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Cant Trust a Pirate! (Libra259andHoundsofWar)


The Lone Wolf
Lets begin with the story of the land. Helima is what its called and pirates are the problem. Raiding and blundering everyday and mercilessly slaughtering anyone who gets in there path. However Thats a misconception. Not all pirates are like that and some have quite a story to tell.
The life of a watchman isn't always the best, but getting up and hearing the thanks from the towns people are what most of the guardsman wake up for (and the cash for doing so, gotta eat m8) especially Keith, though he tries his best there have been the days where a hostage, boat, food, or even a table was taken... (yes, a table, hard to find a nice sturdy one in pirate territory here.)
A kind smile spreads upon Azuri's lips as she strides past the guardmen. Her eyes held a simple kind glow. Oh what a con woman she was. She was quite known in this part of the land. Both as her generous noble self and sly pirate self. She enjoyed the double life and the trickery of each one of her marvelously devious plans. Yes today they'd plunder different lands.
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One of the guards actually seems to be taking his job seriously, moving about on his patrol, barely talking with people unless it has something to do with him or the welfare of the town and its port. after a long while the guard switches and he heads towards one of the taverns, around middle class, every now and again tossing a beggar a copper for food or something like that. when he makes it to the door he gives the road one last skim before heading inside.
Azuri's kind smile turns devilish in seconds. Part one initiated now. She thought as part of her own crew approached her. The young women would let out a high pitched screeched as she'd back up. People came running and all was going according to plan. I wonder how this one will play out?
the guardsman pushes through the crowd heading towards the screech while others stand around stunned before yelling out "branch out, look everywhere and report on everything no matter how small or 'stupid' it is and make sure it gets to me!" just as he took stock of what was happening all around him, clearly he'd been on the job several years now.
Azuri looks at the growing crowd and the people who had yelled. Fear still upon her face and eyes. Her body still tense. Oh how lying and acting came so easy to her, it was almost scary. Her crew members would make it look like they realized there were to many people and make a run for it. One drew a sword as the other drew a pistol. They pushed past people heading towards the docks.
"Echo squad, after them, the rest of you branch out and start scouting! The port is at risk!" before the man himself went after the crowd of people with weapons running from the scene, every guard now taking their jobs seriously as they branch out, searching and quickly dealing with any people that put a risk to others
Azuri still stood in shock her hands slightly trembling, what an easy town.. Oh and how amusing its people are.. The men would continue to run and sheath there weapons. They'd do a quick change of clothes consisting of new vests, shoes, hats, and such. Since they did not speak amd no one got a good look at them they stopped and began to chat among the other villagers.
She sees the same man wrestling one of them to the ground, clearly the guy having changed, but the small detail of a fancy gold piece in his ear lead it off to the guardsman... and of course it was the one she saw taking his job entirely serious, the one shouting the orders despite his lower ranking to the people around him. he must have gained the respect of everyone here, because now even the villagers start to take closer looks some being able to point out the odd person here or there to the guards.
Azuri walks towards the crowd, wanting to look as if she didnt want to be alone. She wasnt worried about her crew members since she could easily get them back later. The males played a good role shouting in confusion and playing the whole part. Maybe these folks werent morons after all. They could be useful, yet it was quite boring when her plan went perfectly. Where is the entertainment in that?
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As time starts to go by a shout rings above the houses "Form up! defend the storehouse! We can always rebuild the port but our valuables are hard to come by!" the guards shift from arresting to retreating with the villagers to houses, stores, and the storehouse... within a minute the streets are quiet besides the group around the storehouse
Azuri mentally smirked. Ah so they do have valuables.. How nice.. Much be something fairly good to have to protect. Azuri simply continued to slowly walk looking around causiously. She wondered if they suspected her. Since that would be an interesting change of events. Though she already planned for that sadly.
The guards around the city, in houses, stores and around the storehouse start making small formations, the ones in the back pulling out bows, others crossbows, the ones in front taking a knee while the ones behind take aim at the people still in the streets, the first scream of pain ringing out near the storehouse "Make sure your target isn't a regular, it has to be someone you haven't seen once before this day!"
Azuri just sighed a bit. She always came here for the clothes at least.. Well to her friends store. At this point she wasnt sure what they were looking for. Or did her crew members get away?
It seems that some of her crew hadn't got the idea of 'getting back to the ship' as several cries of pain sound throughout the small city, and they continue while slowly getting shorter and lower as time passes the guards starting to enter the storehouse besides a small group of around 5 outside of its only door.
Blustering dingbats! She thought with a mental facepalm. This may turn out to be more work than she anticipated. Azuri ram towards the screams wanting to knowing what was happening.
She sees them pierced with arrows or crossbow bolts, only around 3 per person depending on how much of a fight they tried to put up, other than that nothing much more had happened to them but the guards watch her closely, some of them actually having met her before and stopping the rest from shooting her full of pointy objects that hurt like hell
"O-Oh im sorry to d-disturb.." Azuri says embarrassedly. "I-I'll go.." She mutters and scurries off in the other direction. The whole time she was mentally cursing and swearing off her crewmen. How stupid could they get?! Idiots.. Now im going to have to recruit more men! That's just a pain..
As she runs off the self appointed leader of the guard at this point starts to walk away from the storehouse, starting to head towards certain stores and houses, speaking quickly with the people inside before heading off to the next one.
Azuri sas furious. How could those morons mess up her plan like that?! Now she'd have to do more work and pick another place to raid! She walks down the streets sighing a bit. Physically she looked quite calm and coy but mentally she was ticking time bomb.
She sees the 'leader' of the guards go down an alley way, him somewhat muttering to himself about what's going on though not paying much attention... revenge could be sweet, or then again taking him could open so many possibilities for her.
Azuri approaches the man, "a-ah could I ask w-what happened?" She asksef shyly with some of her hair in her face. She wasnt sure what this revenge crap was but she wanted to know.
He turns to her "An attack on the harbor, though it seems some of the crew during the set up got greedy and tried to rob a couple people along the way. no clue why someone would attack such a small port town, but someone has decided to..." he shakes his head "like life wasn't hard enough with the gangs of pirates gone rogue that try to rob us every other week, now its happening every week."
Azuri nods, "o-oh I see. Im sorry for that and a-asking.. It must be h-horrible." And she truly meant it. Azuri didnt like to cause other people pain but thats what happens when your past was as bad as hers. Some people become shy, coy, afraid, and depressed. But others became angry, cold, heartless, and cruel. Though there are some, like Azuri, who become both. Afraid and depressed on the inside and cold and heartless on the outside. Though she was never sorry for long. Everyone had to live and thats her way of living. She then turns away and begins to walk.

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