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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

"Because, cat. You are a filthy thief, unt I refuse to deal with your kind. Go back to your jungles vhere you belong." Linus glared at Hussond, pure venomous hatred in his eyes.

Linus turned towards Kirito when he spoke, realizing that he had stepped out of the chain of command.

"Of course, Kommandant. I apologize." He bowed his head slightly to the commander.

(And if I may make a suggestion? Work on your Khajiit speech a little? Like, make it closer to how a real Khajiit would speak? For instance, in the games they refer to themselves in third person. So it would be like "But why? Hussond is only Kahjiit, not murderer." You don't gotta do that, just suggesting if you wanna be more legit ^-^ )
"Linus! We do not treat people like that! He has done nothing wrong and I do not hold anything against his kind."

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"Vell I do. I have ze blood of ze wolf. My kind has been at var vith his kind for as long as our history has been recorded, Kommandant. I respectfully retain ze right to dislike who I desire."

(Like I said man, you don't have to. Just whatever floats your boat. I was just giving you some friendly advice is all.)
Linus gritted his teeth.

"Yes... Herr Kommandant..." His hatred for the Khajiit fighting with his loyalty to Kirito.
Church had been silent throughout the entire exchange snd looked up at the people. She smiled, her fangs showing. "Down boy" she teased Linus and looked at the cat. "You. Cat. Knock it off. Keep teasin him and you'll have to deal with a snake" she smirked, putting her knife away, standing up and crossing her arms.
Linus stepped forward calmly and whispered in Hussond's ear so Kirito wouldn't hear him.

"Vatch your tongue, cat. Or I vill rip it out." he said, his voice a low growl.

He smiled slightly at Church.

"Vhy of course, meine liebe." he said, bowing in an exaggerated way towards her, and stepping away from Hussond, standing beside Church.
Tekinai jumped back when the sword was thrown into the door. He just unarmed himself. She then looked at the blade, and poke it, leaning against the door. "So sharp..." She tried to unlock the door without making a sound, and giggled as the Khajiit and the knight fought.'Who knew petty arguments would be so amusing.' When the commander said what he did, she just went with the first option. "Fine. I chose first." Although she rolled her eyes and agreed with it, she had a different option in mind that no one would know about. A chance of escape. "Now can we leave? It's hot in here." She fanned herself with her small, pale hand. Her ears bent backwards, but still pointed up, while her tail swished slowly behind her, concealing the noise of the door lock to click open. 'Almost there...'

@bloodydaimyo @NightCasterZ @AtlasTheShapeless
Kirito changed from the pair fighting to Teki. "Back here now!" He'd finish using some Nature magic to heal his leg and start chasing her. "Stop now!" He'd try to block her off with vines.

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Linus ripped his sword from the door, tearing an even bigger hole in the wood. He watched the fox girl, amused at how she thought she could escape with 3 enemies in the room with her.

(Also, Church, I still have her sword from when I kidnapped her. I believe she was just messing with Linus's blade lodged in the door)
(..... I know... I typed too fast xD )

Church looked at the girl. She smiled. "How cute. Using the arguement from the boys as cover. Smart but not needed" she said, leaning on a desk.
Tekinai stopped, and left the door unlocked. It was impossible for her to escape. Unless... 'Brilliant!' She then walked over to Linus, and looked at the snake girl with a smile. "Time out, time out. I've heard this handsome man say, 'my love', and aimed this to you. Are you his girlfriend?" She pursed her lips and placed her right finger on them, curving the corners of her lips into a smile. If the girl grew jealous of her holding onto Linus like she was, Tekina knew that she'd walk over and try to remove her from Linus. Once that would happen, she would come in physical contact with the girl. That was all she needed to cast her love spell on the two. This would cause the two to act deeply in love, and would only be able to do so for 5 minutes. That was all the time she needed to escape, considering that the commander was crippled, and Linus, along with the snake girl, didn't know about her charm power.

@bloodydaimyo @Church Burning @NightCasterZ
"Yes I am and also, you can get your dirty paws off him now" she hissed, barely containing her anger, staying where she was, her hands breaking the sides of the desk. Her eyes glowed dark red and her fangs were bared. The only thing holding her back was the commanders order.
Kirito would shoot a vine at Teki. If he hit, she'd be strapped to the wall by them.

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Linus, having been touched before Kirito could warn him, was already under the girl's wicked spell, he just stared at her, her body suddenly captivating him with every little movement.
Church saw how Linus was staring at the girl and she grew so angry that you could practically see the steam come out of her ears. She closed her eyes in one final attempt to stop herself from losing control, but her hands were already going to her knives.
(Oh I thought she did. Scratch that post then! Wait... does her spell even work through armor? Cause he's wearing full plate... except for his head because he never put his helmet back on)

Linus stepped back away from her quickly, holding his sword in one hand and throwing hers to Kirito quickly. His massive blade was pointed right at the center of her chest, keeping her six feet away from him.

"Get avay from Church and I, temptress!" he boomed.
Church had grabbed her knives and was already aiming to throw one at the girls head, anger clouding her eyes. (Someone. Help. Church)

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