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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

Sensing the blessings on Linus's armor, Maximimilian quickly makes his way to the open manhole before jumping into the sewers.
In the time it took Linus to put on his armor, the conflict must have dispersed. He slowly sheathed his sword, seeing only an eagle fly away and Kirito's vines descending back into the Earth. He smelled the demon's trail, but assumed he would be walking into a trap if he followed him. His armor may protect him from most of the demon's power, but he wasn't indestructible. Instead he followed Kirito's scent, leading him to the hospital. As he ran, he noticed the boy from before suddenly appear before him. "Not now, boy!" he would bark, continuing on his path to Kirito. He quickly made his way to his commander's side. He was a wreck.

"Kommandant! Vhat happened? Can you speak?" he asked quickly, removing his helmet.
Linus growled at the shapeshifter.

"I said, NOT NOW BOY!" He practically roared.

"My place is here, guarding ze Kommandant, not foolishly chasing some girl! Anyone could dispatch Kirito in zis state, unt I must be here to stop zem."
Tekinai watched as he left, and sighed. Just as the armed man in a full suit of armor approached to fight Maximilian, she went on a walk through the town, going to the bar. It was a long day, and she couldn't handle the stress much longer, although all she could do was hold it in. She called the bartender over with a whistle, which he came to her side. "What would you like, my lady?" He spoke clearly, cleaning a glass as he spoke. Tekinai sighed, brushing her hair lightly with her small, pale fingers. "Raspberry martini, on the rocks." The bartender nodded, and got her a glass of the drink. "I'm going to need a couple rounds." The man smiled, and handed her a glass. She swirled the drink in the narrow glass, before downing it. The bartender gave her as many rounds as she asked for. Soon enough, Tekinai was drunken from the amount of alcohol. When a man would approach her to compliment her on her beauty, she giggled loudly and ran her hands through one man's hair and just laughed. "You're hair feels like grass." She laughed, and the man walked away, feeling awkward about the situation. For the most part, she paraded around the building with an empty glass in hand, almost falling over as she walked. Some people laughed as she walked by them, and others turned away in annoyance.

(It's so fun to control a drunk person.
xD )

@Barbas @AtlasTheShapeless
Linus waved the boy away, sitting down by Kirito's hospital bed, waiting for him to awaken.

"Leave me. I vill get the story from Kommandant, unt noone else."

Linus sighed and unsheathed his sword, slowly polishing the golden metal.
Fontaine would walk towards the bar, kicking the door open. "Now, the money." He say, going towards the bartender, aiming his dagger at his neck.

"D-D-Dont kill me! please!" The bartender would say, handing him a purse.

"And... some coffee, please?" Fontaine would laugh.

(The bartender owe him some money... gg)
Tekinai had charmed all the men in the bar, and told them to do the line kick dance. She sat down as they all linked arms and kicked their legs in the air in a line. This made her laugh wildly. Once the men were out of their spell, they offered her drinks or asked her out. "I've had a tipsy doo, boys..." None of them knew what she meant, but to her it made sense. She giggled and waved the people in the bar goodbye. On the street she skipped and giggled, not yet sober from the intoxication of alcohol. For the moment she had no care in the world. She played with her tail as she walked on the sidewalk, smiling with red cheeks from her drunkenness.

@AtlasTheShapeless @Barbas @bloodydaimyo @Romulus Deathbringer @NightCasterZ
Linus sighed as he finished polishing his blade.

For the fifth time.

Maybe he would go out and return to his commander's side later... just for an hour or two...

He slid his helmet on and sheathed his sword, approaching a soldier posted at the door to Kirito's room.

"Have someone alert me vhen Herr Kommandant awakens, ja?"

"Of course sir!" The soldier replied with a quick salute.

Linus nodded and left the hospital, walking down the street towards a local tavern.
As Tekinai was tipsy, she approached an army man in a full body suit, seeing that the armor was from the church. She hiccuped, and laughed a little. "H-hello, God... I missed church again!" She giggled, and pointed a finger at him, her smile crooked from the intoxication. This man was tall, and she jumped up and town to try and have her head at least reach his shoulder, but couldn't do it. She frowned, and her lips vibrated to make a horse sighing noise. "You're so tall!" Tekinai giggled.

Kirito would finally awake. He'd have claw marks all across his body. "Ugh." It seems they fixed his windpipe but not his bones. As he lay in bed, the guards went and fetched Linus, citizens congratulating him on his bravery but one thought went through his mind the entire time. "Am I worthy of being a Commander if I fell so easily..." The thought rushed through his mind all day long.

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Linus looked at the girl, obviously she was plastered. he couldn't help but smile at her attempts to reach his height, even if his helmet covered his expression.

"Um, fraulei-"

he was cut off by a guard running up, out of breath from running around the entire town, searching for him.

"Knight! Commander Kirito is awake! He requests your presence at once, sir!" The soldier saluted and waited for Linus before leaving, leading him to the hospital.

Linus looked back at the girl and nodded, and followed the soldier back to Kirito's room.

He rushed to Kirito's side. "Herr Kommandant! Vhat happened to you?!' He asked, digging around in his satchel for something.
Kirito ignored Linus' question and asked his instead. "Am I... Fit to be a... Commander?" His face had a blank expression on it.

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Linus stared at the broken creature before him for a moment, taken aback by his question.

"Vell... of course you are. My father is the general, unt he vould not appoint an unworthy commander. Herr Kommandant, even I had trouble facing ze demon, and I even had an ally with me! I vouldn't expect many mortals to stand before one alone unt valk avay in one piece."

He replied, quietly, attempting to reassure Kirito.
"What is this feeling in my chest then...I was unable to stop and look at me... I'm a broken mess..." He kept his blank expression. "I am not worthy..."

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Tekinai waved him goodbye, placing a hand on her tip and waving her right hand in the air sloppily. "Bye, God!" She then turned on her heals and entered an alleyway, sitting on a lowly pillow in the alley. There was a sewer door next to it, and smelled of fumes that no one could bare, but for now she didn't care. Her mind was only on sleeping. She was entirely exhausted from that day, and just laid on the pillow. Her stomach churned and ached, which she just rested to try and relieve it. From after the pain, started the hangover. With the pain and nausea in her stomach, she vomited some of the contents of her stomach into a trashcan just left out in the alley. She groaned, and then slept to try and kill the pain. Her eyelids drifted shut as she slowly fell asleep, laying her head on the abandoned pillow in the alley.

@Barbas @Romulus Deathbringer
"Do not talk like zat. You are strong unt worthy of command, sir. No matter vhat you say, I am honorbound to serve you." Linus quickly kneeled before Kirito, bowing his head in respect before standing back up slowly.

He pulled a small red vial out of his satchel and held it out to Kirito.

"Now drink zis. It von't fix you completely but it vill greatly speed up the healing process."
Kirito would drink the vial. "Bring me Teki! She aided in the demon and she's also the one who rendered me useless for most of it..."
Linus grinned, although his smile was hidden by his expressionless helmet.

He nodded and did an about-face, spinning and walking out of the room.

"Jawohl, Herr Kommandant." he replied coldly, leaving the room. It would be a pleasure to bring this traitor to justice.

Linus searched through the town for about half an hour, looking for the drunk fox girl. Finally, he found her, passed out on a pillow in an alley way. This was too easy. He slowly and quietly took her katana away and slung it over his shoulder, making sure she wouldn't be a threat. He then slapped her face lightly, and firmly grabbed a fistful of her hair.

"Wake up frauleine, it's time to go..." He whispered, as he lifted her up roughly.

When Tekinai woke up, she felt her hair being yanked as she was lifted from the ground. She quickly snapped awake, feeling the pain surge through her. It was a man that she had recognized before she and the demon fled from the scene. 'Have I met this man other than that?' She couldn't remember anything from when she was drunk. The only thing she remembered was coming to this alley. It reeked of sewer smell, burning her nose at the scent of it. She growled as he lifted her, clawing at his hand to try and make him release her. "Oh no, not this again. No more capturing!" Once she regained herself, she ignored the pain and tried to get him to let go. Quickly she aimed to kick in his lower area, a man's weak spot. Tekinai wasn't afraid of this man, but she hated being held against her will. She tried to reach for her katana, yet she failed to reach far enough.

Linus chuckled as she kicked, her foot bouncing harmlessly off of his armor. He took out a rope and tied her wrists behind her back.

"You have commited crimes against ze Beacon unt her people. Vhat say you in your defence?"

He asked her calmly, as he drug her off towards the hospital.
Tekinai struggled against his strength, trying to break free. "My crimes were all for the king, the Pure Spirit! I will not plead for my life against you." She hissed, spitting in his face. While he took her to the hospital, she tried to pull away, and even stopped using her legs to force him to drag her. Still with all that she tried, it was no use. But she didn't give up that easily, not if her life wasn't at stake. She would fight with all she could until she had her freedom. At the doors she lifted her feet, and used them to stop the door from opening by pressing them against the handles. Even if her hands were tied, she would do what she could.

Linus's strength came in handy as the girl made it as hard as possible, to drag her to her judgement. Dragging her along was easy, her tiny body feeling like nothing to his massive frame.

When she tried to stop the door from opening, Linus threw her down, placing a huge boot in the small of her back to make sure she couldn't get up while he opened the door. He then picked her back up and led her to Kirito's room, assisted by a guard grabbing her legs.

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