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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

"A serpent? Not very often I meet a beastkin like zat... You are a very interesting individual, frauleine..."

He seemed to zone out, lost in thought for a moment before remembering the matter at hand.

"Come with me, I know ze best place to eat in zis town!" He said cheerfully, his mouth watering thinking of the hearty food. He walked back towards town, making his way to a little tavern known as the Ragged Flaggon.
Church followed, making sure to put his scent in her memory. Musky yet oddly sweet, she thought. It reminded her of the forest den she used to have and smirked. She smelled the food and grinned, her fangs hidden. Her stomach growled loudly and Church blushed.
Linus found it hard to keep his mind on remembering where the tavern was. His thoughts kept drifting to the snake girl he had just met. She was... different... but in a good way... He smiled slightly, enjoying her company.

Finally, they made it to the tavern, and the smells were incredible. Linus had to stop himself from completely kicking the door down, his animalistic hunger taking over. He took a seat on one of the stools in front of the bar, gesturing for Church to take a seat beside him.

An overweight, but very friendly man was behind the counter, cleaning glasses and tankards before the customers started flooding in. Once he noticed Linus, he flashed him a big grin, as he was one of the regulars.

"Hey big guy! How ya been?" The barkeep chuckled out as he approached his old friend.

"I have been good, friend. I decided to bring zis girl that just wandered in to town. She looked hungry."

The barkeep chuckled and winked at Linus, who merely flashed a barely noticable smirk back.

He spoke up again

"I assume you havin' the usual Linus? And what about you lass?" He asked as she walked in to the tavern.
" I suppose a beer, the strongest beer you have please and anything super spicy and meaty. Make sure it's so spicy, I could actually breathe fire!" She smirks, sitting next to Linus. She pulled her hood down, revealing her Snow White hair.
The barkeep merely chuckled when she took her order.

"Comin' right up lass!"

As he walked back in to the kitchen, Linus smiled.

"You have a very interesting concept of breakfast, Church. I like it."

As she flipped her hood down, he couldn't help but stare, struck by the sight of her.

"Your.... your hair is very... beautiful.." He said, uneasily. Linus wasn't used to spending time with girls, let alone actually talking to them. He was always too busy training and hunting to worry about them. This one however, seemed like she may be worth missing a couple drills for.
Church blushed at his complement. "Thank you" she said softly. She had never felt this way before. What's going on?!, she thought, her heart beating rapidly, making her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. "So what do normal people usually have for breakfast?" She asked, looking at him and smiling
"Decent numbers I see... For the rest of you, feel free to explore the city but no slacking! We have a few criminals roaming around and anyone able to catch then will be granted the privilege to meet the Pure Spirit and accompany me to tactics meeting from now on. The criminals are a demon who disguises himself as an old man named Maximilan, a hooded angel who appeared above the citu last night and a person called Zero who wields a strange scythe if some sort. That is all, thank you!" Kirito would leave with the soldiers who were going to accompany him on the scouting mission.

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Mari shielded her eyes as a large searchlight beamed down on her. Over a microphone, Mari heard a man say "A new recruit I presume? Do you have any fighting experience? What is your weapon? Do you have any ties to the army?" Mari shouted up a reply to the man in the watch tower. "I am a new recruit and my father taught me how to fight! I use a bow and arrow! I can also control how plants grow! My father was in the army and... And... He died during training." She said the last sentence a little quieter, as it it pained her to speak of her father. The man in the watch tower pressed some sort of button and the gate to the barracks opened. "Welcome, new recruit." He said over the microphone. Mari walked through the gate, her head held high. A man was standing by the gate. "I am a fellow soldier. Welcome. My name is Raz." The soldier said. "I'm Mari Himura, it's nice to meet you Raz." Mari said smiling sweetly. Raz blushed and said "I will be taking you to your new barrack. Follow me." Mari nodded and fluttered her eyelashes. "It seems men in the army are harder to charm." She thought to herself. She followed him to a large rectangular steel building. "Barrack 6." Raz said as he opened the door. He led Mari down the rows of beds and finally stopped at one. "Your bed ma'am." Raz said nodding to her. "Get your things arranged and the general would like to speak with you outside barrack 4 in ten minutes." Mari nodded to him and swished her tail around his legs. "Thank you so much." She said in a very flirtatious voice. Raz blushed but did not reply. He nodded curtly to her and then left. Mari turned to her new home. The bed was on 4 foot tall stilts and there was a small trunk underneath it. She emptied her small bag into the trunk. "Now how on earth am I going to get onto this bed?" She muttered. Seeing that there was no ladder, Mari decided to make one. She flicked her hand and vines grew up one of the posts instantly. "Much better," Mari said to herself as she climbed the vines. She sat on the bed. "Not very comfortable." She said sticking out her bottom lip in a pouty face. "Very well. I mist be meeting the general now." Mari said hopping down from the bed. She readjusted her bow on her back and then left barrack 6 and headed to barrack 4.
Newtype said:
Morbus now stood in the center of the forest. He was commencing trial number 1 to destroy the forest. He used his magic to implant a magic circle in the circle and another circle appeared circumscribing the whole forest. It was a spell to reduce the forest to a mere crater. He set the time limit on it to one hour, if he is not defeated in this hour then the spell will activate.
Linus laughed a little at her question.

"Vell, most would have biscuits or eggs or somezing. Maybe milk. Not beer and somezing spicy! Vhatever though, I get beer in ze mornings to!" Linus said, running a hand through his golden hair.

This girl actually made him laugh... better than most people can do... And Linus had to admit that she was certainly... attractive...

Trying to keep his thoughts in line, Linus asked the first thing that came to his mind.

"How did you become a beast? I mean... it's easy to become a Lycan, but... how does one become a snake?"

As he asked the question, thr barkeep returned, setting down two tankards of a dark brown ale, and a steak, nearly raw for Linus, and an odd sort of breakfast burrito for Church, full of bacon, eggs and several different kinds of peppers.

"Enjoy, kiddies!" The barkeep laughed as Linus shot him a halfway serious glare.

(Yo what is the time frame here? I assumed it was like medieval cause of the watch towers and swords and stuff? But we got people wearing hoodies and using searchlights? I just want sone clarification xD )
"Well, I was born this way. I don't know how cause I didn't have a mum or dad to tell me and my village called me a curse. I guess one of my parents were snake.." She said before taking a bite of her food with a straight face and swallowed. "Damn this is good!" She smiled, puffing out a bit of white smoke.

(I think it's a mixture of old and new. Church is wearing a black long sleeved top and black/grey jeans and no shoes)
"Ah... Interesting...

Linus watched her for a moment, somehow, even the way she ate was cute.

He smiled to himself as they ate, downing his ale in a few mighty gulps, finishing the steak just as fast. The food was delicious as always, and he payed for his food and Church's, leaving the barkeep quite a bit extra, once more, as always.

He burped loudly and grinned at the snake girl. He could easily get used to having her around...

"Vell.... vhat do we do now?" He asked her, leaning back on the stool.
Church looked at him with a grin. "Follow me, if you can keep up" she said before running out of the pub, smiling. She jumped onto a rooftop and waited for Linus to follow her.
"Dammit!" He shouted, unprepared for her actions.

He ran after her, and to call it graceful in any way would be a straight lie, he was slow and found it hard to keep up, his huge frame being a heavy burden when he tries to be agile. He pulled himself on to the roof with ease however, his unparalleled strength benefitting his effort to climb.

Linus looked at the girl and merely thought "Vhat have I gotten myself in to?" Before giving her a smirk.

"Is zat ze best you have?" He teased
"You ain't seen nothin yet!" She smirked and sped off, jumping from one roof to another and sliding down a pole and continued to run. "HURRY UP WOLFY!" She yelled, teasing him.
Tekinai already knew these names, and was glad that she could stay. Although something was off. Meet the Pure Spirit? Did he mean the real deal? No... He couldn't have. No one could meet the Pure Spirit except his most trusted generals and head guards. Perhaps he was bluffing... None the less, she needn't worry about that mission. It was pointless for them to be going on this mission, they'd be killed if they entered the city, and before that the bandits and thieves would steal all their objects of battle. No matter how innocent people seem in the Darkness Hub, no one was or could be trusted. Tekinai scoffed at the idea, and went on her way to the city.

In the Beacon city, there were many beautiful shops and homes all over. The colors of these places were all beautifully contrasted and placed. It was all perfect in the Beacon, and a little too perfect. She left to the bar to get a drink, bringing her 5 silver that she has always had but never used. Tekinai had no use for her money in the Darkness Hub. It was just an item for show so she could steal from the shops with ease. 'Hopefully I'll meet that boy out here... He is one of my people, so I trust him only in this place. Not much, though.' She blushed at the thought of the shapeshifting boy. Someday they will meet outside of these walls, when her mission is complete, and be trusted allies, or more than that. What's the word? Friends. She bought a glass of fine wine, swirling it in the glass as she sat down at the counter. The bartender glanced at her as he cleaned a glass, then went over to help someone else in the bar. Tekinai took a sip of the fine alcohol, the taste was amazing, yet the sensation of it going down burned. She happily sighed after the sip, then downed the rest in one go. Men in the bar looked at her in awe, she shot them a sly glance and smiled, flicking her tail slowly, which made one person whistle. "Cool it boys, you ain't having me." She laughed a little, then winked at one of the men, which fell out of his seat. 'Idiot men, always falling for the same things.'

@Romulus Deathbringer
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Linus lagged behind quite a bit, and nearly fell off the rooftops on the jumps. Once he got to the pole, he attempted the same maneuver the girl had done, but the pole couldn't take his considerably larger frame, snapping as he made his way down. linus landed with a grunt and looked up at Church.

"Don't ve have anyzing better to do? Like zat whole defend the forest zing? Id just prefer not to die today." He groaned, obviously defeated by the free running.
After seeing a group of traders getting ready to enter Beacon, Maximimilian quickly changes his form to that of an old man and precedes to carefully sneak in through the gate just as the gate was about to close. Once inside, Maximimilian begins to wander around the city while avoiding the city's guards.
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Church laughed and jumped down, landing on her feet. She held out a hand. "I guess I win? Besides...."she stopped and looked around, her eyes narrowing. Something felt wrong, and she didn't like it. She shook her head as the feeling passed. "Besides, you were doing really well until the pole. Also, wearing less armour would make the jumps easier" she told him smiling.
Linus took her hand and stood up.

"Ja, ja you vin. I'm a knight, not an acrobat. I bet I could..."

Linus took a deep sniff.


He did it again.

This time he broke out in to a run, heading towards the front if town, near the entrance. Someone was here that shouldn't be.

"Frauleine! Come with me!" He exclaimed, unsheathing his gigantic sword
Sensing that he was detected, Maximimilian begins to casually walk away from Churchin and Linus so that they wouldn't see him yet.
Linus skidded to a stop near an old man. He looked harmless enough, but Linus knew the truth.

He pointed the sword at the old man.

His voice was calm and commanding.

"I know vhat you are. You stink of rot unt damnation. I know you do not come from zis plane of existence, unt I intend to banish you from it, demon."

His drew out the last word, his voice full of hate and venom.

"I refuse to stand by unt allow you to destroy zis land. Fight me, foul creature!"

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