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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

Fontaine would woke up in a hospital bed, as he jump up, almost falling down, weak.

He managed to go towards the window, as it would be the ground floor, he jump down and weakly escape the room, going back to the house.
As Maximilian in walking through the city in his disquise, he spots Tekinai in the distance runnining in his direction. Pleased that he found his pret again, Maximilian begins to slowly walk in her direction.

Fontaine would manage to reach the house, as it was closer to the hospital, he go inside. "What the...?" He look around.

Fontaine would step outside again, noticing Tekinai in the distance. "What... the...?" He would walk towards her.
As Tekinai is dashing through the streets, she bumped into the old man. Once she saw his face, her eyes were wide with fear. She started to slowly back away, repeating only one word in her head. 'No...' Tekinai saw the boy in the distance. "What are you doing out of the hospital?" Tekinai yelled, glancing from the boy to the demon nervously. Now the demon could get her, and she didn't have her weapon, so she was vulnerable. Some say that fighters were only as good as their weapon. That was completely true with Tekinai. If she didn't have her katana, she couldn't do much. All her power could do was tempt men into loving her, and used that to control them. Other than that, it couldn't help her with this situation. "Run, boy." She spoke clearly, gulping after she said that.

@Barbas @AtlasTheShapeless

(Atlas, can you try using the delete button or the edit button to fix your posts, please? It would take away the spam from the same posts that are posted over and over.)
Annoyed by Fontaine's attack, Maximilian quickly changes to his true form before clawing Fontaine's chest with his right hand whipe removing the dagger with his left hand.
After nocking aside Fontaine, Maximilian begins to run at full speed towards Tekinai with the intention of grabing her with his right hand.
Tekinai nodded, trying her best to run. From her dash she did earlier, she was exhausted. She kept trying, only being able to go at a quick jog. The monster could catch her if he didn't distract himself, and she knew this very well. Her mind was running on with possibilities of death or escaping faster than her legs could physically carry her. She pushed herself to run to an alley and quickly searched around the walls. There was a dumpster, a window, and a roof edge. She climbed up onto the dumpster, then jumped to try and climb up to the window, which was hard under pressure and with sweating palms. 'This is the end... but I must keep trying!' Tekinai looked around for items to use to help her climb, but found none. All she could do was try for now. Finally, she reached the window, almost losing her footing. The monster was almost there, and she needed to work quickly. Her life was fighting against time.
Feeling slightly tired as his body fights the poison, Maximimilian spots Tekinai as she tries to open a window. Not wanting to lose his prey, Maximimilian starts to slowly approach with the intention of capturing her alive.
Tekinai was trying to grab and pull the window open, almost falling in the process. Her foot slipped, causing her to grip the top of the window's frame. She was determined to get through this window, but felt as though it were impossible. With a little bit more trying on the window, she cracked it open. As soon as she cracked it open, she saw the demon approaching her. The pupils in her eyes grew bigger. She tried to open the window further, but it was stuck to only be cracked open. "No, no, no..." When she looked down to see the demon, she tried to yank the window open, with no success. Her foot slipped as she tried another time, but this time she had no grip on the window. She grabbed the edge of the window, holding on with dear life. There was nothing more she feared than a demon.


( Aaahhh so scary xD )
Seeing that his prey was hanging on for her life, Maximimilian reaches towards her with his right hand with the hope of capturing her alive.
Ignoring the injured human's obvious attempt to distract him, Maximimilian thrusts his right hand at Tekinai in an attempt to grab her.
Tekinai felt a hand grasping her small body. The hand was scaly and rough, and scratched her as she was grabbed from the ledge. A look of pure fear fell onto her face. She closed her eyes, acting as thought it wasn't there. The boy was trying to tease the demon, but it was no use. It got what it wanted, and she didn't know what would happen next. Tekinai tried to use her hands to push herself out from his claws, but to no avail. "Please let me go...!" She cried, her ears bent back in anger from the situation. It felt horrible to be defenseless, and that's just what she was. 'I was dumb... I should have stayed at the hospital.' Her mind floated with questions. What did this demon want? Why didn't he kill her already? At this point she didn't know how to think or feel.

After catching his Tekinai, Maximimilian grabs her by the throat with his right hand before pinning her against a wall before beginning to speak. "Now now, there is no need to be scared. I simply want to offer you a deal."
Fontaine would weakly manage to stand up, holding a glass shard. He go towards the demon, when he was closer, he manage to hit his back again, before falling down again, too weak to move.
Tekinai felt her back hit against the brick wall as the demon clamped his claws around her throat. She weakly clawed at his beastly hand, closing her eyes to keep from looking at him. When she heard him speak, she gulped, then tried to speak clearly. Her voice was shaky as she tried to place her words. "W-what do you want..." She didn't care about what he had to say, all she wanted was to be freed and get away from this creature as quickly as possible. Her pale face was turned away, her eyes squeezed shut in fear.

"I want you to do two simple things, cover up my murders and kill Kirito. If you do those two tasks I will spare you and your pathetic friend here."

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