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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

("go fuck a duck" xD Im dying here xD )

Fontaine would enter the room with Kirito, Linus, and Tekinai, still disguised as a guard. He calmly watch them.
(@Atlas, The hell you talkin bout man? xD who said that?)

(And whatevet, like I said, I'm like uber tired.I can barely even type. We can pause this or you can just make something up. If you make something up, just try not to injure Linus?)
As Tekinai sat in the silence, she thought about the one she loved, and the ones she had fear of. If the Commander or General ever let her go, or let her out of their sight, she would run and not stop. 'After all, they don't understand the pain of being a deceiver... In the end, all your work is for a pat on the back, but no trust and no love.' She thought about this, which lead to her thinking about her drinking problem. Out of habit she'd intoxicate herself after a brutal fight when she would realize what she had done, just to get away from her feelings and thoughts. Tekinai just silently smiled to herself, then left to a blank expression as she thought of her battles, and the look on people's faces as they slowly died in front of her. Now, here she was, paying for her crimes in what the Beacon called "justice".

@bloodydaimyo @NightCasterZ @AtlasTheShapeless
"Do you think life is a damn game?!" His voice is angry just like his face. "We all have a life to live! If I was to let you go now, what would you do?"

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Church handed Linus a knife and looked at the girl. Sweet on the outside, lying and deceiving on the inside. "May I do it, I mean get the information from her, I am trained in knowing all the pressure points and nerve endings are, so she can be in pain but not die, sir" she asked her commander quietly.
Linus grinned at Church, not expecting such eagerness to torture from such a sweet girl. He stepped back and gestured for her to do what she would with the girl.

"Make her bleed, meine liebe.." He said sinisterly. He was a kind and loyal man, but he had no respect for traitors.
"She won't bleed much, but her pain will be burned into her soul" Church smirked, taking out her own knife, wiping it on her pant leg to clean it. She approached the girl and eyed her up and down. She took her left wrist into her hand and made a small cut on a vein. "I just cut an arterie. If it bleeds all out, you have a very slim chance of living, but that won't happen. It will continue to bleed inside your arm and destroy blood cells but I'm going to cauterise the wound." She said plainly, her knife heating up, white hot and she laid it on the girls arm, leaving it there for a minute.
Genesis lay against a wall in the room (invisible) smiling to himself.

"oh Tekinai how you have fallen" he said the voice echoed through the room.

Genesis came closer to Tekinai and whispered into her ear

"the king has become impatient Tekinai ,He sent me to check on you and insure you were doing your job"

he then made his way back to the wall he was previously at .
Tekinai screamed as the knife touched her skin and sliced her arterie slightly. She cringed through the whole process, her arms shaking. Although, the only thing she said was. "Ow." That was the only thing they deserved. But for the question that the commander had for her, she responded. "I would drink away my life from every time I felt horrible." Hoping that would be a hint to the commander that she did feel regret, she leaned her head back and bit her lip from the pain of the seeping blood. It was too much to bare, even for a head guard of the Darkness Hub, whose training was based on pain.

When she heard the spy from the king ask her how she's fallen to such measures, and all she did was roll her head away to acknowledge him, knowing that if she did then the interrogators would see her as suspicious.

@bloodydaimyo @NightCasterZ @Church Burning @Mr Swiftshots
"Now, we're getting somewhere..." His face would lighten and his tone would sweeten. "Do not harm her anymore. Now, Teki, tell me why a beast of the forest fights against the Beacon?"
Linus watched Tekinai's pain, enjoying seeing the traitor in agony. He raised an eyebrow when she spoke of drinking her problems away.

"I vould've never pegged her for an alcoholic..." he thought, watching her with increased interest.
Tekinai could only focus on the internal bleeding of her arm, and effects that it might soon have on her. When he asked his questions, she squeezed her eyes shut to try and numb the pain. Although, once she could think clearly she asked her own question. This one would probably anger the commander, but what did she have to loose? She couldn't move, couldn't be alone, and they inflicted injuries to her to try and force her to talk. Her voice was shaky from the focus on her wound, but she managed to speak clearly. "If a tree in a forest falls, does it make a sound?" She just stared, blank face at the commander. Her laughter wouldn't run free with this agonizing pain tying her down.

@bloodydaimyo @NightCasterZ
Church sighed exasperatedly and looked at the girl with disgust. "You do realise the enormity of this situation, or is your unmature and corrupt brain to drunk to process it?" She asked, taking a knife out and flipping it over her fingers.
Tekinai glared as the girl spoke, and growled at her. "You don't know corrupt, and you don't know intoxication. Leave, petty girl. This is not of your business to discuss." Her magenta pupils burned with hatred for this ignorant girl as she openly mocked Tekinai, even if she was in pain. Her right hand clamped into a fist, as her left still lay limp from the torture method. The anger in her eyes showed pain as her ears tilted back in disgust. She spoke nothing more than that to the girl, and turned her head away.

@Church Burning @bloodydaimyo @NightCasterZ
"I know more than you do" she smirked, not falling into the trap. She knew that fighting would play into the girls hand and she let the words roll over her. (Gtg, brb)
Tekinai knew by now that the girl was trying to use her anger as a way to get her to speak. She chose not to play this ignorant girl's game, and kept her head turned away from her. Nothing that she could do would get the information out of Tekinai. For she was strong willed and stubborn, which were 2 good attributes to keeping information. If someone were to even try to get her information, she would give them nothing, even if it meant for them to take her life.

@Church Burning @bloodydaimyo @NightCasterZ
Hussond would make his way to the hospital, going towards Kirito room."What the heck happened?" He look at them. (sorry if Kirito left the hospital... i lost some parts of the RP...)
Linus, growing bored of the exchange, decided to take his turn.

"Alright, frauleine, vhy don't you just tell me vhat you are hiding?" He asked, walking close to Tekinai. Before she could reply, he kicked the chair over violently, and slammed a massive steel boot down on her stomach, not hard enough to hurt her but hard enough to cause some pain. He kneeled closer to her, placing more weight on the boot as he did so, and got his face close to hers. His icy blue eyes staring in to her soul.

"All zis pain can be over if you just tell us, you know. Ve might even let you go." Despite his hopeful words, his voice was flat and the look in his eyes was intimidatingly stern.
Tekinai flinched as the chair was kicked over. Her back slammed against the chair, knocking the wind out of her lungs. She groaned, rolling her head to look up. Before she even could look, the man's boot slammed into her stomach, and she yelped in pain, struggling from his boot causing more pressure against her stomach. A tear flowed down her face as she laid her head against the back of the chair. "N-no more..." This wasn't a direct request to the general, or a plead. Her memories brought her back to the deal that she made with the demon. The moment that the deal was struck, all her life went down hill. Fear was in her eyes of what would happen next. She hallucinated that Maximilian was there, towering over her in his demonic form. Her breathing increased as she squirmed to get away from the grip of the demon that wasn't there. "S-stop!" She cried out, tears flowing down her face. Her eyes were squeezed shut in fear of the hallucination.

@bloodydaimyo @Church Burning @NightCasterZ

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