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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

Tekinai held on to his hand as they teleported. Soon enough they both ended up in the Darkness Hub. "Oh wow, that power of yours is handy, Genesis." She laughed a little, smiling at him. Soon enough she realized that she had to get her leg to the doctor. When he offered to carry her, she pursed her light pink lips, placing a finger on the side of them. "Carry me?" She said in a childish manner, looking with her magenta eyes into his. 'It's been so long, but now he's back. Does he still...? No, impossible. He would've moved on.' Her thoughts collided in an argument with the questions she placed.


@Mr Swiftshots
'she may have changed physically but she still has that sense of humor' he thought to himself as he gazed back into her eyes.

'she probably has a boy friend huh' he thought before replying

"uh yeh ill carry you.....since your hurt and all"

he said still gazing into her 'beautiful' magenta eyes.

Tekinai jumped into his arms, hugging him by the neck. "Hya, noble steed!" She patted his cheek once, and pointed towards the hospital. "Of to Canterlot!" With that she giggled and smiled at Genesis, noticed that he was looking into her eyes. She blushed, and looked away, a little embarrassed. 'We use to be 16, so young. It feels like it was just yesterday.' Her thoughts made her smile as they made their way to the hospital. Nothing felt better than to be back home. Although she did leave her katana behind, which upset her. But, her old sheath was made to keep, considering that she could compact it into a small and thin cup shape, hiding it in her jacket pocket now, rather than puting it in her boot.

(Romulus? Psh he kinda died from the role play)

@Mr Swiftshots
Genesis laughed at her remark "what ever you say m'lady"

He was blushing at this point thinking about how he used to mess around with Tekinai like this all the time.

"so uh .....how have you been" he asked softly as they neared the hospital.

'smooth move idiot!' he thought to himself

Tekinai smiled, content with being with her old friend, although she did think of him as more than that when they were both 16. "Oh you know, I've been okay. Killed some people, got interrogated by the Beacon's army commander, made a deal with a demon, the usual stuff." She paused, her face went blank for a second. Then she snapped back from her thoughts, and smiled. "How about you, Geney?" She giggled, remembering how she would tease him for his name and spoke it like it was a girl's name. 'Those were the days..'

(Dayum things just got dark with Tekinai)

@Mr Swiftshots
Hussond would stand up.

'I need to go back to the Hub... they need help...' Hussond would think, standing up.

(Hussond actually helps the Darkness Hub hospital...)
"Well i completed my mission and secured the item i was sent to get" he said entering the hospital

"it didnt go as smoothly as we expected it to though"

he looked down at her and smiled "then when i returned i was sent to back you up just on time might i add"

'shes been through hell' he thought to himself

'maby i can persuade the king to drop her mission'

Hussond would reach the Hub after 1 hour of walking/running, as he find the "scar" on the wall, as he crawl to the other side of the wall.

(The scar is a small "hole" in the wall, that he can crawl to the other side of the wall...)
Tekinai nodded, agreeing. "Yeah, just in time. I'm quite glad of that." She smiled, sighing as they finally arrived to the hospital. "Ah, here we are." At the building, she climbed down from Genesis' arms. Her smile met with his, and the same with their eyes. 'He's grown so much these past two years.' She thought, then looked towards the hospital. Once she reached the doors with her broken leg, she whistled for a doctor. "What happened?" A doctor asked Genesis as they hauled Tekinai off for a quick xray before they began surgery.

@Mr Swiftshots
"she suffered a devastating blow to the back while also being cut quite deeply" Genesis said calmly.

"how long will it take before she regains consciousness" he asked leaning against the wall ,looking down at his feet

Hussond would manage to crawl to the other side of the wall, now going towards the hospital. When he reached it, he open the doors and lean on the wall, waiting for his contact to appear.

Another Khajiit would lean on the wall, right next to Hussond.

"Friend.... finally... did you.... got it?" The Khajiit would ask, looking down "Yes...yes... Hussond got it...." He say, handing him a small package with the herbs inside it.

"Good...good..." The other khajiit would open the package, looking at the herbs, then closing it again, as he hand Hussond a small purse.
The doctor pondered, answering his question. "I'm sure that by the end of the surgery she'll be awake and happy." He then walked off to the emergency, seeing that Tekinai was being whisked off to there. Nurses and doctors yelled for people to move out of the way for the emergency. "Move, move, move!" The doctor yelled as they rushed her over, performing immediate surgery on her. Her left arm was bleeding internally, and as for her left leg, it had multiple broken bones. On the inside, part of her rib cage was broken as well from the fight with Linus.

Throughout the surgery, Tekinai was put to sleep with a certain medicine, dreaming of memories with Genesis, the deal with the demon, and of course the recent battle that she had won and managed to escape.

@Mr Swiftshots
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Kirito had rested up enough so he was allowed to head back out. He left for the Hub, not being noticed as he snuck up to the wall. He ended up finding the scar in the wall(hussond hole!). Just before going through, he surrounded himself with vines, making a Nature armor to disguise him. After that, he snuck through the city.

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Linus trudged through the halls of the hospital, his armor clanking loudly and his footsteps booming through the hospital. He was wearing his full suit of armor, and kept his helmet on. He wouldn't be unprepared again... not after last time. The claw marks across his face still stung, but they had stopped bleeding. As he walked along, looking gor a doctor to give him some painkillers, he saw Genysis sitting outside of a surgery room. He approached him cautiously.

"Vhy are you here? Seems like everyone is going to ze hospital now..."
Kirito had manage him. d to sneak through most of the city undetected. He knew that only it would be able to end this war. After a few more minutes of scouring the city, he found out where the Evil Spirit lay. "I've got to do this.... For the Beacon." He thought about it before arriving at the behemoth of a wall that protects the Spirit. He walked around it, looking for a way in. Suddednly, he remembered his note he left on his hospital bed. "I've infiltrated the Hub or died trying. I want you all to know that if I make it to the Evil Spirit, I will be sacrificing my own life in order to end this war. Either way I'm going to die. Don't come after me... Commander Kirito of the Kurta."
Hussond would reach for his dagger, as he start to throw it up and grabbing it again before it falls down.

"C'mon J'zar.... where are you...." He mumble to himself, waiting for him.
(Scratch the thing about walking through the halls then)

Linus finished putting his armor back on and found the note Kirito left. He sighed and walked out of the hospital towards the city gates.

"A knight's work is never done..." He mumbled to himself as he walked out of the city and in to the forest.
(Btw Night the 'Evil Spirit' lives in a castle and there are guards everywhere as addressed in the beginning of the role play if you didn't already know. :3)

For a few hours they worked on fixing Tekinai by mending her bones and stopping the bleeding throughout the surgery. It took them 5 hours to perform this surgery, and by then it was night time. Once they were done they wrapped her left wrist in bandages, as well as her lower chest, where they did surgery on her ribcage. Her leg was placed in a boot, which she was given a crutch to use for walking. The doctor walked out to Genesis, and nodded to him before he spoke. "Tekinai will be okay, although she won't be able to walk very well, or fight for this matter." He then slowly opened the door to Tekinai's hospital room, and showed a hand to Genesis. "You may see her now."

@Mr Swiftshots
It was night by the time Linus got to the Hub. He searched around for an entrance, and although he found a large crack in one of the walls, he realized that his frame was took large to fit through it.

"Verdammt." Linus cursed his terrible luck.

"I guess I'll have to do zis ze difficult way." he said walking towards the front gates slowly, unsheathing his sword.

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