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Fandom Gijinka academy

Any behavior that was previously being shown in the glitch Pokémon had disappeared, now holding an expression of intense emotional pain. "Why-?" She asks softly, so that only Kurusaki can hear. "Why does discrimination exist? What did the innocents ever do to be treated less than dirt?" A small tear drops from her eye, making her chin glitch a bit as the bead of water touches the bottom of her face.

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Kurusaki shrugs."i do not know but if you want to talk a bit later after this then you can tell me why you feel this way, i am a very good listener."
Marcus glared putting boot to his head, slowly putting pressure "you think u can just slither away!!" Rootley struggled, wanting to leave as he starts to cry. Marcus pushed harder "dont think you can fake cry round me!!!"
Nicholas goes to where the roar is, as he got there he is curious about the situation and hides so he can't be seen while watching "what's going on here" he mutters.
The glitch Pokémon then noticed what the Carnivine had done to little Kito. "Don't you touch him, you rotting plant!" She runs at him, changing her bow ice blue, jumping at the Carnivine, her fist engulfed in ice, and landing the absolute, final blow.

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Rootley siloon started to freeze as he hummed a song "hello...mister...sunflora...how....do ......you....do...shake your leav.....e.....s....under the.......s.....u..m" he froze during the finale as kito looked "t....thank you daisy..i mean ketsu..."
The young female Braixen then looks at the new Pokémon, so she didn't have to look at fighting and bloodloss anymore. "There's this crazy Carnivine gijinka that killed an incredibly nice student, so my friends and I are getting revenge for who he killed."

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"Oh my" she felt almost sick to watch someone no matter how dark die and rushed off down the hall floating when. she ran into a male tall and muscular with red colors on his outfit. "My sincere apologies but if you excuse me I must be going" as she said in an refined voice as she ran to her room

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Aesami looked at Kurusaki with a cold look. "This isn't a joking matter." For the first time, Ketsuban smiled, and her heart was filled with a good feeling, as she helped avenge such a sweet soul's death. "It's no big deal." She stopped the unfamiliar feeling of smiling and the warmness in her heart, turning away from the entire scene. 'This feeling... is an emotion I was never meant to have, so why is it here now? I'm supposed to be strong, but-.'

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Kurusaki looked back at aesami."To me, it is a joking matter since this is not the first time, i have killed."he looks at Ketsuban for a moment like follow me. he trots off down the hallway.
Charlie looked "ill go see if shes okay"he floated after lauren, kito felt sorry for him "poor guy...he had just lost his faith....."
Unsure about what the Mightyena wanted, the glitch Pokémon did as she was told, following Kurusaki. "Am I being punished for what I did?" She looks at her feet to avoid eye contact. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.." She flinches a bit, expecting to be physically punished.

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Kurusaki frowns then he shifts back into his gijinka form and he leaned against the wall."No and do not flinch, nobody is gonna hurt you here."He gently puts a hand on her shoulder."And i just wanted to talk with you besides remember i did say i was a good listener."
Kito had made another daisy crown, putting one on daisies grave, and looks "yea thattl do bro" marcus puts the frozen rootley by her grave. "Bro why you doing this" kito placed another infront of rootley.
She tries her best to stop her shoulder from glitching, but it didn't work, so Kurusaki's hand literally went through her shoulder, making her go wide-eyed, stepping away about a foot. "Sorry..." She now raised her hands to protect herself, again expecting to be punished, now for not controlling her body from glitching. "There's nothing to talk about..." Ketsuban gives a blank stare, full of sadness.

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Kurusaki smiles."Yes their is something to talk about besides i know when someone is sad or has been hit before because you keep flinching and acting like im going to hit you besides i had a friend who was a glitch Pokemon."
"Sure you did.." She replies in a soft tone. "And please don't touch me again..." 'That probably came off mean...I'm sorry...Why do I always hurt the ones that atleast try to be nice to me?'

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Kurusaki nodded."I will not touch you again, now tell me whatever you want to tell me about."He silently looked at her with his ears perked up.
As Nicholas continues to walk he realized something is missing "where is my sword wait, Oh no I dropped it there earlier" he said as he goes back to get his sword.
"I mean it's not that- it's just it kinda hurts to be touched..." Ketsuban frowns. She sinks down so that she is hugging her knees. "Why are you being so nice to me?" She looks up at him, but soon breaks eye contact.

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