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Fandom Gijinka academy

(Seriana is still sleeping but i could always have her wake up and i think river is staying in her room but you do have another character beside him right?)
Ichimaru looked at Apollo trying to figure out what he was but the only thing coming to his mind was that he was a water type. "Hello can you tell me wherever I'm suppose to go?"
"Oh, uhh... of course the main office is this way" the Gyrados led him down the hallways 'You can get your class schedule here"
As Nicholas goes to take a walk at the school he goes to the dorms "I think I'll just take a walk for a minute" he said.
Ichimaru listened as Apollo spoke and followed him to the main office. He talked to the people at the desk and picked up his schedule. "Thank you." He said and started walking away.
River would be laying beside Seriana as he wakes up and stretches. He then rolls over to Seriana and hugs her tightly. "Heya." He whispers.


The palkia would tug at the mew. "What's your name mew-kun? Tell me tell me! I wanna explore too! Let's explore pleaseee?"
Seriana yawns as she wakes up and she snuggles against him sleepily then she opens her eyes slightly."hi."


Yushiro giggles and his tail wags back and forth."My name is Yushiro and yes we can explore."
River would nuzzle her, "You sleep well, love?"


Amadeus would giggle, "Okay! My name is Amadeus! I wanna be best friends with someone as cute as you Yushiro-chan!" He would stop, thinking. "Actually, I think I need to pick up my schedule."
Ichimaru continued alone to his room slowly taking his time to analyze the scenery until he made it to the steps. He walked into the building and started finding the sign for his room number.
Seriana giggled sleepily."Pff of course i slept well though at times i used to sleep for 1000 years in the very bottom of the ocean but this works to, i am much older than i appear."


Yushiro smiled."Well let us go get your schedule then."
River would poke her forehead, "You pedo. Dating a young blastoise and hiding your age." River would laugh to himself. "it's a good thing that age hasn't worn down your beauty at all." He would kiss her on the forehead.


The palkia would cheer. "Yay! Let's go on an adventure!" He would run off and then stop. "Um... Ushiro-kun where is the main office?"
Seriana giggles."Well lugia are immortal so i was born sometime in the Fossil pokemon period i think or before that, but i really cannot remember that far."
Ichimaru put all of his things in his room and laid down for a moment staring at the ceiling. He quickly then stood up and made his way to the outdoors in hopes to meet someone to mingle with since he was new here and all.
River would shrug. "I'm just 17. Stone said I was the youngest to ever become champion. Since then I've been training non-stop to make sure that I can become the best."
Ichimaru looked down at Sadi and gave a sullen smile. " Hi there.How are your doin?" He ask trying to start a conversation.
Seriana shrugged."Well back in my day, their were alot of young fighters, not many blastoise but alot of young fighters one of them was only 12 years old."


Sadi smiles back and her silvery tail wags."Well i was just needing help with finding my room and i am doing good."
River would rub her head. "Back in your day, listen to you, you're starting to sound like an old bird already." River would kiss her forehead and hug her tightly. "But I love you no matter what."
Ichimaru cocked his head to the side and smiled at her as his wings vibrated slightly and he ran his fingers through his hair. "Sorry I don't know if I'd be much help but I'd be more than happy to help." He said lieing quite well.

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