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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

Tekinai backed up from him with a frowning face. All of the sudden, she saw a plant coming after her to grapple her down. She jumped out of the way, with the cost of her landing on the ground. With that she tried to get up quickly, although she landed on her left arm. The pain still tinged in her arm, and she groaned from it. After that, she slowly got up from the ground, glaring at the commander with hatred of attacking her.

(Sadly, it doesn't work through metal)
Linus saw Church ready to strike and stepped infront of her, his blade still pointed at the deceiver.

"Church, ve can't kill her... not yet..." He whispered to her.
Church looked up at Linus and sighed, putting her dagger. "Fine but if she tries anymore tricks....well I promise nothing" she hissed, glaring at Teki with pure hatred, her eyes still dark red.

(Sorry to interrupt your scene, but I just wanted to say that I'm dropping out. I can't keep up, becausim not getting notifications about it, so good bye.)
(I enjoyed playing her, and I enjoyed the roleplay. But I don't want to just pop up out of no where with a post that was ment to go pages and pages ago. So good bye to all, it was......interesting. I hope to see you somewhere else on this site.)
(Might I suggest a thread called the high school for the angelic and demonic. We're quite small and r look ing for membwrs

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NightCasterZ said:
(Might I suggest a thread called the high school for the angelic and demonic. We're quite small and r look ing for membwrs
Sent from my XT1039 using Tapatalk
Link me and I may join. Entirely too lazy to look it up brother xD
Tekinai slowly got up in a surrender, backing up to the door. Lucky for her, the knight didn't notice that she swiftly stole her katana back, along with the golden sheathe. Just as Linus was focused on the girl, she ran out the door, shutting it quickly behind her. She waisted no time and ran towards a patient's room, locking the door behind her from the inside. With the little time she had, she opened the window and jumped out onto a roof of the next door building. When she landed, her ankle twisted by the fall. She limbed as she tried to quickly get away from the hospital building, looking behind her every now and then as she began to jog across the building.

(Bye, sorry you couldn't catch up. :c)

@bloodydaimyo @NightCasterZ @Church Burning
"Verdammt!" Linus roared, quickly shedding his armor and leaving it with Kirito and his guards.

The hospital room was filled with the screams of agony as he became a lycan, having to bend over in the room, his body too tall for the ceiling. He wasted no time in ripping the door off the hinges, and sprinting down the hall on all fours, following the scent of the fox girl. he lunged straight through another door, and it exploded into kindling and splinters. He saw her in the distance and dove out the window, shattering the frame with his massive body, landing awkwardly and rolling several times before scrambling to his feet and giving chase, his speed in this form much faster than any two legged creature.
(She ran out the door, so they would've hit the door before they even hit her. She's still injured though so one of you can catch up to her)
Church hissed and ran after her, far faster than Linus. She shot out from above him and jumped from roof to roof, nearly landing on Teki and lunged at her, making them both fall off the building and onto the stree. Church stood up, her eyes dark with anger and hate. "You sneakin bitch" she said hotly.
Linus lunged at the falled Teki, a clawed hand as big as her chest pinning her to the ground by her neck, the other on her hand that held the katana, keeping her restrained. The wolf roared in Teki's face, saliva spattering her.
Tekinai's eyes widened as the girl caught up with her, then tumble with her down the roof. Once they rolled off, she landed on her back with the girl on top of her. Then came Linus, who pinned her by the neck. Saliva covered her face when he roared, causing her to look at him with disgust. Yet again she was caught. For once she wanted the demon, or someone, to come and save her. 'There's just no end to this trap, is there?' She thought, struggling under his grip around her neck.

@bloodydaimyo @NightCasterZ @Church Burning @Barbas
Linus, tired of the trouble the girl cause, lost control in his beast form, essentially becoming feral. He stood up, still gripping her by the neck, and threw her hard at the wall of a nearby store.
After following Tekinai in the sewers tunnels for some time, Maximilian climbs out of the sewer through a manhole where he sees Linus attacking Tekinai. Annoyed that his pawn was captured so easily, Maximilian lunches toward the werewolf in an attempt to tackle him.

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