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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

Linus roared in the man's face before walking over to the little girl and laying down beside her, growling at the shapeshifter.
Kirito would sigh at the pair. "You two are acting like a bunch of kids....." He would turn to the little girl "What's a little girl like you doing, wandering the streets this early in the morning?" @ashlynn

(cya guys. wont be posting much until like sunday night!"
Church walked down a street with a black cloak hugging her form. She pulled up the hood, a small bit of her white hair showing. Her bright red eyes saw the people and a small girl. She became quite interested in the beast beside her and used her heat pits to see his body heat. She bit her lip and walked along the street slower.
Church glanced up and froze, not knowing what to do. "I...ee..um..hi...morning" she stuttered, moving a few steps closer
Tekinai slowly awoke from her long slumber, yawning as she stretched. It was early morning, and the 'training' for today. What was more important was that date... Something felt off, and she didn't know what it was. When she thought of that boy, she blushed. "Silly Teki... Stop falling in love with people you meet." She thought out loud, getting up from her bed to get dressed.

Once she was dressed, Tekinai put the sheathe strap over her shoulder, and brought her katana to the training. Today was the day to find information about the army, and this would happen by learning what they would teach the new recruits. Her dark blue heals clicked on the marble floor as her soft pink hair bounced behind her. She took her time getting there since she was still waking up. 'Only a couple hours of this, then the date. I have my day booked.' Tekinai smiled at the thought, and got in line with the new recruits, watching how they stood and copied them.
Church pulled her hood down and let the wind rush her face. She smirked and smelled a wonderful smell of steak. She took a turn and saw a pub that just opened. She smirked as her stomach growled and she entered the pub
Kirito arrived at training once everyone else had. "Morning soldiers!" His voice would be stern as he spoke to the new recruits. "Today, we gave a small scouting mission to investigate the Hub." He would wait and see who put their hands up.

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Church was near the back of the crowd and blinked. She pulled her cloak around her tighter and sighed, moving through the crowd slowly and silently.
In the outskirts of Beacon, Maximimilian hides in a small cave that he found while fleeing from the fight between Morbus and Zero.
Church decides not to go and walked out. She decided to go on the outskirts of town. Although it's a nasty place the foods good, she thought, her stomach rumbling again
Tekinai was nervous about her decision. A couple of soldiers next to her raised their hands to join, but Tekinai stood still with all the rest of the cowards. 'I know what that place is like, so there is no need.' She stood in waiting for the other recruits to leave on the mission, hoping that Commander Kirito would pass her by, since she was just joining the army. Hopefully she can stay here and investigate the Beacon, instead of look through a place she knows all about. 'The Pure Spirit will be proud.' She kept her facial expressions as a poker face, not reacting to anything unless the commander spoke to her.

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As day approached, Linus returned to his human form, still an extremely paingul process as his bones snapped back into place and re broke. he walked over to his discarded armor and returned it to his chest and legs, making sure Ritterblut was in its sheathe securely. He saw the girl in the cloak walking down the road and decided to follow suit. He walked beside the girl now, a gentle smile on his usually hardened features. "Good morning, fraulein. I don't believe ve have met. My name is Linus Vahlen, unt any friend of Herr Komandant, is a friend of mine!" He stuck out his massive hand to shake hers, still smiling, trying to put her at ease.

"Vhat say I buy us somezing to eat?"
Church looked at the huge man and smiled, shaking his hand. "I'm Church Burning but you can call me Burn or Church." She said softly, looking him up and down with her slitted red eyes. "That's a lovely sword you have" she remarked

"I would greatly appreciate being bought something to eat, but no kissing on the first date" she teased and winked.
Morbus now stood in the center of the forest. He was commencing trial number 1 to destroy the forest. He used his magic to implant a magic circle in the circle and another circle appeared circumscribing the whole forest. It was a spell to reduce the forest to a mere crater. He set the time limit on it to one hour, if he is not defeated in this hour then the spell will activate.
Linus grinned widely when the girl complimented his sword. It was his most important possession.

"Thank you, it has been in my family for generations. It vas passed down from father to son dozens of times. It is said zat centuries ago, it vas forged by Valkyries, made for ze ultimate warrior

He gently spun the colossal blade around, almost effortlessly.

"I noticed your eyes... unt your scent is... intriguing... Do you have beast blood as vell?"
After hiding in the cave for some time, Maximimilian prepares to leave the cave so that he can look for a way to sneak into Beach.

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