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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

Tekinai's eyes widened as she was thrown into a building, her back hitting against the brick, followed with the crack of her bones. She yelped and cried in pain when she came in contact with the wall, and then fell silent as she slid down to the ground, a few of the bricks tumbled down with her. That force... It was all contained into one single blow, and that was all it took. She was paralyzed temporarily by her physical and mental state. No human could've thrown with such force as that. When she looked up at the wolf, she gulped and looked away, not wanting to see what would happen to her next.

@bloodydaimyo @NightCasterZ
Linus, advancing on Teki, didn't notice the demon come out of the sewer.

And he didn't notice it was coming for him until it had already hit. As he raised a massive arm to finish off Teki, he was slammed from the side, rolling several dozen feet with Maximilian.

He kicked the demon off of him and stood up, breathing heavily, snarling, and ready for a fight.
Wanting to deal with the mutt before his friends arrived, Maximilian abegins attacking Linus's repeatable with his claws with the hope of blinding the mutt.
A claw cuts straight through Linus' eye. Gushing blood from that eye and roaring in pain, Linus feels the pain slowly fade away, replaced by adrenaline and pure murderous instinct. He grabs the demon's skull in both of his colossal hands, aiming to crush it with his powerful muscles, biting at the demon's face as he did so.
Squirming around due to the intense pain, Maximilian begins to stabb the claws on his right hand into Linus's neck while digging into the werewolf's stomach with his left hand in an attempt to free himself from Linus's grip.
Linus grunts in pain, adrenaline still blocking out most of it. Realizing the potentially life threatening situation he is in however, he drops Barbas and aims to hit him in the face with a backhand that would shatter bone, His other hand digging into the wrist of the arm impaling his stomach, severing arteries
Reeeling from the blow, Maximilian slashes Linus across the face with his right hand before jumping back in order to create some distance between him and the werewolf.
Church hissed and threw herself at the demon, slicing him across the back twice, her blades glowing with heat, instantly jumping at him again and slicing the back of his head. She bit his shoulder and trailed down, slicing the skin, making it ooze with venom.
Linus, breathing heavily, bleeding out slowly from his neck wound, glares at Maximillian.

As he sees Church enter the fray, his eyes dilate. He's not going to let her get hurt again.

Linus rips the door of a nearby shop off it's hinges, and charges the demon, swinging the flat part towards him as hard as he can, roaring the entire time.
Tekinai looked up to see the demon and Linus fighting. She smirked as she slowly stood up, but saw the girl begin to attack Maximilian. Quickly, she ran at her with all of her strength and tackled the venomous girl while she was distracted. Once she pinned her down on the floor, she held her legs and arms down to render her useless, throwing her daggers out of reach. At the touch of her skin, Tekinai activated her charm on Church, stopping her from doing anything. "You're mine now."

( Haha >:3 )

@Church Burning
Roaring in pain due to the wounds inflicted on him, Maximilian quickly darts towards the sewer,entrance that he came through in an attempt to lure Church and Linus into the sewers.
Church became limp in Teki's grip but still had a dangerous spark in her eyes. In her mind, Church was angry and hate ful, her body not allowing her to move. She vowed to kill Teki, no matter the odds.
Linus, loathed letting the demon escape, but his beast mind could only think of Church. He still had a door in his grip... He sprinted at Teki and tried to slam her with the heavy slab of wood.
Seeing that Linus stopped pursueing him, Maximilian jumps towards Linus in an atrempt to latch onto his back with his claws while biting into his shoulder.
Tekinai tumbled out of the way when she heard him coming towards her, then looked up at him with an evil intend. "One touch is all it takes." She snapped her fingers to make Church get up. "Girly, go bite your boyfriend." Tekinai then giggled, and backed away from the scene that was just about to happen. Another time she snapped, signaling for Church to begin the fight with Linus.

(Church, I choose you! Use poison!)

@Church Burning @bloodydaimyo @Barbas
Linus rolled back, nearly 600 pounds of pure canine muscle landing flat on Maximilian. He reaches over his shoulder and grabs the demon's head, keeping him there as he slammed him in between the street and his huge body repeatedly.

(Can I choose pikachu? xD )
(Fuk you)

Church had shock and sadness in her eyes as she ran at Linus, jumping onto him as he fought and bit him with her fangs. She kept off, knowing he could die in a matter of seconds and walked back slowly to Teki, unwillingly. (I fuggin hate you! I'm crying on my couch as I typed this! Fuk u)
Filled with intense agony his body heals his broken bones, Maximilian digs his claws deeper in Linus's back in an attempt to free himslf.

(I choose Magicarp!)
Linus was tired of this. He was going to end it right now. He threw Barbas over his head as hard as he could, but felt two small pricks on his arm, and then searing pain. Church had bitten him. His beast blood was tainted with venom... He only had one chance... his wounds may heal when he turns forms... but he's never dealt with venom before. As dangerous as it was, he had to try. He screamed in pure agony once more, as he took his form as a human again. He still felt the venom in his veins... but it seemed like he may live. He drew his blade and limped back to the hospital as fast as he could, the poison making his joints stiff... If he could just get back to his armor... He could still win...
Church looked at Linus limp away and felt tears roll down her face, not knowing how to deal with this dangerous and fatal pain. She let out a sorrowful cry and felt her heart breaking.
Tekinai then smiled and clapped, giggling all the while. "Your job is done, girly. Run far, far away, and don't come back." She placed another hand on the girl, causing the affect to add 5 more minutes to it. Just enough time for her to get away from the scene. Once she snapped her fingers, Church would then obey. Since that was over with, she went over to Linus while he was struggling, and quickly poked him before backing up away from him. This activated the spell, which made him defenseless. "Linus-sama, freeze." This would cause the man to stop, once he did that she spoke her next command. "Drop your weapon and come back, we aren't finished with you." A sly smile spread across her face when she commanded the man under her control.

(This is mother Russia, Pikachu chooses you, @bloodydaimyo ! Sorry @Church Burning xD )

(Isn't that a little OP? I mean, he is injured and shit, but he still has a god damn buster sword he can use to keep her at bay xD )
)u. Gonna. Die!)

Church cried and ran, her body not stopping. She ran out of the Beacon and into the woods. Once the effect was done, she collapsed in a heap and cried her heart out. Her tears felt like acid running down her face and the forest was silent, as if it wasn't going to break her heart any further.

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