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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

"Ok, then... you want to see it?" she held her hand out in from of her "have you ever heard of blood magic? it was used by a rare clan of demons that, because of their strength got completely murdered to extinction..." she bit into her thumb, and seconds later a glowing crimson bow formed in her hand as blood gushed to form it "well here it is... weapons made out of our own soul" her words seemed to echo before she spotted quirt "Oh, hi Kirito!" she smiled before hearing the girls comment "hey! I'm a commander too you know!' she pouted like a little kid staring at the girl. @ashlynn @NightCasterZ
"Ready Riku?" He would allow himself a little smile before he would charge into battle. He'd first swing at Zero with a strike to impale her stomach on his blade.
She was about to swing her word to finish the man off, but stopped abruptly as his words. She sighed, it was her duty to her father and uncle to help those from her home, and she would not fail them. She sheathed her sword, and dragged the man off to a place away from the battle, before applying some healing herbs to his wound, bandaging it with cloth, and then pouring ice water on his head to help wake him up.
"Well I suppose that is true." She smelled so much delicious blood, from the corpse if the man the demon had killed, to others that were hurt in the earlier battle, to now, with the man in front of her. She had to take a step back from him, and take a few deep breaths.'You are fine. You are in control. It won't overwhelm you.' She was wrong. The smell overwhelmed her, and she lunged at the man, getting him in a headlock, before gaining control, and realizing what she was doing, she immediately let go of him.
Linus saw another fight unfolding before him. He wouldn't miss out on this one.

"Lets see how you like zis!" He yelled before un hooking his.breastplate and greaves. This left him only in a pair of leather pants that fit loosely around his waist. He growled loudly and held his head, groaning in pain. bones could be heard cracking, snapping, and reforming under his skin. His muscles grew larger, threatening to break through his very flesh before it thickened and grew stronger. His eyes rolled in to his head, and patchy, white fur started sprouting from his body. Linus felt the bones in his face shatter as they reformed in to a long muzzle, his teeth growing several times their length and becoming much sharper. Claws would tear through the skin on his fingers, leaving him with the equivalent of several 4 inch long knives on his hands. As he changed, his voice groans of pain became growls of rage. Finally he fell silent, breathing heavily. What once was Linus was now a massive, 8 foot tall werewolf, its fur long and whiter than snow. his leather pants were shredded now, but still barely staying on. He gave a mighty roar and looked around for something evil to kill, his now yellow eyes full of a predatory bloodlust.
Azumi turned at the groans of pain. She stared at the massive wolf, in not fear, but pure child-like wonder. She reached out a hand to stroke his fur, while murmuring to her self about how wonderful this massive beast was.
The beast looked at the small creature petting it's fur. It knew that she was one of the good ones. Linus gently nuzzled her face with his wet canine nose before walking towards the shape shifter slowly, growling viciously, saliva dripping from its massive jaws.

The beast was ready to feed.
She shook her head, clearing it of all clouded thoughts, none of which were her own. She realized that her chances at becoming even more powerful were at stake, and so she stepped in front if the wolf. Before she attacked such a wonderous creature, she wished to try reasoning with him. "I can not, unfourtenetly, allow you to eat this individual, as we have made a deal. If you continue walking, I will have to resort to more violent methods."
Linus had spent years training to control this predatory form, and it had paid off in the ability to keep his conciousness. he understood the girl.

The beast nodded slowly and walked away, not without a final glare at the shapeshifter, a low, warning growl coming from deep inside the monster's massive chest. Linus instead looked for something else to kill. He could smell the girl's vampiric blood, and decided he would hunt with her.
Romulus grabbed Azumi's arm and then a purple light began to form. "RAHHHHHH" Romulus shouted while giving her the power to shift. A few minutes later, he calmed down. "T-There you go." Romulus said politley, then walked away.
Linus, not being present for the exchange between the two earlier, thought that the shape shifter was hurting the little girl, and instict took over, he leapt several feet, landing on the man, his drooling maw inches from his face, growling violently
(ill be on for like 2hours more before I set off to go to that making of harry potter thingy in London. can't wait ^-^)
"Ahh!" Romulus shifted into a lion and attacked the animal, a short while after, he tried to reason with him. "I was giving her the power, bitch, I wasn't harming her."

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