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Fandom Gijinka academy

Taleo returned to the school a while after he trained in the forest. He didn't know what to do now that Legendary Gijinkas had appeared.
Shade sighed and went to apologize to Amadeus "I-I'm sorry I shouldn't have brought her up that crossed the line..."
Amadeus would shake his head. "It's alright. I just get a little scared whenever Desdemonda is being mean to me. We've known eachother forever."
"Go easy on her, tiger,." Bayah had slowly regained his strength back, and he could talk more normally now. He sat up on his elbows and looked to the newcomer.


Nodan tried to wave the hand away that bopped his nose, but in a casual manner, not a irritated one. "... Desdemonda has always been a strange one, but in her own right... however, she can't be mean to Amadeus forever. That's impossible."
(lol, Aria's such a great friend...)

Lysandre thanked Aria and walked in pulling off the blankets Lauren was hiding under "Oh come on it's not that bad Lauren it's okay and besides I... I like you too don't get all embarrassed... your making this worse!" he said this even though he was blushing himself. 
Shade actually smiled for once and pinched the mew's cheeks "Oh my gosh! your so freaking adorable!!" it was kind of awkward since the dark type hardly ever smiled to be freaking out over a mew's cuteness. "I always wanted to do that!"
Aria giggled silently watching the two then she looked at Bayah."Well you seem a bit better." (Why of course she is)


Yushiro blushed then he gave a faint mew of embarassment and blushed then he stutters."I...uh...um."
"Thanks to you. I don't think I;ll be able to run for a few days, but now I can walk... that's... a good sign, right? Yeah, it is." Bayah was back to his confused, talkative self again. At least, for the most part. "...To be honest...you did a better job then... the sewer of this body himself."
Aria smiled."Well just try not to be near the darkrai again because i do not want you back in here injured because who knows what she might rip off next time." (Hint, Hint :3 AND BRING IN THE GIRATINA THE MODEL SHINY EEVEE WILL BE THEIR SHORTLY.)
(Can't stop smiling omg so cute I'm at a loss of words)

She looked into his eyes and saw something more then usual she felt her breathing halt and her heart started beating faster. Her cheeks were now a dark pink and she felt paralyzed.

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Jade was happy after getting to swim again so she went to venture the school singing a little song and feeling confident for once. "Hey there!" she smiled at Taleo
Aria looked at Laura."Try not to have a panic attack or a heart attack please."


Sari had just arrived at the school and she was a very cute girl with Silvery colored curls of air which were in two ponytails with silvery ears flicking and a fluffy tail wagging.
Lysandre smiled at Lauren "You okay?" he found her loss for words pretty cute though. "Ah come on I'm telling the truth, don't make me say it again..."
"I'll try my best. Hopefully, Miss Sunshine won't catch me again..." That would be a story. "Now what happened to all your nail piercings I gave you? I guess I have to nail you with THAT many more, now, don't I?' Oh, he could imagine it already.... maybe he would actually DISAPPEAR like a good little Banette this time.

... Speaking of which, he faintly wondered where his friends went.


"Oh dear, I just remembered...." Nodan put a hand under his chin. "I still have to reserve the Hall for the Fashion show I was about to host... I'm terribly sorry to leave you like this... If you'll excuse me."

The Giratina backed up a few steps, and using that same motion that he did before, he vanished to god-knows-where.
"H-Hey..." Taleo looked at the Zoroark and smiled wryly, waving a bit as his tail slowly stiffened because of nervousness...

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Aria sighed when he fainted then she used one wing to pull up a blanket over bayah.


Sari smiled slightly and it was a cute little smile that went well with her demenor and her clothes were stylish as well with a brown coat, gently coated with fur and a skirt slightly hidden under the coat then she started walking up the steps of the school.

We'll be back at 9:00, Pacific standard. Hehe. See you darlings later <33)
Instead of responding to him she wrapped her hands around his neck and leaned in then kissed him on the mouth a kiss of love and closed her eyes.

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Aroura said:
Instead of responding to him she wrapped her hands around his neck and leaned in then kissed him on the mouth a kiss of love and closed her eyes.
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Lysandre took a moment to realize what had just happened, that was sudden... regardless he kissed her back closing his eyes as well and feeling his own heart start to race. He was lost in the moment and had completely forgotten that her friends were still in the room with them.
Ichimaru sat on the bus waiting for it to reach its destination. He watched the scenery pass by with disdain and started to fall asleep just as they reached the school. He stood up slowly grabbing his luggage making his way of the bus. He entered the school grounds looking for someone to help him or guide him. He knew he was a little late but he lived a little out of the way.

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