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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

Tekinai nodded that the food was delicious as she took another bite of her food. "Mmm." She laughed a little, then continued eating. When the boy came over and Romulus spoke to him, she swallowed her food, and slightly waved to the boy, then smiled as Romulus said "lovely woman". When she finished a bite of her food, she spoke for a little bit to mess with the boy. "Yes... there is something suspicious. Outside the restaurant... I have eyes that can see the supernatural. There is a demon standing at the window..." She faked a shiver, and looked away, acting as though she was in fear. When she had her hair in her face, she winked at Romulus when the boy would look away. 'All fun and games.'

@Romulus Deathbringer @AtlasTheShapeless
Becoming annoyed, Maximilian continues eating as he reples to Fontaine's question. "No, I did not see anything suspicious. Now leave me alone."
Fontaine would change his form, now he looks like the same old man. "Anyways... demon or not... the fox girl is scared." Fontaine would say, standing up, walking around.
Fontaine would grab a small picture of a demon that he found with the cashier, it was a dark german shepard, with dark red eyes with his body on fire, Fontaine would close his eyes, thinking about it, as his form would change to the demon dog. He run towards Tekinai and Romulus table, as he growl.

(The fire on the 'demon dog' is a ghostly one, can't damage anything)

"Demons aren't tales, they are real." His voice would sund deep and raspy
Tekinai smiled at Romulus, pulling up a menu that the waiter left to hide both of their faces. She spoke in a whisper so that only Romulus could hear. "Seriously though... you know those wives tales about the demon that devours people, taking shape as an old man in the night? Well... that's no wives tale." That was all she could say, before she continued eating and finishing her Baccala, taking one big sip of the last of her red wine. Tekinai sighed after she finished her food, tapping her foot on the dark carpet under the table. She was nervous about what would happen if someone provoked the demon.

When she saw the demon dog, she then saw Romulus jump in front of her, taking a shot of what wasn't there. The real thing though was the fear in Romulus's voice. She hushed him, and brushed her hand on the side of his head to comfort him. "Shh, Romulus, it wasn't real. We're okay." Her magenta eyes burned through the boy's eyes as he morphed into a human form. Silence filled the air, but Tekinai didn't need to say anything since her eyes said it all. She really did hope, though, that the shape shifting boy would leave her sight. At this time, messing with people's minds into tricking them about a being a demon wasn't a joke. Demons were the worst in the world, and were to be feared by all.

@Romulus Deathbringer @AtlasTheShapeless
Nearly laughing out loud at what just happened, Maximilian returns to eating while he discreetly watches Tekinai and Romulus.
Fontaine, when nobody noticed, changed into the form of another old man, as he walk back to the old man table, as he sat down on another chair.

"Hello again." Fontaine would grin, as his voice would be different from his "original" one.
Starting to become highly annoyed by the shape shifter, Maximilian begins to glare at him as he speaks. "You know it isn't a very good idea to annoy me, boy."
"Eh, and run right to them? no, thats not a good ideia, i'm just keepign an eye on them." Fontaine would say, looking at the "fox girl" and Romulus.
Tekinai hugged Romulus, her head laid on his chest. "It wasn't real, you're fine." She cooed in a soft voice, doing her best to calm him down. "Come on, we should leave." Tekinai left a piece of silver on the table as a tip, not caring if they paid or not. Before she began to leave, she grabbed her katana in the gold sheathe, and pulled the strap over her shoulder. Whether Romulus liked it or not, she grabbed him by the hand and pulled him out of the restaurant. She knew that the older man in the back of the restaurant wasn't normal, even if the "supernatural eyes" power she talked about was a lie. There were many tales about the demon in disguise. From the city's stories, he was a very educated man, and looked over the age of 40. The man in the restaurant fit that profile. "Sorry we left so quickly, we just need to stay away from that boy... and the man in the back. That was no doubt the demon in disguise." Tekinai was pretty much dragging Romulus by the hand away from the restaurant without realizing what she was doing. Once they were far away from the restaurant, she stopped, hugging Romulus after she did so. Her arms were slightly shaking in fear, and her breaths were choppy and unsettled.

@Romulus Deathbringer
Seeing that Tekinai and Romulus were leaving, Maximilian drops a few pieces of coins with blood stains on them before leaving the restaurant to follow Tekinai and Romulus.

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