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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

"oh thank you" he said smiling to the doctor.

he entered the room quietly encase she was asleep.He sat down in a chair beside her. He looked at all the bandages and gritted his teeth.

'if only i had arrived earlier i could have done something' he thought. he looked at her face and thought 'she looks so cute when she sleeps'

he brushed aside some of her hair which was on her face.

Another doctor would stop by Hussond.

"Khajiit, J'zar can talk with you now..., c'mon..." The doctor say, leading the way to one of the hospital rooms, where J'zar was talking with a pacient.

"J'zar?" Hussond ask, looking at him.

The doctor would turn. "Oh... Hussond, there you are.... your next objective is to get a Fireshade... rare plant... usually found in mountains...." The doctor (J'zar) would say, turning back to the pacient.

"Alright J'zar... Hussond is leaving in the morning..." Hussond mumble, going back to the entrance of the hospital, leaning on another wall.
Linus approached a guard. A shady looking figure, dressed in iron armor that looked like it had seen better days. He held a rusty sword, the blade jagged and chipped. Linus towered over the guard, like most other people.

"Open ze gate, guard." Linus commanded.

"Now, why would I do that? You look like a holy man. You don't want to be in this place. Get out of my fa-" The guard didn't get to finish his disrespectful remark.

His upper body hit the ground before his legs even buckled, Linus' blade cleaving him in half. The other guard jumped and ran at Linus with a spear, planning on running him through. Linus sidestepped and tripped the man, before stepping on the shaft og his spear, cracking it in two. He then did the same thing to the man's arm, leaving him to writhe in agony as he went on through the main gates. He would have a few hours before the guard was changed and the bodies were found. Linus hoped no civilians would notice before then and cut his time shorter.
Tekinai slowly woke up, looking around the room as her eyes were slightly blurry. When she saw Genesis she smiled. "Hey, Geney. Quite a surgery, now wasn't it." She laughed a little, blushing as she saw him with worry in his eyes. "Don't worry, I'll be fine. This is just the effect of battle." Tekinai's eyes were filled with slight achievement. Then there was a silence in the room for a minute. 'How bad were his missions? Must've been better than mine.' Tekinai then decided to speak. "You know, with that interrogation at the hospital... I'm very glad that you were there, even if you couldn't do much. Your presence was nice to have. I wouldn't of been able to stand anymore of their sh*t, because they sure as hell weren't going to get any information out of me." She blushed by her words, while her thoughts were the opposite way. 'That was stupid to say, but he needed to hear it.' Tekinai then smiled, and looked down at her left arm. "Stubbornness sure does hurt, though." She stated with a slightly serious tone.

@Mr Swiftshots
Hussond would walk around the hospital.

He look at one of the hospital rooms.

'Wait... this is where... Atlas is... or was...' He think, knocking on the door.
Linus wandered through the streets of the Hub. The whole city was just like a much larger version of the slums of better cities. It disgusted him. Drunks were lying about, passed out in the streets and alleyways. Or maybe they were dead, Linus thought. It seemed like the people that lived here wouldn't even have the respect to clean up their dead until they started to stink.

Linus inhaled deeply, searching for firmiliar scents. He smelled demons, like Maximilian... a lot of them... vampires to.

He wondered if anyone in this city was truly a mortal...
Genesis blushed a deep red 'what is she saying?' he thought to himself

"mm...is there anybody that you'd like me to call" he asked still red

'she can laugh while still injured like that. shes grown so much'

As Linus made his way through the city, he got strange looks from people. The cross on his helmet and tunic was a symbol not seen much in the hub, and it didn't help that it was worn by a huge knight, carrying a holy weapon. He thought he caught a firmiliar scent and went on the trail of it. It led him to a hospital, rather well kept despite the city it was home to. He went inside, still following the scent, although he wasn't sure what it was...
Hussond would knock two times now.


Hussond would knock one more time.

"Atlas.... open up.... Atlas?" He look around, then looking back at the door.

(Hussond is knocking on Tekinai door... he think that someone named "Atlas" is inside....)
Tekinai shook her head no to his question. "Nobody to call, and I don't think I want anyone to know where I am at the moment." She smiled at Genesis, and then looked at the door when she heard the knocking. "Uhm... Geney, do you know an Atlas?" Her eyes laid on him with a questioning expression. 'Who on earth could be at our door?'

@Mr Swiftshots @AtlasTheShapeless
Linus, still following the scent, came to a corner, as he started to walk around it, he saw the cat again and stopped, hiding around the corner, watching him and hoping he wasn't spotted.

So that's who that scent belongs to... He thought to himself.

He shouldve known a Khajiit like him would be around here. He knew there werent any good ones... only criminals and lowlifes.
Linus continued watching from around the corner. The cat was knocking on a door, acting as though he knew whoever was behind it. Probably one of his thieve's guild friends.
Kirito had noticed the many layers of metal and the castle surrounding the Spirit. "No way I'm getting in... I'm nowhere near close enough to use it..." He'd scour the city, looking for a way but not finding anything. "Maybe a knight is resting in this hospital. Better go check..." Kirito would arrive at the hospital, looking through many doors. He eventually came to a door with the sign of Atlas. He'd spot the cat and pay no attention to him. Is anyone in there?" He said while knocking.

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Linus saw Kirito walk up and start knocking on the door.

What was it with people and knocking on that door?

Linus continued to watch, content with his hiding spot seeing as he hadn't been.noticed yet.

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