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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

Seeing that Linus was leaving with Church, Maximilian picks himself off of the ground and quickly makes his way towards a nearby manhole, which Maximilian precedes tears from the ground so that he can enter the sewer system to hide and heal.

( I have been playing the Skyrim Legendary Edition too.)
(Back!!) church was bleeding heavily and her heartbeat grew faint

(I was welcoming guests into my house then I locked myself in my room )
(Just assume we went somewhere safe and I needed time to recover from my beast form I guess. Ill be on later

And its soooo good. I played Skyrim so much when I first got it back in 2011. Just got Legendary Edition last night, played it non stop all night xD )
Mari entered the spy training facility. There are several punching bags hanging from the ceiling. There are also several sparing mats sitting in the corner. A girl is practicing punches on one of the punching bags. Mari approaches her. "Hello, I'm Mari Himura. I'm a new recruit training to be a spy. Do you think you could help me with that?" Mari asks. The girl looks up at her, panting from her work out. "Yeah sure. I'm Suroku, the head spy." The girl says, introducing herself. "Do you have any experience in fighting?" Suroku asks. Mari nods. Suroku gestures to the punching bag as if to say "show me." Mari takes her bow and quiver off of her shoulder and gets into a fighting position. Then, she proceeds to demonstrate several moves on the punching bag such as palm heel strike, side kick, uppercut, and front kick. Suroku nods in approval. "Good good. But, maybe make it a little more agile." Suroku says. Then Suroku does exactly what Mari did, not one difference. "Excuse me Suroku, but I fail to see how that was any different from what I just did." Mari says crossing her arms. At this remark, Suroku raises her eyebrows and crosses her arms as well. "If you think you're so good at fighting, why don't we move on to stealth?" Suroku says, obviously pissed off at Mari. Mari gives a fake smile and says "of course." Mari then follows Suroku to another room. It appears to be a maze made out of rusted steel. "Your task is to get to the other side of this maze without being seen. Good luck!" Suroku says giving a fake smile and closing the door. Mari looks at the maze in front of her. "Seems easy enough." She mutters. She walks stealthily through the maze, stopping at every corner to check if someone is there. Mari sniffs the air to see which direction leads out. She can tell that it is about 10 feet away. Making the correct turns, Mari reaches the end of the maze. She opens the door. Standing there smirking is Suroku. When Suroku sees Mari she gasps. "What?" Mari asks, confused. "How did you do that!? No beginner spy has ever completed the maze successfully!" Suroku says, stunned. Mari smirks, pleased with herself. "Well, I just did." Mari says putting her hands on her hips and holding her head up high.
Linus came to in the basement of an abandoned house, lying on a pile of animal pelts. He looked around and realised that he would have to buy new armor. He left his in town, let alone the fact that creature had ripped his breastplate apart...

But that's not the only thing he ripped apart...

Linus noticed the snake girl laying beside him... she was injured...

He got up and started searching through drawers and chests, looking for medical supplies.
Linus found a roll of bandages to stop the bleeding... but he wasn't a doctor. He didn't know how to make her breathing regular... All he could do was pray to the Gods that she'd be alright... He'd never forgive himself if something happened to this girl, all because he thought he could face a demon...

Linus walked over and started wrapping her wounds, doing his best to staunch the flow of blood.
Linus jumped when she cried in pain, he wasn't expecting it. But he quickly went backto her, running a hand through her hair.

"Shh frauleine... it's okay.... I am here, unt I vill help you."

He spoke softly and kindly, knowing that she must be in intense pain. He would do his best to help her, make her feel better.
She was breathing normally... that was good at least...

Linus took her arm as well and sat there for a moment, letting her get calmed down.

He then left the basement for a few minutes returning with a satchel, its contents clinking together as he walked.

"Zis better work..." He thought as he pulled out a small red vial.
Linus stroked Church's cheek gently to let her know he was back

"Frauleine... I'm back, I had to go to ze alchemist shop... I have a health potion... supposed to be anyvay... here, it vill heal your wounds...."

"Hopefully..." He added in his thoughts...

He removed the cork from the red bottle, with a loud pop. He slowly put the neck to Church's mouth and tipped it forward gently.
Linus kneeled beside the girl, taking her hand gently.

"Vhat is it Church?"

For once in his life, he felt truly concerned. He has delved ancient burial sites, crawling with undead, hunted vicious criminals, and been in an all out war before, and none of that bothered him like this girl's pain did.
He looked at the girl, lost in those eyes.

"Yes. I vould havve been able to kill him in zat form... but I knew you vould'nt have made it.... I had to keep you safe."
Church blushed. "R-really?" She said softly leaning closer to Linus' face, a bit of hair falling in front of her eyes.
Linus smiled slightly and brushed the hair from her face with a finger.

"Really. You are more important zan a foolish demon." He said quietly, leaning in close.
Church blushed. On sudden impulse, she kissed him softly across the mouth, blushing bright red, eyes closed. She broke the kiss and looked at Linus with her bright eyes.
Linus's eyes grew wide in surprise but quickly closed.

When Church broke the kiss he could find no words, and could only stare in to her serpentine eyes before kissing her himself, a grin on his lips as he broke it.
Church grinned back and looked down, blushing bright red, to match her eyes. Her heart fluttered like a bird stuck in a cage.
Linus smiled at her, pushing her head up by her chin with a gently hand, so she was looking at him.

"You are truly somezing special, frauleine. You are different... in ze best way."
Tekinai left the bar, waving to the bartender goodbye. Once she was out the door, she sat outside, and pulled out a cigarette to smoke, but forgot a lighter. "Damn..." She spoke between her teeth with the cigar in her mouth. When she looked around, she saw an alley with a barrel lit on fire on the inside. She shrugged, and used the fire to light her cigar, then stood against the wall. Small puffs of smoke floated in the air every couple seconds. Once she was done with her cigarette, she flicked it into the barrel of fire.

In the city, she took a walk on the sidewalks, passing by the citizens that waved for her to visit their shops. She just shook her head and waved them off. "No thank you." She said to all the people who asked her to visit her shop. One lady handed her a red flower for free, which she placed in her hair. "Thank you, Madame." The lady smiled, and Tekinai continued on her walk.

@Romulus Deathbringer
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