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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

Tekinai thought about his offer. "K-kill or be killed, I'm guessing..." She exhaled a shaky breath of air, and then breathed in. 'If I do as he says... then this will breach the mission. The Pure Spirit will never trust me again. No one will ever trust me again...' Her thoughts piled at the possibilities of what would happen if she carried through this deal. Tekinai thought of the boy's life, and hers, then on Romulus. "I..." She breathed out, then tried her best to say the rest. "I'll do it... if you promise not to hurt Romulus." With her request, she looked over the demon's shoulder at the boy, then to the wreckage that use to be Romulus's house, shedding a single tear. She tried her best to hold herself together, holding in her tears after the one escaped. This meant for her freedom and trust would be lost, but at least she would keep the ones she cared for and loved alive.

"Eh... i wouldn't mind be killed.... nobody ever cared about me...." Fontaine would say, closing his eyes.

(*Le give up*)
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Pleased that Tekinai accepted his deal, Maximimilian releases his grip on her neck as he begins to make his way to the sewers." Exelent, I knew you would be reasonable. But if you betray me I will make you beg for death."
Tekinai dropped to the ground, coughing as he released his grip. When the demon left into the sewers, she released the tears that she was holding in for so long. She placed her hands on her face, muffling the sound of her crying. As her crying slowed, she looked up at the boy, and then turned away in shame. "I'm so sorry... It was the only way to save you..." Tears flowed down her face as she looked away in disgrace of herself. Whatever she did now, she could not hide from the demon. This deal now haunted her for the rest of the time that Maximilian needed her to do the dirty work for him. As she realized this, she also realized that at any time, if he was not satisfied with her work, he could just kill her, and would do so without even blinking.

@Barbas @AtlasTheShapeless
Fontaine would stand up, as he put a hand on her shoulder. "It isn't your fault... alright?" Fontaine would sound worried.

Fontaine would help her up. "It isn't your fault..." He repeat, slightly more worried.

Fontaine woudl hold her hand. "Hey.. stay calm... alright..?" He would move his head, slightly.
Tekinai felt his hand on her shoulder, and let him hold her hand. "You don't really understand, do you? Now I-I have to murder and clear sights for this demon, the one that even the Darkness Hub was warned about. My mission with the king has been breached, my trust that I was trying to earn with the general will be lost. Everyone will want to kill me, including Maximilian if I screw this up." She paused from her rant, then turned her face to the boy with red eyes from crying. "I have no freedom, no trust, and no control. Just leave me... Before he orders me to kill you too." Tekinai looked away, holding in the rest of her tears, hoping that the boy would leave already. Now she was a slave to a demon now, and would be killed if she didn't obey.

@Barbas @AtlasTheShapeless
"No... i'm not leaving you, being slave to a demon or not.... i still care about you." Fontaine would sound even more worried.

"Hey... stay calm... alright?" Fontaine would repeat.

"And if he try to make you kill me... i wouldn't mind..." His face would be slightly red. " As long i'm with you...." He stop, before finishing.
When Romulus was waking up, he was in a unfamilliar place, a basement. "W-Where are am I? I may be tied up, but I can shift." Suddenly, a huge massive rhino took the place of Romulus and dashed out of the wall. In the distance, he saw Tekinai. "TEKINAI!" Romulus shouted dashing for Tekinai still in his rhino form.

(Remember @FlameintheRoses I gave you the power to shift)
Kirito would arrive back in the city. Guards would be asking for assistance against a demon "A demon?!" He'd rush over to where the fight was. Even though he was hiding around a corner for a moment, he still heard Teki speaking about her mission before he ran round. "You don't have to die! You haven't betrayed us yet... So don't betray us at all!"

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Tekinai looked up at the commander, then turned away, even as her enemy she was ashamed from being near him. Fontaine had tried to calm her down, which worked slightly, but once he said he'd die, she shook her head. "No one should wish to die like that, so you shouldn't do it." Her words were met with a stern yet caring voice as she looked the boy straight in the eye, even as she had redness around her eye. She wiped the tears away, glad to see that people still cared about her. When the commander said to not betray him yet, she bowed her head, and said quietly. "What's done is done... You're now my enemy, and if I don't kill you then I will die along with you. Stay far away from me, Commander." Tekinai backed away from the commander, her words bit with coldness and a bitter tone.

Tekinai heard in the distance her name as it echoed in the city. She quickly got up, knowing exactly who it was. "Romulus?" When she saw a rhino in the distance, she knew it was him. She ran out to him, hugging him once he was closer to her. "Romulus... I'm so sorry. I've done something horrible..." Tekinai looked into his eyes pleadingly, knowing that he would need to know what had happened.

@Romulus Deathbringer @AtlasTheShapeless @Barbas @NightCasterZ

((NightCaster, the demon is gone so there is no combat. As for Romulus, I made her forget that she had that power in that situation. With all the fear of that demon and being captured for the deal, she wouldn't remember a thing about that or anything else. :3 ))
"Wait!" Kirito would chase after her and place his hand on her shoulder. "Wait... I won't let anyone die by the hands of a demon.... We can team up." He'd change his gaze to Romulus. "You too. Normal soldiers can't bim but us... We can do this!" He'[d have a serious look on his face but stay smiling. "Help me...Team?" He' reach his hand out, seeing if she accepts the offer.
Tekinai looked away. He clearly didn't hear what deal and warning the demon gave them. "The demon gave me a warning. Betray him and I'll be dead. My mission was and is to kill you... Leave before he changes his mind about the deal with me. I have no doubts that he can still hear us..." She then glanced over to the sewers, then at the commander. "Run, run and don't look back." Was the only words she said to him, as she stayed next to Romulus, not touching the commander's hand in fear that even that would make the demon kill her.

@NightCasterZ @Romulus Deathbringer
"I'm not stupid... I'm not going to die... And I'm definitely not gonna run away." He'd turn to the sewers. "Face me, demon!"

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Tekinai backed away further, if the demon came out, then she'd be required to fight alongside him to kill Kirito. "Don't do it, Commander..." But she knew that if Maximilian heard him, then it was too late for a warning. The demon would gladly take the challenge and fight. 'He doesn't know what he's doing, nor does he realize what this does for him and me. Fool. Men never listen.' She thought, waiting in suspension of the question of if the demon would come out, or ignore it.

@NightCasterZ @Barbas

(Let's wait for Barbas)
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Hearing the challange, Maximimilian nm makes his way to the sewers entrance. Just as Maximimilian emerges from the sewer, he spots Tekinai and Kirito. " Do you dare to challange me, mortal?"
"I am Commander Kirito of the Kurta! I challenge you demon to fight me for the honour of my village!" He'd bring about his blade and aim it at the sewers before quickly turning to Teki. "Help me in this fight... Let our blades join to defeat him."

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Tekinai backed away from Kirito as Maximlian emerged from the sewer. "You should have listened, Kirito." She then sided with the demon, thinking of ways to fight without a katana. Her thoughts went to one conclusion: Death by suffocation. She waited for the demon's command in battle, standing still with no emotion. Although her eyes pleaded for forgiveness. 'I'm sorry...' With that thought, she wished that she could voice it. But she knew well that once under a contract with a high class, she could not break it unless it is broken with the one who offered. Tekinai had no say in the matter, except a yes or a no to the deal. And of course, she chose yes to save Fontaine, Romulus, and herself. From now on, she knew that whatever thoughts she had, or opinions, she could not voice them unless allowed by the higher class (Maximilian).
Pleased that Tekinai was not betrayin him, Maximimilian orders Fontaine and Tekinai to attack Kirito while he observes the fight." Kill him as quickly as you can."
"Just great..." He'd mutter as he sighed. He'd turn to Teki. "You...you may leave... You say he'll kill you? It's a good thing I promised to protect anyone with even the SLIGHTEST bit of good within them." He'd charge at Maximilian while summoning a wall of vines to atop anyone else to intervene including Teki. "Run away Teki! I'll buy you enough time!" Kirito would yell as he tried to behead to demon.

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Quickly reacting, Maximimilian grabs Kirito's sword arm with left hand while grabbing his throat with his right. Once Maximimilian grabbed Kirito's arm, he begins to squeeze it in an attempt to break it.
Tekinai quickly dashed towards Kirito, striking him in the chest with her fist, then went around and kicked him into the back, meaning to make him fall over. When she spoke, she spoke the words that Kirito told her before he challenged the demon in the exact voice that he put it in, as if to mock him. "I'm definitely not going to run away." Her voice then returned to normal, and she returned to the demon's side from the two blows, watching as he squeezed the commander.

@Barbas @NightCasterZ

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