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Fantasy Guardians of the Forest!

"oh the tavern i guess" he replied watching all this unfold before him

'honestly how could i have missed this city' he thought to himself .
As Chrome scoured the roof, he found the Khajit and arrived at his location. "Oi, you!" He'd say, pulling out his flute.

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Tekinai smiled, leaning her arm on his. "That's a good choice!" She giggled, walking with him to the tavern. "Ya' know, I've acquired a taste for alcohol over the years..." Her eyes looked up to Genesis with a sparkle of mischief. 'I'll try not to get drunk.' Tekinai told herself, trying to promise this. It was time that she needed to break away from her drinking problem, but would drink occasionally.

@Mr Swiftshots
"oh have you now!" he joked

"well then lead the way" he said smiling at her .

'quite a taste for alcohol huh'
Feimaan began spreading a thick mist throughout the forest and as he rested besides a lake, which was gradually drying out as he spread it out so that he would immediately be alerted if someone or something came near or even moved at all within that thick mist he created, and also the hide himself. He was in his other form, one he was admittedly more comfortable with than even his true form.
Tekinai smiled, and led him by the arm to the best tavern in town. The bartender greeted her with a wave of his hand, and a friendly greeting. "Hello, Tekinai! The usual, or will it be different with your guest?" The man teased, while serving a gentleman at the bar a glass of beer.

Tekinai smiled, and waved to him back. "It'll be different this time." She sat at a table that had space for two people. Her eyes looked at the chair across from her, then at Genesis, signaling for him to take a seat. The smile she wore spread from cheek to cheek on her pale face, happy to have a normal day finally apart from the craziness that just happened outside.

@Mr Swiftshots
Genesis would sit down in the chair and look around the tavern before returning to Tekinai.

"what did he mean by different?" genesis would ask laying back into the chair.

Tekinai smiled, and explained to him what she meant with a kind tone. "I use to come here all the time before my recent mission, and right after my last one." Her smile slightly faltered at the memory the other mission she had. On that mission, her job was to make sure that the forest was clear of Beacon intruders, and killed people who were there. That was the beginning of when the war was showing up. After that mission, she drank her cares away until she was intoxicated. Now, she developed a habit of doing so once she even feels the slightest bit of regret, anger, or sadness. But now, she was glad to have found company and trust with one that she's known in the academy, and people who use to be on the opposite side of her views.

Once she realized that she was beginning to become deep in thought, she shook her head lightly and smiled once more. A waitress walked over to their table, an artificial smile on her face. "Hello, and welcome to the Hiloden Tavern! My name is Lisa, what drinks can I get you two?" The girl looked at Tekinai first, recognizing her. Tekinai insisted that she ordered first so that Genesis could figure out what he wanted. "I'll have a raspberry martini, on the rocks." The waitress then nodded, and looked at Genesis. "And what would you like, sir?"

@Mr Swiftshots

"ill have a Guinness" he replied before turning back to Tekinai. 'she wasnt joking when she said I've acquired a taste for alcohol was she'

he thought to himself. 'a lots changed since i left the hub huh'

"so Tekinai i heard you were recently promoted huh"

Tekinai nodded to him, saluting just for fun. "Yessir! Head guard of the Pure Spirit, or at least, one of them." She put her hand down, still smiling. While they waited, she leaned in closer to Genesis. Her elbows were placed on the table as she leaned closer. When she spoke, her voice was smooth, and set out to be attractive just to tease Genesis and make him blush. "What about you? Have you ranked up?" Her magenta eyes sparkled in the low shade of the candles in the tavern as she smiled at him.


@Mr Swiftshots
Genesis would blush thinking 'shes doing this on purpose isn't she'

"i was promoted to general when i returned" he said as he began to get lost in her eyes.

'shes so beautiful' he think gazing deeper into her eyes.

J'Zarr would enter the tavern, going towards the bartender, as he start to talk with him.

"Oh.... yes....yes.... she is there... the house... looted.... she escaped..." It was the only words that could be heard in 'mid-whispering.'
Tekinai smiled, holding back a laugh from seeing him blush. "That's a very honorable rank, Geney-ral." She giggled at the pun she made out of his rank, and looked into his eyes. They were just so... perfect. For a while she genuinely smile, her eyes closed as she sighed lightly. Then she opened her eyes, and saw him looking into hers with a dreamy look on his face. She smirked, and pinched his cheek lightly. "My cute little Geney!" Tekinai laughed, and winked at him.

The waitress came back with their drinks, setting them on the table. "Anything you'd like to eat?" Tekinai handed a menu to Genesis, and ordered hers from memory. "I'll have sea crab soup with bread and a side of ceaser salad." The waitress nodded, writing down the order quickly. She then looked over at Genesis, her pen at ready to write his order down. "And you?"

@Mr Swiftshots
Chrome had went back to his Forest home. He lay down under a tree. By a lake, he played his flute beautifully.

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"ill have what shes having" he closed the menu and began drinking his pint.

"so what do you do for fun around here" he asked as he looked around the tavern before he turned back Tekinai.

Tekinai smiled, and spoke clearly. She didn't feel like this would be a good thing to say, but it was the truth and it was what she did. "I normally mess with my power in the tavern, before or after I've been intoxicated." She slightly laughed, and then looked at Genesis with a questioning look. "What about you, Geney?" Curiosity clearly showed in her eyes when she asked the question. She took a sip of her martini, then placed it back down.

@Mr Swiftshots
"Well i guess i kill for fun" he said as he began to get lost in thought.

'do i kill for fun' he'd ask himself before thinking about how bad it sounded.

"heh I guess I kill for fun because I've been doing it since i can remember"

it was true he had no memory of his life before the academy.

Chrome was waiting carefully in a tree. He knew he was in the middle of a war zone but all Chrome wants was peace. He was a true Guardian of the Forest. Chrome would occasionally stop either faction from attacking the other. "That's his it should be..." He thought to himself.

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(I'll admit that Kirito was an addict but Chrome's just a kid who lives in the Forest.)

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