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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

(Imagine how annoying that'd be. xD some dude knocking for like 5 minutes straight and then another dude showing up an knocking with him)
Tekinai listened to the knocking and the person calling for someone named "Atlas". She shrugged, then heard more people approaching the door... When she heard the commander's voice, she froze and looked at Genesis, her face turned ghostly white. 'Why are they here?!' She thought, panicking when she knew who was there. "Don't let them in." Tekinai whispered so that only Genesis could hear. She didn't want to go through all the pain again, and this time if they found her, they'd be sure to kill her.

@Mr Swiftshots @bloodydaimyo @AtlasTheShapeless @NightCasterZ
(Whilst in the disguise, my voice is different lol. Soz forgot to mention it) "Hello?"

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Genesis stood up and made his way over to the locked door.

"what do you want" he asked.

(too late)
(Oh okay)

Linus still watched from behind the corner, wanting to know who was in the room, but not wanting to compromise his hiding spot to do so.
Linus wasn't close enough to make out the words but he heard a male voice behind the door. He assumed it to be a nurse or doctor.
"the man who's trying to get some rest after surgery" he replied sternly

'what could possibly scare Naimi this bad' he thought to himself
Tekinai kept silent as they spoke, perking her ears to listen in on the conversation. 'What could he possibly want in Darkness Hub... How did he even get un here?' Questions flew by in her mind, quickly being replaced by more before they could be answered. All she did was listen, and that was all she could do. She left her katana in the Beacon's city, and was in recovery so she couldn't fight. 'Leave, already...'

@Mr Swiftshots @NightCasterZ
(Why would he want access to a random room? That makes no sense because he doesn't know who all is in there.)

Tekinai looked at Genesis as he asked her what to do, and she stopped to think. "If he's smart he'll realize that this room is taken." She whispered, quietly speaking to him so that the others outside the door wouldn't hear her. This really did worry her, and make her question the Beacon Commander as to how far he would go to stop a war that was beginning, and get the information to do so. 'He really is dumber than he looks.' She thought to herself, pointing her ears downward in agitation.

@Mr Swiftshots
(He's going round hospital rooms looking for info k. How to reach the Spirit )

"If that's how you want it..." Kirito would step back and kick down the door. Once he saw who was inside, he'd freeze up. "I-t's you..."

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Linus quickly crept forward as the man kicked the door in. He pressed up beside the doorway and listened inside, not peeking for fear of being spotted.
Tekinai looked at the man in surprise, but growled at him. "Leave my city." She hissed, not knowing who else was out there other than the confused Khajiit. Doctors and nurses heard the door being knocked down, and ran to Tekinai's room. "Sir, you mustn't disturb the patients! Leave this hospital or you will be escorted out." The doctor commanded, crossing his arms at the sight of the man, not knowing who it was.

@NightCasterZ @bloodydaimyo @Mr Swiftshots
Church was pleasantly talking with a mother in the street, as the children of the mother played with sticks near them. Church smiled and laughed. She looked around and, using her heat pits, tried to sense Linus. Where is my Lycan, she thought, just a tad worried.
Someone assaulting a patient? There was no honor or respect in that and Linus walked in to the room and put a massive, armored hand on the man's shoulder. Not noticing who was in the room at first.

"Leave zis room, sir. I do not care vhat your problem with ze patient is, but it can wait til she's better."

Then he noticed who was in the bed.

"No matter who it is, zer is no honor in attacking someone unarmed and injured." He said, nodding at her, although she couldn't see the sincerity in his eyes from the helmet.
Kirito, feeling threatened, pulled out his sword, slashing them all down one by one. "You little manipulator!" He said as he walked up to Teki. He picked her up by her throat and screaming in her face. "You are going to tell me how to get into the Spirit's castle or else!

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Feeling a hand on his shoulder and turning around, he realised who this was. "What the hell Linus?! I told you all to stay back!"

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She shrugged and bid the mother goodbye, walking off. She walked out into the forest, beyond beacons walls and started walking where her snake sense pointed her. She saw a hospital and she was at the Darkness Hub. She lifted the hood of her cloak over her head and walked inside. She immediantly smelled Linus and she walked along the halls, following his scent. She saw him and, hid herself behind an outstretched wall, quietly listening.
Tekinai cried as he killed people in front of her, and would soon be next. The commander had a firm grip on her neck. She clawed at his hand weakly with her right hand, gasping for air. This was the third time... No. Fourth time she's been handled by the neck. She squirmed from his grip, looking pleadingly at Genesis. If he didn't let go soon, she didn't know what she would do. Her injured body hung under her as he kept her lifted by the neck. "Help..."

@Mr Swiftshots @bloodydaimyo @NightCasterZ
Seeing him attacking an injured, defenceless girl, Linus slammed a metal fist in to the side of Kirito's head.

"And I said your problem can vait until ze girl is better! I thought you vere a man of honor, Kirito. You are unworthy of being Herr Kommandant of me, or ze rest of ze army."
Kirito threw her against the wall with such force it would break more bones than Linus did. After that, he'd try to trap everyone nearby in vines while he strapped Teki to the wall with more vines.

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"I may not be worthy Linus but don't worry... Once I reach the Spirit, I will be using it... It may sacrifice my life but will end this war on return... Does that make you feel happier? That I'll use my life for the good of the Beacon?" He'd turn back to Teki "I want to know how to get into his castle now!"

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