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Fandom Gijinka academy

"H... Hello?" The puppet turned his head, and for once he didn't like the inability he possessed to feel pain. It made breathing awkward... REALLY awkward. "Oh good... you -....aren't that crazy...ah.... dark person who wants to rule .....the school into slave labor."
The Missingno gagged after she had illuminated the room with Flash. "W-what happened to you?" She said to the Banette.

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Aria blinked."No i am not but i am the person who is getting you out of here since i am pretty sure you would bleed to death otherwhise."She walks over to the banetta and starts pulling the nails out while glancing at the missing no.
(just saw you responded) River lays Seriana on the bed and tucks her in. "Comfy?"


"If you don't stop being mean yo Desdemonda-Chan I'll put you on the sun." the lord of space warned.
"A-aight... Thanks, I think..." Bayah shook himself awake. The first time, he was okay. He woke up still in this same body. The second time... He might have to find a new host to possess. He liked this body.... the acquaintances he made. Not going to change anytime soon.

"It... was that new Darkrai.... I think... " He got the feeling that those two words were going to be his best friends. "Gah, it's blurry...." With the now-illuminated room, he had to blink that much faster to adjust.
Aria smiled then she pulled the last nail out and slung bayah over her shoulder."Alright let me get those wounds treated, your coming to my room."
The Zoroark cringed slightly at the black hole butdug his claws straight into the ground keeping himself in place and sending another shadow ball to go against the Darkrai's to defend himself. "You guys just can't take a joke can you?, Two legendaries and only one me that's not fair"
"You think you scare me, little water type?" Desdemona snapped at the Palkia. She deflected the Shadow Ball.


The glitch Pokémon rushed over to the puppet Pokémon, wanting to help the Pigeot.

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"D-D-Desdemonda-chan w-w-why are you being mean to me when I'm trying to help you. " The palkia's eyes would begin to shimmer as tears filled them. "I-I-I just wanna protect my Desdenonda."
Seriana yawns and shuts her eyes."Yes i am comfy."


Aria looks at the missingno."Come along to my room if you want to help."She carrys bayah off to her room.
"You said you were going to put me in the sun! Maybe that's why?" The Darkrai snapped.


The Missingno followed the Pigeot.

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Lauren noticed Lysandere had returned from dissipating for so long she had walked up to him book to her chest. "Its nice to see you back Lysandere" she blushed and looked away from his vision almost unable to look at him. @MattieLee

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"I-I was gonna put him o-on it f-f-for being mean to you" Amadeus would begin crying.
The Banette was pretty easy to carry, he was as light as a doll and basically just bent like a noodle over her shoulder. Not that Bayah minded, it was better then being in the blood-soaked room for a moment longer. And he thought he liked horror movies, bah. Bayah would be happy if he never saw a drop of black blood again in his life.

He looked to the Missingno character, not recognizing her right off the bat. She seemed a little strange, then again she was unlike any other Pokemon he had seen in his life. It was cool in a weird way. to the point where he could even smile a bit. "Heh...If I haven't said it already, thank you two."


Nodan heard the fighting from a hall away. He looked to the Meloetta, then the two Pokemon. "I...sense a disturbance. I must be going for a moment." And instead of walking away, the Giratina lifted his head, and snapped his eyes shut...

And just kind of...vanished. He had a Palkia to help.
Aria opened the door of her room and brought the Banette in and she layed him down on her bed then she went to go get a washclothe to clean Bayha's wounds.
Aria turned for a moment to look at river."Oh well it appears he was nailed to a table by a demonic darkrai and then had some of his stiches pulled out as well."
Lysandre smiled at Lauren "Aww, I missed you too, yeah sorry about that I kind of was stuck in bed for quite awhile" he reached his arms around her to touch the book she was carrying "what are you reading?" it looked interesting to him.

Shade laughed at the Palkia "I don't think she's interested dude."
"I swear, once.... Lauren sees.... this mess, she's gonna have a fit.." Knowing his friend, Lauren would scream something along the lines of: "STOP BLEEDING ALL OVER MY EXPENSIVE CARPET, YOU'RE MAKING A /MESS."

He turned his head to river. "....Actually, that...about sums it...up. Funny...story..."


Nodan climbed out of the shadowed hole that opened up in the floor, next to the Zoroark, Palkia, and Darkrai. "I doubt she would be, our dear princess is stubborn to those subjects..." He mused, pulling his last leg out of the Netherworld and fixing his jacket.
Aria facepalms."Your on my side of the room so she wont freak out as much."She gently dabs the wounds with the wet washclothe."Somebody needs to give that darkrai a good kick in the behind."
River would sigh, "We need to do something fast."


(nice pushing him over the edge)

The palkia would begin crying uncontrollably, causing the rift to the black hole to close and instead several other rifts to appear as space begins unraveling, several rifts getting dangerously close to Shade as he continues crying. Several rifts would begin tugging at Shade, trying to suck him in yo deep space
Taleo walked over to the cafeteria and chose some berries with some puffins to eat. Little he know there is problems with the Legendary Gijinkas in the school.
"It is a story of a independent woman who falls in love and gets sweped off her feet its the only love story I will read" then she remembered inside the book from two days ago she writer on the blank cover on the inside Lauren x Lysandere and took the book back "I prefer holding onto the book" she spoke softly.

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". . .I had...planned something, but..." He trailed off, and a second later The Banette took a deep breath when the cloth made contact with his skin.... naught much else happened in the way of movement. He also assumed he would have to sew a new right arm... perhaps something that couldn't fall off. Ohh, or a Sword. That would be cool.

"I'll...be fine for.... a while yet..." ' I hope...' Bayah silently added.

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