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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

Hovering in the darkening sky, Morbus watched proceedings with his expression undeterminable under the darkness of his hood. It seemed one who was also seeking to destroy the forest was caught in a bind. Morbus decided he should help this man trapped. He summoned a divine sword and dived at the speed of light. He landed severing all of Max's bonds with one strike. He then grabbed Max and speed teleported one mile into the air gripping Max by the throat. Morbus said "Where are the demons that escaped hell are gathering? This forest must be destroyed but not by their kind."

@NightCasterZ @Barbas
Zero looked at max and said "sure why not I can become death for real for a couple of minutes so i don't put to much strain on my body" he said but before he could look at max again he was gone and said "that son of a bitch is getting sent back to hell permanently!" He said pist and a black and red aura came from his scythe and his mask grew all over his face and cuts the vines with amazing speed and stick his scythe in the ground so nothing can grow and looks at kirito with killing intent.

(Yay masked evolved)<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.f5805dc9be7bec5342d11f9901423949.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="56585" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/image.jpg.f5805dc9be7bec5342d11f9901423949.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"You are free to leave.....This will be your only chance to...." Kirito would turn his back on Zero and head back to his quarters.
Zero looks up at to where max and a new person stood in the air so he ran grabbing his scythe and jumped up into the air and looked at max and the person saying "max your going back to hel for good" and points the scythe at max while he was in the new person hands.

@Newtype @Barbas
Newtype said:
Hovering in the darkening sky, Morbus watched proceedings with his expression undeterminable under the darkness of his hood. It seemed one who was also seeking to destroy the forest was caught in a bind. Morbus decided he should help this man trapped. He summoned a divine sword and dived at the speed of light. He landed severing all of Max's bonds with one strike. He then grabbed Max and speed teleported one mile into the air gripping Max by the throat. Morbus said "Where are the demons that escaped hell are gathering? This forest must be destroyed but not by their kind."
@NightCasterZ @Barbas
After listening to Morbus's question, Maximilian begins to reply to him in a nervous tone. " And what are you going to do once I answer your question? Banish me back to Hell?"
"I'll save you from that guy in the mask and give you all the time you need to run. I won't hunt you but if we cross paths then I send you back to Hell." Morbus replied. He Speed Teleported in the opposite direction of the Zero to avoid having Max cut in two. Morbus held his own blade at the ready in his other hand.

@Aqua @Barbas
Zero looked at the guy in the hood and smiled saying "huh another person bent on killing the woods" he said with a smile and said "I have no business with you so get out of my or I'll send you to hell with that old bastard" he said with a serious tone as his scythes aura got more intense until it started to look like it was wavering like it was alive.

"Fine, I'll tell you what you want to know. Most demons tend to gather around in the Darkness Hub."
"Very well." Morbus replied to Max teleporting to the ground and letting Max go. He looked at Zero and said "You won't be pursuing that demon right now. You can try to kill me but you'll fail." Morbus readied his sword for battle.

Seeing that he was now free from the angel's grasp, Maximilian begins to quickly flee into the forest.
"Um S-Shall we go on a d-date tommorow at s-six? I r-really like y-you." Romulus said to Tekinai. "I know you're evil. I'm evil too. I won't tell." Romulus whispered in her ear.


(Going offline now, see you in the morning)
Tekinai sat still, looking forward at the ground when he told her that he knew. 'He must be a resident of the Darkness Hub...' It felt odd for him to be so close to her, but nice to know that she wasn't the only one that snuck into the Beacon. "Tell anyone and I'll put you under my spell..." She leaned in to his ear as she said this, speaking in a sly whisper. She then moved away from him slightly, then looked up at the attractive male. "Oh and... We should go on that date. I'll make sure the commander doesn't know." She told him, lightly touching his hand, then moved away. As she slowly walked away, she waved behind her. "Au revoir..." She spoke in a quiet voice, then walked to her dorm room to sleep for the rest of the night. 'This is going to be fun.'

((Au revoir means goodbye in French, if you wanted to know.))

@Romulus Deathbringer
Azumi walked through the darkness hub, eager to get to the Beacon. She arrived on the edge of the city, and headed into the forest. When she reached the gates of the Beacon, she smiled up sweetly at one of the guards. He recognized her, and opened the gates for her. She walked through the city, and reached a small alley way where a scuffle seemed to have happened. She smelt blood, and saw many vines laying limp in the dirt. She saw a man holding a giant sword, and two others, one whom held a scythe, preparing to battle him. She stood back and watched them ready themselves for battle.
Linus was at the other end of the city, and thus, only got to the struggle as it was dispersing. He ran to Kirito as fast as his legs could carry his massive frame.

"Herr Kommandant! You are hurt, Vhat happened?!"

He hefted his colossal sword out of its sheathe and held it in both of his hands, ready.

"Do you require my services? I vill lay my life down for you and zis city, ja!"

His face is one of steel determination, ready and eager to serve.
Mari woke suddenly to the sound of the wind rustling through the bush she was hiding in. She sat up and perked her ears, the moved in a satellite-like motion, listening for anything that could be a threat. Finally, she got up and picket up her bag. Realizing she must look like a mess for sleeping in the bushes, she set her bag back down and started to pick leaves and twigs out of her hair. When Mari was satisfied with her appearance, she picked her quiver, bow, and bag back up. Her brown leather boots kicked up the dirt of the path as she made her way towards the barracks.

After a long walk, Mari approached the entrance to the barracks. She looked up at the watch tower and shouted "I wish to speak with the general!"
Azumi sighed, feeling she should help. She hefted her sword up over her shoulders and in to her hands. She walked over, and nodded to Kirito in way of a greeting. She ripped her long and formal skirt away from her legs, exposing more boyish pants underneath. She turned to face the man they all seemed to be fighting. "Why would you bother even trying to fight us? Ti's pointless."
A small figure moves quickly, gracefully and silently through the forrest, listening to every sound feeling every creatures soul... you could almost say becoming one with the forrest the trees guiding her through its vast maze of which even the greatest adventurer would get lost in, her eyes glowed crimson red as she wandered, her tail and ears twitching at every breath and fangs glinting in the darkness she then broke through the trees and into the town searching for kirito her white hair sticking out like a white sheep in a black sheep paddock, she spotted him rushing towards him before she noticed a girl and crashing face-first into her. @ashlynn
Azumi saw the girl, moments to late, as she crashed head on into her. She bared her fangs and hissed, "Watch where you are going, kitten." As she said kitten, a light moved over her eyes, making them glow a bright red, the color of fresh blood. When the girl had smacked into her, Azumi had still been holding her sword in front of her, and the sword had made a deep cut into the girls side. "That," she said pointing to the cut, "is what happens when you don't look where you are going."
Riku looked up at the girl, blood dripping from her side, she totally ignored it replying "sorry bout' that I'll be more careful next time!" she smiled cheerfully her eyes pulsing red at the smell of blood, her tail swayed from side to side as she sat there, "he..he.. I..I didn't feel a thing.... it's just.. I can't stand t..the sight..of blood.." she then fainted falling backwards onto the ground. @ashlynn @NightCasterZ
Azumi looked down at the girl on the ground. "Vampire, I assume? What in the world are you doing over here? Most vampires reside in the city, as most of the vampire nobility lives there." She turned to the beginning battle, looked over the situation, then turned back to the girl on the ground. She held out a hand to help her up. "Are you going to help us, or be useless and get yourself killed? If you choose the second option, then get away from here,most you won't be in the way of the battle. If you choose to help us fight, then draw your weapon, and get ready for a battle."
Riku opened her eyes slowly and grabbed the girls hand she had heard her words "v..vampires, huh?, I'm not one of them... they would never accept me neither would humans... or anyone else.. I'm an un-vampire you see and as for the battle considering the sun will be rising soon I don't know how helpful I'll be... after all I'll revert back to that form..." she grinned looking down her white flopping down over her eyes "but I'll give it one hell of a shot!" she then jumped up baring her fangs in an demonic like smile staring straight at the girl "my names Riku by the way!" the cut had now completely disappeared on no traces of blood existed on her clothing anymore either. @ashlynn @NightCasterZ
"Well, best of luck. I'm hungry, so I shall be back momentarily." She ducked into the shadows, and moments later, a high pitched squeal was heard, then the sounds of a dying animal. Azumi walked back out, sucking the blood out of a rabbit, and when she had sucked it dry, she discarded it in some bushes. "Well, if you are going to be of any use, let's see your weapon."
"I-I'm fine, Linus......" Now with backup, Kirito would turn and head back to the pair that were fighting. "Let's go." He would spot Riku and give a quick nod at her.
The eight year old turned her large blood red eyes on Kirito. "You must be the Commander we have heard so much about in the city of much darkness, as we who live there call it. You are regarded as quite dangerous, and are highly sought after. You would do best to be careful around those from there."

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