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Fandom Gijinka academy

Suddenly, Taleo's Electric Stone pedant glowed and electricity surged through him. "W-What is happening...?" Taleo though to himself as yellow fur started to coat he as he shrunk. His hands and feet turned into paw. He has transformed into a Jolteon without thinking! "Although I might be weaker in this form... But at least I'm able to move..." Taleo thought to himself.

@the\-lich @Lunar\-Eclipse (Just tagging everyone in the same room with me hence this will be quite important.)
Katharinia and Kristian found alongside Nodan what had caused the Yvetal to roar. They had been controlled by a device which they could tell was being used for their own cruel purpose. The two psychic types agreed with the Giratina and readied for battle. The gardevoir started calm mind while the gallade started sword dance.

Selena followed behind River and soon came across the battle scene. What she saw shocked her and left her anxious. "R-river what's happening here?" She asked.

@Swift Beurezu
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Roxanne blushed at the Mandibuzz's wink, happy that the bird Pokémon at least acknowledged her. "Ya, I could go with either gender, but leaning more towards women, maybe a badass girl like me, hehe." She giggled, still red.

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"Don't hurt him!" She was pretty serious about removing the collar without causing any damage to the body of the male "he is still a person" she was thrown off of him as was now at the cloaked mans feet "you" she became so angry she changed form without the personality change and a sword formed "shut it down now or death will be the next person you talk to."

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"Ah, love. It's an awfuly complicated thing. I'm sure you could find someone who likes you for you easily, with that cute charm of yours." Calypso adressed the Palkia with the wave of her wing. ",,, And of course, someone who can match your badassery. Pretty sure you can pick up anyone you'd like with that confidence." She smiled in a half predatory, half reassuring way,

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With a loud echoing cry, seriana burst out of the school in full lugia form and she let out a growl of rage and she was a shadow lugia at the moment so she was much stronger and the only one big enough to take on logan.
"Really?" The Spiritomb smiled wider, her blush turning to a deep crimson at the Mandibuzz. "Oh, uh.." Confidence significantly lowered, she became a bit nervous. "Do ya want to go out with me somewhere, like a skate park? I mean, if ya don't wanna, ya don't have to" She said in her skater-girl way.

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Amadeus would look excited, "You really think so? I always wanted to have someone. It gets really lonely up there." The palkia would point to the ceiling. "honestly this is the most people I've ever been around. Most of the time im only here for a little bit. But I learned a lot from manga! Nodan-san usually brings me some"

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The bird pokrmon looked up, as if shr expected to see some sort of hole that would lead to some sort of room... then it hit her. Space, Palkia, Duh! It was likely that he got lonley in the expanse of universe that was the galaxy.

"Manga? Well, that's better then learning from scratch, and more entertaining then those electronic language tutors. I honestly believe in you, though. More people means more chances to meet new people, and then one day, you'll find Her, or him.... well, according to life in general. Arranged marriage doesn't sound fun.

To the ghost type, she added: "Actually, the skate park sounds like a great idea. I'm not too good with the Blades, but I can use a board..... if I can find it" She added with a wistful sigh. Honestly, her bag was a mess. Just like her room, her memory, and her makeup kit. She had makeup kits for her eyeliner and eyeshadow, on those occasions when it is frowned upon to look like the walking dead.

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Reverand walked to his dorm putting his clothes in their designated area and his other things placed about the room. After looking around the sight of his room he was satisfied and left to go back outside. As he was walking about he walked by the fighting scene and looked for a moment before deciding it wasn't worth his time. He huffed at it and turned around to walk away not wanting to get mixed in the fight like he did last time.

Ichimaru thought he had waited a long enough time for the Umbreon girl to be alone. He walked in again "You miss me?" He said standing at the end of her bed by her feet.
Amadeus would think. "I can help you find it. I can manipulate space, so it shouldn't be that hard to find.. Right? And what's a skate park?"

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Moonlight looked at the boy and frowned, crossing her bandaged arms stubbornly and as it turns out, her legs had bandages wrapped around them to which was easy to see since she was wearing shorts and she attempted to kick him.
Roxanne giggled like a little girl at the Mandibuzz's acceptance to her proposal. 'Ew, when did I start actin' all girly again? I guess that's what love does to you..?' She thought to herself, trying to contain her excitement, turning her roller blades into a black skateboard with purple wheels and teal stripes, revealing her dark gray combat boots that she always wore when she didn't have her roller blades on. (Gtg to bed guys)

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"Woo still got some fire in you don't you." He said placing a hand on her ankle gently. "Everything still go well for you? Enjoying your time here?" He asked kidding around with her.
". . . Woah wait what wha.... you haven't been to a skate park?" While fascinated with the spiritomb's transformation from Skates to a skateboard, what shocked her more was Amadeus and his lack of going to a park...of skating.

"Well, basically a skate park is an area of concrete twists and turns, dips and ramps. People go there to perform tricks that you just can't do on a curb,"

(Okie, nighty night)

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(Soz guys i dozed off)

The controlled Yvetail, breathed in then shot a hyper beam at the ground creating a massive dust cloud, when it clears they where gone. That was untill the shadow lugia appeared, and rootley was threatened "okay okay ill turn it off" he grabs remote and sets it to over drive "KILL THEM ALL GO BESERK!!!" Rootley shifted into the ground, as the yvetail exploded with darkness "ahhhhhh" closing his wings he sent out two oblivion wing waves, towards the lugia.
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"Aww you poor girl...is there anything I could do to make it better?" He said moving his hand down to her foot lightly massaging it in his hand. "Since your having such a bad time in here."
Seriana had managed to follow them even after they disapeared and she slammed into logan.


Moonlight turned her head away stubborn as ever.
Ichimaru laughed a little at her stubborness and sat down on the foot of her bed placing her feet in his lap. He took both in his hands and started massaging them. "Come on don't be like that."
Wishtobeawolf said:
Seriana had managed to follow them even after they disapeared and she slammed into logan.

Moonlight turned her head away stubborn as ever.
After logan was slammed, stopping his oblivion wing, he used his talons to grip and bite her shoulder hard.
Seriana growled with pain but she ended up using dazzling gleam on the dark type which was super-effective and she slashed at the machine on him.


Moonlight smirked and she still kept up her act even though she did like having her foot rubbed.
Nodan silently vanished from view, deciding to use his power to attack the source and catch Rootley off guard. The way he vanished was silent, as if he was just wiped from existence.

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Taleo had walked on all fours now since he is a full-on Jolteon now. He trips a bit at first but he quickly learned how to run. He couldn't do anything but watch since he is pretty weak in this form.

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