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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

Barbas said:
Upon hearing Zero's answer, Maximilian replies to him with a humorous tone. " But I am clearly alive boy. If I wasn't alive I wouldn't be talking with you right now."
Zero smirked saying sarcastically "yeah you are" and looked at him saying "you can't fool death old man" he said grinning malevolently and just keep walking by Maximilian.
Aqua said:
Zero smirked saying sarcastically "yeah you are" and looked at him saying "you can't fool death old man" he said grinning malevolently and just keep walking by Maximilian.
Noticing that they are almost Beacon, Maximilian causally tells Zero his name while walking "Please, call me Maximilian."
Barbas said:
Noticing that they are almost Beacon, Maximilian causally tells Zero his name while walking "Please, call me Maximilian."
Zero looked at Maximilian saying "well Maximilian I'll keep a close watch on you" he said smirking and saw beacon saying "yep were a couple minutes away from the city of Demi-humans"
Aqua said:
Zero looked at Maximilian saying "well Maximilian I'll keep a close watch on you" he said smirking and saw beacon saying "yep were a couple minutes away from the city of Demi-humans"
Hearing Zero's reply, Maximilian begins to chuckle to himself before replying. "Why would you need to watch an old man? Are you afraid that I might harm someone?"
Barbas said:
Hearing Zero's reply, Maximilian begins to chuckle to himself before replying. "Why would you need to watch an old man? Are you afraid that I might harm someone?"
Zero looked at Maximilian saying "you never know Maximilian this world is all kinds of crazy" he said as he reached the gate saying to Maximilian "you may knock Maximilian" he said with a grin.
Upon arriving at the entrance to Beacon, Maximilian knocks on the gate three times before stepping back to wait for the gate to open,
Tekinai looked around the room. The walls were plain white, and the floors light gray carpet. 'Hideous colors.' She looked around, and bowed to Commander Kirito. "Thank you." Once the commander left, she looked around for possible ways of sneaking out. There was a window, but it was made to open by the push of a button, and seemed to only open at a certain time. "Hmm..." Her thoughts processed the times from she woke, to the time she had to sleep. For now she had 7 hours. What were the jobs, again? She didn't know. It felt weird to be on enemy territory. What would happen if she got caught? The Pure Spirit would loose trust in her, but would the Beacon's people kill her? She didn't know what they would do, but for now she couldn't worry about it. Her only mission was to learn information in this place, and then transfer it to the king.
Linus walked through the streets of the Beacon, carrying a poster in his hand. The poster said to find a "Commander Kirito" if you wanted to join the army and defend the forests from evil. This land was his home, his father's home, his father's home, and so on for as long as this city has existed. Linus and his family have always lived here, the males of his family defending their home. He was prepared to follow suit, wearing a breastplate over his massive chest, and greaves over his shins. He wore no other armor, finding that anything more than the essentials slowed him down too much. He hefted a huge sword over his shoulder, the golden metal gleaming in the sun as he walked. He walked up to the gates, looking around for anyone besides the usual guards, he called out for the leader of this military. His voice was deep, loud, and powerful as he boomed out,

"Vhere is your Commander? I wish to speak with him, ja!"
As Romulus was getting up, he noticed a cargo plane. Romulus shifted into a mouse and quickly hid in the plane. "Well, lets see where this leads me to." He whispered to himself. After what seemed like a day, they finally landed. The cargo door started opening and he could make out what looked like the beacon. "Oh my god, this is just brilliant. I'm going to get f***king killed." Romulus thought. As he then shifted back into his normal form, he realised he could shift into anything. So, that being said, he shifted into a warrior. "Heading to the beacon. Wow, never thought I'd get this far." He said in a low tone.

A few minutes after walking through the gates, Romulus got surrounded by guards. "State your business. Now." A guard shouted at him. Thinking quickly, Romulus turned into a teeny tiny spider. Romulus would sneak away without being seen. "Huh? Where'd he go?" Another guard said.
Kirito would be on patrol through the city. He would recieve word that someone wished to speak with him and would head to the gate. "Evening. I am Commande Kirito. What brings you to the Beacon?"
Linus looked the would-be commander up and down. Much tinier and... cattier than he would have expected. No matter, this wasn't a matter of who the commanding officers were, it was a matter of who the opponents were.

He spoke, his voice still as loud and commanding as before, albeit embedded in a strong German accent.

"My name is Linus Vahlen, unt my family has been here for seventeen generations, my ancestors vere ze founders of zis city, and all of ze males of my bloodline have defended it. I am following suit, wether I am accepted or not. Zis is my duty, unt I come only to inform you zat I am available for service. Zis is not a request to join you, merely a... notification, if you vill. Vhat vould you have me do, herr Kommandant?"

He punctuated his last question by kneeling down before Kirito, bowing his head.
Kirito would give a quick nod at Linus. "We are still gathering troops for the war. We will be launching a small scouting attack shortly. For the time being, I would ask you defend the city and look for any suspicious activity."

Kirito would head back inside the town and take a seat on a bench near the fountain in the center of the Beacon.
Mari walked down the streets of the Darkness Hub. The dark colorless streets of the Darkness Hub. She looked down at the patches dying grass scattered around the side of the trail. "It really would be much nicer if they just let a little plant life grow." Mari thought to herself. She stopped and then waved her hand. Effortlessly the grass grew green and beautiful with little blue flowers here and there. Pleased with herself, Mari retrieved a Chinese fan from her pocket and started fanning herself as she walked. Mari winked and batted her eyelashes at one a man carrying lumber in the other direction. Finally, she reached her destination. Opening the door to her home Mari called, "mother! I've returned from my walk!" She swiftly put the Chinese fan away as her mother came running from the kitchen. "Since when were you going on a walk Mari? I told you, I don't want you seen! It will show that you haven't signed up for the Hub's army yet!" Her mother screeched angrily. Mari nodded but thought "if you'd just let me sign up for the army, you wouldn't have to hide me." Then she went into her room and closed the door, needing some alone time.
Tekinai walked out of her room and around the Beacon halls, waving to troops now and then with a giggle. They typically whistled at her, which she flicked her tail at and kept walking. 'Silly men, they don't know what's coming to them.' She pondered what to do, perhaps it was the job thing? Although, what jobs did the Beacon assign? For now it didn't matter to her, besides, she hated working for long periods of time. Yes, she fought alongside the king and killed people, but that wasn't real work to her. Just a pass time, and a fun one at that.

Tekinai searched for weak links in this "flawless" building. Of course, there were windows and open areas in the garden, but the place was all protected by a wall. 'If we can find the place to where the garden wall is... We can smash through...' She walked to the garden, looking around at the scenery. Although seeing the commander at the fountain, she continued on looking around, seeing vines covering a flat surface.... possibly the wall. She walked closer to the vines slowly, but then stopped. 'The commander is here, Teki. Do this another time.' Suddenly she gazed at the scenery around the vines, walking slowly away from the wall just as she did walking towards it. She waved to the commander, smiling. "Hello, sir. I have a question I'd like to ask you." Her tail flowed behind her, swishing softly to the left, then the right. The tips of her white and pink fox ears tilted in a questioning look, along with her facial expressions. She arched her brow and put a finger close to her lips, as if pondering something.
As soon as Mari shut the door to her room she ran over to her wardrobe. The wardrobe was made of wood, and Mari had grown vines over it to cover any rotting areas. She flung the doors to the wardrobe open and grabbed a golden bow off of the top shelf. She held the bow in her hand. It felt sturdy. Mari looked over the bow with interest, it's golden paint sparkling as it hit the light. "Gold... A little boring if you ask me." Mari muttered. She set the bow down on the ground and waved her hand over it. Roses and vines curled themselves around the bow. "Much better." Mari said smiling evilly. She picked up the bow and took some golden arrows out. Mari aimed the bow at the wall and shot. With a thud, the arrow embedded itself in the wall. Grinning, Mari retrieved the arrow. She grabbed a brown leather quiver and put the arrows in it. She then slung the quiver over her shoulder. Mari looked at herself in her mirror. Still grinning, she grabbed an arrow from the quiver and notched it. The feel of the bow and arrow in her hand made Mari feel important and powerful. Then she heard her mother coming down the hall, approaching Mari's room. Mari quickly took the quiver and bow and put them in the wardrobe again. Just has her bedroom door was being opened, Mari shut the door to the wardrobe. She turned and smiled. "Hello mother. What brings you here?" Mari asked, acting innocent. Her mother raised her eyebrow. "Well I came to ask you to help me bake the rolls. Now what are you hiding?" Mari raised her hands above her head and put on a look that said 'I'm offended!' Mari stepped closer to her mother and said in the most kiss-up way possible, "mother, I respect you and I would never hide anything from you!" Her mother rolled her eyes and stepped out of the room. "Well I could still use your help with lunch." She said. Mari nodded quickly and followed her mother out of her room. "Phew, that was close," she thought.
Tekinai looked at him and smiled, sitting down next to him. "What are the jobs available in this place, this safe haven?" The words she spoke disgusted her. This was more of a prison than the Darkness Hub. 'They think they're all safe and orderly? No one is safe in this world, and order is pointless.' She kept her smile, and waited for his answer. Her fingers were placed on the sides of the bench, while she sat a little close to the commander out of habit.
"Well that depends on your talens. If your a fighter, you can take a respectful job in the army. Of course, if you aren't, there's things like blacksmithing, leatherworking and tailoring if they fit your fancy. Any of them caught your ears?" He would give a gentle smile.
Tekinai shifted her finger across her lips, then raised her finger to think of an idea. "You can't see it, but my father taught me to fight. He taught me well." She smiled and moved closer to the commander without realizing it. Occasionally she could be a big flirt without even realizing it. Sometimes her power causes her to act this way. Tekinai looked up to the walls of the Beacon, and then at the commander. "Where do I sign up?" She smirked, knowing that this was going to be a desperate measure, but she would use the fighter job as an opening to more information. 'Man, it's good to be Evil.' Her thoughts repeated to her mind as she smirked lightly. When he said something about ears, she laughed, then pointed to her light pink fox ears. "No pun intended." She then winked, laughing all the while.
Slightly annoyed that the gate leading to Beacon didn't open yet, Maximilian knocks on the gate again with his cane in an attempt to get someone to open the gate for him. After knocking on the gate with his cane for a few moments, Maximilian steps back and waits to see if someone is going to open the gate for him.
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Mari sat at the rickety wooden table with her mother eating a simple meal of bread and corn. To break the silence, Mari asked "do you have errands to run today mother?" Her mother looked up and said "I don't want you being taken to the army." She said this as if it was the end of that conversation, but Mari was persistent. "Oh come on, I'm 17 I can take care of myself. You know father taught me how to defend myself." She said. Her mother gave her a stern look. "Enough. I don't care what age you are, you can't defend yourself from the army recruiters." Then Mari's mother stood up and took their plates. "However, I do need you to go down to the market and buy some flour." A bit of hope leaped into Mari's heart. "Okay mother. Thank you for lunch." Mari did everything she could to not run out of the house. Little did her mother know, she wasn't going to the market.
"You seem like you know what your doing in a fight. Consider yourself a soldier for the Beacon." He would give a quick nod at her. "We have a small scouting mission planned for tonight if you feel like joining us? For the rest of the day, could you please stay on guard and watch for suspicious activity." Kirito would let loose a gentle smile as he said "You'll also be moving dorms to the Guard's Quarters. It's much better quality." He'd then get up and open the gate. "Sorry, I would have thought the guards would have opened it by now." He would turn his attention to guards on the walls above "What have I told you guys about slacking off!"
Glad that the gate was finally opened, Maximilian begins to slowly hobble into Beacon with his cane while talking to Kirito. " Thank you for opening the gate for me. My name is Maximilian."
Mari walked swiftly along the dirt path, heading towards the barracks. More than once, she was tempted to turn around and go to the market like her mother had asked her. But, she continued on and finally reached her destination. "Excuse me? Where is the commander?" Mari asked holding her head high. A man dressed in armor came around the corner of a building. He was tall and had a lot of muscle. "What do you want?" He asked gruffly. Mari resisted the urge to cower in fear. "I-I'm here to--to sign up for the army." She stuttered. The man raised an eyebrow and asked "what weapon do you use?" Mari replied, acting confident. "Bow and arrow, sir." The man asked another question. "Do you have any fighting experience?" Mari shifted uncomfortably. "Well, my father taught me a bit of tae kwon do..." She offered. He chuckled. "Go home. You're not strong enough." The man turned and started to leave, but he stopped suddenly. A mysterious voice from the shadows said "Kian, how many times have I told you not to turn down any volunteers!" The man, Kian, tuned back around and sighed. "I guess you could join. Did you bring your bags with you?" Mari shook her head. "Can I go get them?" Kian tuned around and walked away as he said "make it quick." Mari turned around and ran to the market, bought a bag of flour, and ran home. She had never been so nervous or excited in her life.

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