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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

(Back. Also there's a dead dragonpriest and 2 Draugr deathlords down there. I don't even know how many regular draugr I killed xD )
"uh........ Naimi are you ok"

he asked is a kind tone placing his hand in her head.

he was blushing thinking about how she used to always do this back in the academy.

Tekinai looked at him in the eyes, and rolled hers. "I'm fine, Geney." She smiled and poked his hand, sighing happily. "Have you ever missed the old days?" She blushed at the question, and took her head off of his shoulder, feeling as though he felt awkward about it, not wanting to make it worse.

@Mr Swiftshots
Hussond would come out of the darkness in [insert Tekinai exactly location here]

"Hello there... " He grin, as he stepped out of the shadows, standing at 6'2 wearing a leather armor (no helmet).
"Of course i do i mean I've never had so much fun in my life" he blushed.

'i missed her most of all' he thought to himself.

"what about you Naimi did you miss me"when Genesis realized what he said he turned to a bright shade of red.

'YOU IDIOT' he thought to himself 'what have you done'

Church slung the ex-commander over her shoulder and looked at Linus. "....." She said nothing and walked back to beacon, putting him in cuffs and in a jail cell.
Linus followed Church and went back to Teki's hospital room.

He pulled a chair up by her bedside, and took off his helmet.

"Frauleine... I see now vhat Kirito vas. A murderer and a liar. You may have decieved us, and turned meine liebe against me, but I somehow trust you more zan him now. I apologize for putting you here."

He pulled a golden sheathed weapon out of his bag. It was her katana. He gently held it out to her in both hands, showing the respect he had for the weapon, and its wielder.
Church stood by his side, looking at Teki. "It will probably take time for me to forgive and until that day, I call a truce NOT to kill each other" she said quietly, her pride being cut.
(We're still in the hospital)

Tekinai blushed, and looked Genesis in the eye. His eyes, they sparkled with a sense of specialness, and they were a striking addition to his handsome figure. She quietly spoke, a little embarrassed, yet happy to know that he missed her. "I have." With one quick move, she kissed his cheek, smiling at him.

When the knight entered the room, she looked up, and nodded to what he had to say. Once he handed her back the katana, she smiled slightly at him.

"I forgive you."
She handled her sheathed katana with care, pulling the golden sheath slowly off, and replaced it with her old black and red one. Now she felt as though she was complete again. When the girl spoke, she nodded, and reached out a hand to shake hers. "I'm truly sorry for what I've done. In battle, I'm never myself. It's been my habit for years to lose my sanity in combat. Truce." Before she shook the girl's hand, she remembered to tell her that this wasn't a trick. "I'm not trying to use my power on you, I promise." Tekinai smiled at her, perking her ears up to show trust and happiness.

@bloodydaimyo @Mr Swiftshots @Church Burning
Church smirked and shook her hand. "Deal." She said, letting go and returning to her normal stance of crossed arms. "The stealth you pulled back there was admirable, that is coming from a snake" she smirked.
Linus stepped up and kneeled before Teki, bowing his head.

"Herr Kommandant." He said, pledging his loyalty to a new lord... er... lady that is.
(I'm not too sure which is which xD cause it seems Barbas is the real "bad guy" of the story. And Kirito did murder innocent people..."

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