purse.
Linus shrugged and hefted the blade over his shoulder.

"Okay zen. If you need help, come find me, my lupine brother."

Linus walked into the resteraunt and sat near the front.

He swore he could smell something... firmiliar... but the smells of food and other customers made it impossible to distinguish. For now, he just relaxed and drank from a glass of Chardonnay.

(Or however you spell that)

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