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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

Kirito's arm would hold strong. "You're not the first demon that's tryed that... And you're not the firat demon I've faced... And you definitely won't be the last demon I kill!" He'd use his other hand to grab his dagger and stab it into his hand, making him release him. Kirito would hop back and load his bow full of arrows. "Surprise..." The arrows would be shot all around the tunnel he created between him and Maximilian.

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Fontaine "forms" would stop flickering, as he wold be his normal form again, grabbing a lighter. He set the vines on fire.

"There we go..." He grin, looking at the vines.
The flame would burn out within a quick moment. "Stop trying to destroy it! It won't work!"

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Not even flinching as the arrows punctured his skin, Maximilian. continues his attack by unleashing a furry of slashes with his claws aimed at Kirito's chest.
"Alright... alright.... " Fontaine "forms" would start to flicker again.

"Help?" He say, as he can't barely stand still, quickly falling down, weak.

(Shifting "side-effects" q-q)
(I'm pretty sure I struck Kirito in the back and the demon mauled you)

Tekinai was stopped by a wall of vines, and pounded on the wall with her small hand. She slightly growled, knowing that even if she was forced to fight, she hated to lose. With the vines surrounding her, she tried pulling the vines in a different direction, which worked for a minute. Her arm was reached through the wall before more grew and trapped it there. She winced as the vines squeezed around her arm. The circulation of blood slowed, causing her to not feel her arm. As she tried her hardest to get out, she growled and cursed. She used her heels to kick into the vines, which cut them for a second only to grow back again. The main thing she was focused on was freeing her arm. Since pulling wouldn't of worked, she continued on clawing the vines around her trapped arm.

@Barbas @NightCasterZ
Kirito would loosen the vines just enough so Teki can get her arm out. "I said run Teki! I'm allowing you to escape from the demon!"

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Tekinai shook her head, and climbed the wall. If it was all around her, the only way out was up. "You know the deal. If I leave, I die. Don't you realize that?" Deciding to put her power to use, she approaching Kirito and placed a hand on his cheek as he was stuck with the demon restraining him. With a touch of her hand, she placed the feeling of love in Kirito, that would attract him to her. From then he'd do what she wanted until the effect wore off. For now he would do what she told him to. "Kirito-kun, dearest. Drop your weapon..." She looked at him, placing his face in her hands, smiling attractively to add to the effect of her love spell.

(Basically do what she says @NightCasterZ, no one can get away from her spell unless it wears off. The effect lasts 5-10 minutes.)

@Barbas @AtlasTheShapeless
Fontaine would shift into an eagle, and fly to the other side of the wall. When he reached the ground, he shifted into a bear. "Oh... poor Kirito...." He say, grining.

(Fontaine can talk while shifted...)
"You're the right idea kid! Run off and leave him to me... Don't make my sacrifice for nothing!" For the majority of Maximilian's strikes, vines protected him until the last few where he was slashed across the body. "Gah!" He'd step back, yelling to the other two. "My life may be ended here and now... But that won't stop me from saving you guys..." Kirito'd wield his sword, after enchanting it with Nature Energy, and try to impale the demon's head on the blade. "You will... Die! Even if it kills me, I won't let you roam around, devouring people as yo-"" He'd be cut off as he was charmed. He tried to fight it but ultimately ended up dropping his weapon. "N-n-no..." He'd try to reach for his bow but end up on his knees after a moment. "P-please...F-f...for the people..."

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Tekinai shook her head, smiling evilly. Even if it was a task, this reminded her of her old habits that she did with the king. She would kill captured soldiers from the Beacon, or random people outside of the Darkness Hub. This reminded her of the way the Pure Spirit looked at her as he was pleased with her doings. When Kirito pleaded for his people, she leaned in close to his ear. "I am Tekinai Miryoku, head guard to the Pure Spirit..." She paused before saying the rest, smiling. "Oh, and, I killed your people for a living. Darling, don't you understand? I came here for only one purpose. To steal information from you~." She giggled, and backed up, crossing her arms and watching as he stared with hopeless eyes. It was funny to her, and she loved to see the sadness in people's eyes when it came to battle. And in battle, she never had mercy or regret.

@Barbas @NightCasterZ
"No, simple killing him would be boring. I want Kirito to be a broken mess!" After Maximimilian finished speaking, he lifts Kirito in the air before slamming his back into Maximimilian's right knee with the intention of snapping his spine.
A snapping sound would echo as most of his bones broke. "Bleugh!" would be all that could be heard as his windpipe was severed and he coughed up blood.

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Fontaine would shift back into his human form. "What a horrible fate....almost killed by a demon, and a "trusted" friend...." He say, calm as ever.
After snapping Kirito's spine, Maximimilian begins to speak to Tekinai as he looks at Kirito's broken body. " I believe that you can use this incident to your advantage. If you play your cards right, everyone believe will that you saved Kirito's life."
Tekinai came back to reality as she heard the crack of bones, and turned away. Once she saw the boy on the ground, she got closer to him, checking his pulse as he laid still. He was still alive... She then looked at the demon who spoke. Why did he want to help her with the trust of the town? No matter, she took up his advice and rushed him to the hospital, holding his broken body in her arms. "Help! The commander, he's badly injured!" Guards and doctors rushed to his side, and brought him to emergency care. One of the guards asked her what happened, and she twisted the truth to her advantage. "He was attacked... by a demon. I tried to get to him in time, but I couldn't. It snapped his back and left him to die." The guard's eyes widened, and he rushed to follow the commander, ready to protect him. 'Now that that's out of the way... I must return, or He will become suspicious of me.' She then rushed out of the hospital, and went to the broken down house to grab her golden sheathe, along with her pure tamahagane metal katana. Once that was acquired, she returned to the demon, awaiting for his next command.

@Barbas @AtlasTheShapeless @NightCasterZ
Linus awoke from his hangover to the sounds of a massive struggle going on outside. He quickly put on the holy full plate armor he had bought the day before and grabbed his sword, inhaling the scent of the inn and the general area around it. That damn demon was back. He could smell the decay he brought around him.

He kicked the door to the inn open, slipping on his horned helmet as he did so, his sword in the other hand.

"STEP AWAY FROM HERR KOMMANDANT!" He boomed, taking a battle stance.


Incase anyone missed the post, Linus had bought steel plate armor blessed by the church, he now looks like a seven foot tall version of this. He still has his Ritturblut blade.)

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