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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

Romulus decided to take the shift of a guard. He has never shifted into a human before, so this was a test. A few minutes later, it actually worked. So Romulus walked to the commander and asked what his duties were.

@NightCasterZ (Tell me what my jobs are, also go on steam)
Kirito had never seen this guard around "Who are you?" He inspected Romulus quickly before replying. "Joshua......Screamers righ?"
After entering Beacon and greeting Kirito, Maximilian begins to wander around the city as he waits for the sun to go down so that he can begin to look for his new victims.
"There's no guard called.....Joshua Screamers....." He would draw his sword. "Speak up.....Who are you and what business do you have here?" His voice is harsh and he gets into a combat stance. "I don't want no lies from you anymore...."
Romulus knew he was caught. "I should just shift now. But... I sense someone else who needs my help here..." He thought. "I am Romulus, and... I see you don't have a gas mask... so... *Throws gas bomb on floor and shifts into wolf and scurries away* Haha, sucker." Romulus said slyly.
Kirito would act fast. He'd start by drawing plants to stop the gas bomb from spreading to everyone around. "Get back here!" Seeing as how he's part cat, he'd chase him down, eventually pouncing on top of the little shifter. "Stay down!"
While struggling to break free, Romulus remembered he can shapeshift into anything so, Romulus shifted into an ant and went underground. "Can't find me now, sucker" Romulus thought to himself.
"Damn it!" The ant would slip right through his hands. "Show your face around here again and see the consequences!" Kirito's summoned vines would stay over he gas bomb until I ran out of gas.
The sun is setting and all is well......People are finishing up for the night while others are already at their homes.
Tekinai smiled and nodded. "Yes sir! Thank you!" She giggled and then left off to find the army dorms. A guard was walking by in the hallway, minding hid own business. Tekinai grabbed him by the shoulders lightly and turned him towards her, putting him under her spell. "Can you show me where the army dorms are, sir?" The man looked at her with amazement as if he's never seen anything like her. He nodded slowly and led her to the dorms. "Oh and... I left my katana in my old dorm. Get me that, and I'll be sooo happy!" The man smiled and ran down the hallway to her room, grabbing the katana and rushing back to her. "Thank you!" Tekinai bent her light pink ears back, leaning on her toes to kiss him on the cheek. He then sighed and walked back down the hallway, not remembering a thing once the spell was broken.

Tekinai nodded to soldiers and commanders as she walked into her dorm, putting her stuff down. Now, the real fun began. She looked around at her room, and noticed that the dorms for the army had windows that you could open manually. When she tried to open her window, it made no sound. "Perfect." She then looked around outside her window, to see an open view of most of the garden. 'Jackpot.' Once she realized that time flew by, she grew tired and shut her door slowly. She flopped onto her bed, covering herself in the warm, red comforter on the bed. From there she drifted off into a nice long sleep in the night. Tomorrow was the beginning of this mission. The more she knew about this place, the more she could tell the Pure Spirit.
Mari set the bag of flour on the table for her mother. Then, before her mom could realize she was home, Mari ran to her room and started packing. She grabbed clothes, a canteen for water, and a dagger and shoved it all into a bag. Then she grabbed her bow and quiver and slung both items over her shoulder. Mari grabbed the bag and went to the kitchen. She took a spare piece of paper and a pen and wrote:

"Dear Mother,

You have taken such good care of me. For that I am greatful. However, I feel that it is important that I serve the Darkness Hub and the Pure Spirit. So, I am joining the army. Do not come looking for me. Do not try to change my mind. When you read this, I will already be gone. I will miss you, but know that I am doing what I was meant to do. Goodbye mother. Never forget that I love you.


Mari Himura"

Mari finished the letter and set it down beside the flour. Then she picked up her bag and left. The sun was starting to set, so she ran quickly back to the barracks--her new home.
Seeing that the sun was beginning to set, Maximilian quickly makes his way to an dark, empty alley so that no one will see him change into his true form. Just as Maximilian enters the alley, the sounds of cracking bones and tearing flesh comes from his body as he changes into his true form.
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Unable to reach the barracks on the other side of the Hub by nightfall, Mari decides to set up a small camp. She finds a dead bush on the side of the path and ducks behind it. Using her powers, she causes the bush to grow in size so that she can hide behind it without anyone seeing her. Finally content with her hiding place, Mari lays down and falls asleep.
Kirito would head back to his quarters where all the Commanders stayed. He'd take a little rest and then head back out to go on patrol.
Once Maximilian finshed his transformation, he begins to stealthy look around for prey. After looking around for a few minutes, Maximilian detects a lone guard who was investigating the alleyway after hearing some strange noises. Thrilled that he has found his first victim, Maximilian begins to carefully move towards the guard while being concealed by the dark before quickly grabbing the guard's neck with his right hand and pulling him deeper into the alleyway before slamming him into the ground, causing the guard to fall unconscious . Disappointed that the guard was knocked out, Maximilian violently tears apart the unconscious guard's body as Maximilian feeds on his flesh.
Whilst on patrol, Kirito would hear something hit the ground hard. He would approach where the sound came from, sword drawn, but all he would see would be a mysterious figure and a corpse. "What......What the hell! Who's there?!" He would get into a battle stance.
Upon hearing the arrival of Kirito, Maximilian stops devouring the corpse and begins to slowly walk towards Kirito while covered in the blood of the dead guard while taunting him." You know it isn't very polite to interrupt someone's meal, mortal. Perhaps I need to teach you some manners, hahaha."
Kirito would be able to just about figure out what he was. "Demons! How'd you get in here?!" He would prepare to swing his sword. "Answer now!" His voice would be harsh.
Greatly amused by Kirito's demand, Maximilian begins to answer him while casually licking some remaining blood on of his claws." You let me into this city, mortal. If it weren't for you, I would still be locked outside of this damn city. And now thanks to you I am going to devour everyone in this city!"
Tekinai woke up in the middle of the night, awoken by guards walking in the hallway. Normally she had peace and quiet, but now that she was here she couldn't sleep. She rolled over on her stomach, covering her head with her pillow, a groan followed her movement. 'Can't a girl get some sleep?'

Tekinai tossed and turned, trying to go back to sleep, but couldn't do it. She sat up in her bed, putting on a jacket to make sure the cold didn't bite her skin. Even though there was a rule, she pondered if she could go out at night. 'I'm apparently now a guard... If bystanders can't walk around at night, then I can.' She smirked and walked out of her room, taking a walk in the garden. On her walk, she wondered closer to the city part of the Beacon, hearing a strange noise that came from the alleyway. She grabbed the handle of her katana, keeping her other hand on the sheathe, ready to strike. Her ears twitched as she listened further to the sound, knowing that it was flesh and bone. She winced at the noise, but kept approaching. Whatever was around that corner was dangerous, and she didn't want to provoke it. Tekinai knew very well that this creature was from the Darkness Hub. 'Never trust anyone except the king.' These words she went by in her city to keep from getting in trouble. Not even she could be trusted, yet people let their guard down for her anyways. She backed away from the alley, standing in the shadows in case the creature heard her footsteps.


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