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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

(Dude what the hell? A 7 foot tall dude in full plate armor just punched you in the side of the head. You'd atleast be on the ground, if not unconscious. Its like Arnold Schwarzenegger punched you in the head with a steel plated fist)
"oi cat man if you have a problem with her....... your going to have to go through me first" he said as he appeared behind the man

'God to think i actually missed this city' he thought to him self.

he placed his hand on his katana,as he did all the vines in the room were cut.
(Oops did t notice lol) Kirito would be hit to the ground but the vines would stop him from being unconscious. "I'm winning this war for us! Don't get in my way!" He'd get back up and try to trap Linus.

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"Sir please stop, or I will have to do something unspeakable." Church said walking out from her hiding place, allowing herself to be trapped in the vines. She walked forwards and looked at him. "Are you so fuiled by your anger and hatred, that you cannot see the light? You think just you alone can defeat it! You're thinking irrationally, and selfishly. What if you failed and your life was wasted! What would happen to the rest of the people left here!" She hissed, her eyes dark red. She looked at Teki. "I can't forgive you, but I will heal you" she said softly, nearing the cat, not even looking at the vines or men in the room. (So much typing)
(A scrawny 21 year old can't throw with more force than a werewolf man.. Thing. Just saying.)

When Tekinai was thrown against the wall, she coughed up blood, falling back down to the bed. Tears stained her cheeks as she sat there, in pain from her recent and older injuries. The girl approached her to heal her, which she didn't complain from. She co-operated with her, since the pain was too unbearable. "Commander, you're worse than any 'street rat' in this city." She commented in between breaths, coughing after she spoke. "The only reason our people are stuck in this forsaken city is because your people are too selfish to take us in. You all think you're just so perfect, when we're fighting to stay alive here." She slowly got up, and stood with the bed as her support, placing her hand on the mattress.

(You just got called out, son!)

@NightCasterZ @bloodydaimyo @Mr Swiftshots @Church Burning
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Genesis would cut the vines and Linus grabs Kirito by the head, slamming him in to a wall and drawing his sword across Kirito's neck.

"I care not about vhat you are trying to do. I vowed zat I would protect her if she would say vhat vas wrong unt she did. Unt you try to attack someone who is unarmed unt injured. I can't not allow zis.

(Especially a werewolf bigger than most xD )
Church grabbed Teki and laid her down, pulling a vial full of black liquid and uncorked it. "Drink it" she said forcibly, placing the vial on Teki's lips. "It will heal your body" she explained.
"She's a damn traitor can't you see! " Kirito would start calming down. "My plan was to use the Nova of Nature. It would destroy the Evil at the cost of my life." He'd show a 5 different chains, each tied to a different for finger, each with a different weapon on the end. "Each of these contain amazing power but they only work in combination with one another... Combining all their powers unleashes a powerful explosion that could mill even the Spirits..." Kirito explained all this quickly.

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"Yes but you are terribly inexperienced and I dont......" She trailed off, looking away. She made Teki drink the liquid and stood up. "She's healed now." She said, looking at Genesis. She pulled out her knives and looked at everyone, now silent.

Linus let Kirito down, but stood between him and Teki, his blade still drawn.

"I don't care vhat she is. She turned meine liebe against me, but I can still protect her until she can fight. Its a matter of honor, Kirito."
"As long as I gain the info required, I'm fine... So, Teki, his do I infiltrate the castle?"

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"ohh you want to infiltrate the castle" he said laughing

" and you think she can tell you how to do that" he said laughing more so

"havent you heard the old sayings"
Tekinai laid back down, and drank the black liquid. Never in her life had she been thankful for these people, since they were so evil towards her during the interrogation, so twisted. Not even she would go that far to get information.

The healing affect began, slowly helping the healing process increase. Her left arm had been in rapid recovery mode compared to what the doctors said that it would heal in approximately 7 weeks. Her bones slowly mended, but she knew they wouldn't mend right away. She stayed in her bed, leaning against the pillow and kept herself away from the fight, looking at Genesis as he defended her, along with Linus and the snake girl.

"Didn't you hear, Kirito? Genesis knows me well, and he sure as hell knows that I don't know to simply infiltrate that castle." She crossed her arms, pointing her ears back in irritation from this man, this desperate commander. "Open up your ears, and shut your mouth."

(Aw I feel so loved x3)

@Mr Swiftshots @bloodydaimyo @NightCasterZ @Church Burning
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Tekinai crossed her arms, and looked at Kirito. "I don't think he has, Gen." She said, with a straight face. "Tell him." Her magenta eyes glanced from Genesis, then to Kirito. The fact that this man snuck into her city, killed doctors, and almost killed her to get information about the king said a lot about him. The doctors bodies were drug away by a nurse, who was crying silently while doing so. The blood was also wiped away from the floor, which wreaked of a horrible stench.

(Way to go, commander, you're crazier than the evil people. x3)

@bloodydaimyo @Mr Swiftshots @Church Burning @NightCasterZ
(...I just realised that. Civilians killed by evil people, like 1 or 2 from Maximilian.

Civvies killes by good people, like atleast 6 xD )

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