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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

Linus looked at the creature under his boot as she sobbed. Though his face didn't show it, he did feel sorrow for the girl. He just wished she would speak so they didn't have to keep torturing her.

He let up on the boot slightly, and opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out, as he was interuppted by her frantic thrashing and pleading. He knew she wasn't begging for him to stop, and he instantly removed his boot, kneeling beside Tekinai, his usually cold eyes filled with a slight hint of concern for her.

He spoke quietly to her.

"Girl, please calm yourself, ja? If you are in danger, I vill protect you, even if you are a traitor unt a criminal. Vhat troubles you?" He stroked one of her ears gently with a knuckle, trying to calm her.

He may be attempting to help her now, but that is only because he can sense something is very wrong with her. He was still wary of any tricks she may try if she saw his concern as weakness.

Linus glanced at the strange man and went right back to Tekinai, not looking at the man as he addressed him.

"Soldier's of Kommandant Kirito, only. Vacate zis room before I force you to, civilian."
Kirito would hobble over to Teki and kneel down. "Take your foot off her." He'd wait for Linus to move his foot and continue. "Are you alright? What is it?"
Tekinai heard their reassuring words, but next to them was the vision of the demon, the hallucination. It spoke to her with a sadistic smile. "Kill them all, or do you want you and your friends to die?" Her body shook as she listened to his words, and she gulped. "N-no... Sir, please..." She didn't speak of his name in fear, but still listened to what they had to ask. When she was going to answer, she looked over at her shoulder at the demon that wasn't there. It made a motion of cutting of her head, and she gulped. Then she looked down and didn't say anything, afraid of what he might do or of what the interrogators would do. Would they beat her more if she stayed silent about the demon? She knew they would, and she turned away, her body still shaking in fear of the "spiritual presence" of the demon. When they asked if she was okay, she just stared forward, forcing herself to nod.

(So much internal conflict though :o )
Linus looked at her eyes when she nodded. He knew that look from wars and tragedy. That was the look of someone who has seen far too much, who has been shaken to the core. It was the kind of look soldiers had in their eyes after a battle that left them emotionally and mentally scarred. he knew something was deeply wrong, and picked the chair up, setting it upright. He snapped his fingers in front of the fox girl's face, trying to break her out of her thousand-yard stare.

"Frauleine, ve can protect you. You are in ze company of a girl vith a venomous bite, an elite knight, unt Herr Komandant himself. You vill be fine if you trust us." He spoke, his voice sincere. He was a man of honor, and if she trusted them, he would keep his word and wouldn't hurt her.
(*Slowly rages*)

Hussond would stand up, looking at her.

"Miss? can you tell us what is wrong? we can help you, but you need to tell us." Hussond would try to persuade her.
Tekinai was snapped away from the hallucination, still breathing slightly quickly, but she was calming down. With the soldier's reassuring words, she still didn't trust him. She knew the strength of the demon. Once the hallucination was gone, she looked towards the khajiit and nodded to him when he asked if it was a demon. Then she looked away, still shaken up from the vision, and from the fact that she could not get away from the demon. "You can't protect the ones that will be hunted until the day they die." She spoke in a slight riddle, knowing that they would figure it out. What she meant was that the demon would find her whenever he could. Whether it be to kill or to command, he wouldn't leave her alone. She knew well that once she had the information of the demon, she'd be bound to it and would be killed if she shared anymore than the deal they made.

@bloodydaimyo @NightCasterZ @AtlasTheShapeless
"Miss, stay calm alright? i'm going to help you.We are going to help you, ok?" Hussond tail would stop moving, as his head would slightly move.

"Let her go, please?" He would turn to Linus and Kirito.
Linus looked at the cat, towering over him.

"She von't be released until ve can trust her. If you try to release her I am afraid I vill have to take you in to custody as vell, kitten" he drew out the last word, making it obvious that he didn't like Khajiit. They were all a bunch of thieves.

He turned back to Tekinai, and understood fully what she meant.

"You are avare zat I have blessed armor, right frauleine? Unt I have no problems vith guarding you if you need." He told her, quite aware that the demon would be loathe to come near her if she was protected by a colossal paladin with a giant sword.

"You may be a criminal, but zat creature is more dangerous than any of ze threats ve have encountered thus far, ja? I'm sure ve could vork something out for your freedom..."
Hussond was angry, but tried to stay calm.

"Can you atleast stop torturing her?" He ask, trying to stay calm, as his tail would slightly move again.
"Ve are trying to help ze girl, dummkopf!" He walked up to the cat, growling.

"Now, I believe I told you to vacate Kommandant's room."

(We stopped torturing her when she started hallucinating bruh. I even sat her chair up right cause Linus is a nice dude sometimes.)
(He was in the room when I picked the chair up and me and Kirito started acting sympathetic towards her??)
Tekinai sighed, her tired eyes looking town at her lap. Her tail swung to the right of body, and stayed there. She had been in a chair all day, and was tired of it. With the soldier's words, she pondered her decision. The last thing she wanted to deal with was a goody two shoes following her all day, but she thought of it as a supposedly as a benefit. It would be better than being tied to a chair, stuck in interrogation for most of her days. "I have no trust in you." She spoke bluntly, then continued. "But... Freedom sounds like a golden treat." Tekinai pondered out loud, then she just sighed. "Let's be real here. No one trusts the deceiver." As she spoke, she closed her eyes, then looked around the room with slight annoyance. She tapped her foot against the tile floor, impatiently waiting for their decision. All she wanted was freedom. For her, even a small jail cell would feel a step closer to freedom. Just as long as she wouldn't be tortured and questioned constantly.

@bloodydaimyo @NightCasterZ @AtlasTheShapeless
"Really? i was gussing you was trying to kill her." Hussond would say, sarcastic, as he lean on the wall.

(But he think that they will keep torturing her.)

(and yep, he was there)

(And Hussond isn't THAT smart)
"All of you calm it!" He was speaking in a harsh tone but sweetened up to Teki. "Now... You have two choices. Either you help us best the demon and you are free or you can stay here until you speak... Your chpice. You can take as much time as you need."

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Linus turned back towards the girl.

"If zat is vhat you need to tell us vhat happened, zen with ze gods as my witnesses, I am in your service, frauleine. I am honorbound to your command." He told her solemnly, kneeling before her. He then rose and cut her free from her bonds.

"You may move as you vish. But you do not get your blade back or ze right to leave zis room until Kommandant allows it, ja?"

He then turned to Kirito.

"Herr Kommandant, do you vish for ze stranger to be... escorted... out of ze room?" He asked, gesturing to the cat leaning against the wall.
Tekinai felt the bonds to her limbs cut away. She picked up her arms and rubbed her left wrist with her right hand, wincing slightly. When she stood, she stood up slowly, popping her back as she did so. It felt great to be standing again, and she looked at her katana with a frown. "That's no fun. I earned that." Tekinai looked at the commander, then at the door. Oh how she wanted to be outside in the sun, bathing in the light, or the moonlight if she had to. Either way, she wanted to be free from this room. She stood next to the door to mess with the commander and the knight, pursing her lips as she looked at the handle. "I chose... Option C. Freedom and no conflict, sided with the con of loneliness." She was half joking, but really did want to be alone for once in her own space at the bar, doing daily activities, having fun. Instead she was stuck here. She crossed her arms and scooted a step closer to the door, but didn't touch the handle. Her body language as she did this spoke more than she's ever said verbally. 'You going to do anything about it?' She kept herself from smiling at the situation.

@bloodydaimyo @NightCasterZ
Linus, watched her, completely calm, as though he wasn't even concerned with the fact that she may run.

As she stepped closer to the door, he still just looked at her resolutely, and in a flash, half of his sword was embedded in the door, a few inches from her face.

"Do not test me, girl." He commanded, his gaze hard as steel once more

He took a side glance at Hussond.

"You vill do no such thing, Khajiit. Try unt I vill have your head mounted above my hearth."
(Kinda waiting for Night to post something. He commands me, and Teki is our prisoner xD so everyone is pretty much depending on him to say what to do. )

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