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Fandom Gijinka academy

Gahhhh!!!" Vines go back, kito looks "sagley you ok" sagley leaned up wearing ear muffs, looking like device "yawwn huh" is smacked by shovel. "Did i get him" kito looked.

Sagley had pidgeys flying in a circle "go pidgey use..teeter dance"
Airagog said:
River would give a warm smile to her. "Its a pleasure to meet you. If im right you're a cressila correct? The dream Pokemon from Sinnoh? Its a pleasure to meet you. I'm River Stevens, from Hoenn." he would outstretch a hand to offer her a hand shake.

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(I was busy with some friends throughout the day yesterday and I went to a party today so once again I missed a lot. >_<

Also is there any character now still involved with the fashion show?)

Selena gave a small smile back to him, "Y-yes I am a Cresselia. My name is Selena Lumen and I'm fairly new to anything like an academy. It's nice to meet someone like you too." She accepted his gesture and shook hands with the Blastoise.

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"Well I can help show you around, come with me. " river motions for her to follow. "aside from that I need to get a new shirt. I left my old one somewhere." River at this moment realized he left his shirt at the pound but didn't care. He enters the school and smiles. "Don't delay now!"

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Lauren had finished her outfits for the first annual fashion show and a great one at that. She was about to leave the autotorium when she heard a loud crash come from nearby. "Who are you and what are you doing here while I'm working!?" She pulled out her staff and ready to attack at any moment.


Melody heard loud noises from outside her room which scared her to death but then it grew quiet. She fell asleep hoping there were no interruptions for now. From her window she could see a field of flowers which is all she could look at while stuck in bed.

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(Okay, so the actual fashion show will probably be roleplayed tomorrow. Then maybe we can finally get to classin. c:)

"...Lauren, what are you yelling about?" So Nodan had snuck away from the strange scene. That was good, the 'Salesman' didn't seem to be trustworthy, anyway. He made his entrance with his own clothing on his wings, most were outfits covered so nobody could peek at the final project. If it was any indication, most were long-sleeved.

"I'm afraid the crash did not come from here, but further up." The Giratina pointed out, stretching his back after the clothes were placed on the line.


Melody didn't get to enjoy any peace today, because someone was banging on her door. "Hellloooooo!" A musical voice asked outside of her dorm.
"Well they should learn to be more quiet and all the outfits are finished sowing down to the smallest detail" she had already taken the liberty of posting some accsories and minor things as sneak peaks for the audience. "Anyone who is a somebody is showing up like lady lala is going to be here and a bunch of other reserved spots this is going to be the event of a lifetime." She just had to make shure all of there modules made it on time"


"Come in the doors unlocked" she couldn't really answer her door unfortunately" she was now thinking that relaxing won't happen any time soon or at least for her. She watched as the doorknob slowly turned like the suspense part in horror movies but this time with out the phycho on the loose.

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@Swift Beurezu

Selena smiled back to River and decided to follow him into the school. Although she had been rather shy towards everyone at the school so far, she trusted and felt she could become good friends with him. "Where to first then?" She asked.

Kristian and Katharinia were busy planning what they wanted do for the fashion show. Katharinia was working the hardest while her brother seemed disinterested by it. They suddenly both heard a loud noise as everyone else did and shocked them quite a bit. They heard what the Giratina had to say, "I wonder who caused it though." Kristian said.

Katharinia shrugged, "It's probably no big deal. Perhaps there's something else we can do to prepare?" She asked looking towards the others in the room.
"There is only one other space where there is complete silence its the catacombs I use it to travel in at out of the school with ease it has many entrances and exits but it is dark and damp with no electricity so were stuck in here." Lauren noticed that the other gijinka didn't talk or hasn't talked since she has been around him so she just thought he was mute


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"Melodyyyyy....~" If you wanted a horror movie, you just got one, little Meloletta. Instead of swinging the door in a wide arc, the visitor sloooowly nudged the door open with her foot, leaving only a visual picture of her face and a creepy, fanged smile open to the Legendary.

...And THEN the doorish hinderance vanished, revealing Serviah. "Oh, Hello. Terribly sorry to barge in on you, but Nodan wanted to sssssee you. Hehe, Ssssorry for the inconvenience."


Nodan hadn't the faintest clue of whatever slang Lauren was chattering about. First Pokebook, now Lady Lala? The fans he faced were usually interested in screaming at him, and not screaming about any of the other stars he happened to meet. "I believe Serviah arranged for their arrival tomorrow. The only thing that needs to be conducted now, is the matter of Attendance, Seating, Model order and...Security. There has been a few too many shifty figures about." Referring to strange doctors running amock, and the possibility of an attack from whatever evil Pokemon that might show.
"But I'm required for bed rest" she spoke in her usuall small voice as she sat up from that horrifying image of Serviah at her door she noticed the strange looking crown at the front door by Serviahs foot."Is that yours?" as she glanced at the strange device.


"I'm shure I'll find the greatest security I can get I just need to pull a few strings we wouldn't want someone running amuck in our show to cause harm to anyone" she motioned him to sit down and keep his mind clear "we don't want a headake now I'll make some calls."

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"He mentioned ssssssomething about that, which is why I will carry you!" The Arbok clapped her hands as if this was normal, and that Melody would get just as excited as she would.

The crown, she hadn't noticed, but when she looked down, her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "Hm? No, I have not. But conssssidering, the sssstyle of the band, I';m ssssure Nodan would throw sssssome ssssort of fit if he ssssaw it. You know desssigners, picky picky." It was a pretty crown, but.... something was quite off about it.


At the mention of fighting, the legendary wondered if a fighting job was more along the Gallades style. "When you put it like that, you make it sound like you have Shadier contacts, my dear." Nodan smirked jokingly, but followed her implied advice and sat down gingerly on a nearby chair. "Don't rush yourself, though. We have more time then expected." He spotted the Jolteon heading back to his room, and that got him thinking: How many Eeveelutions were at the school at the moment?
"You mind disposing of it for me and carrying me to Nodan I'll hold on to my crutches" she went from laying in bed to an sitting up position "just be careful of my ankle it already hurts enough."


"Well then I will be off I think I'm going to read a nice book or have a cup of tea farewell" Lauren had walked off with the thought of all the stuff she still needs to to and what the classes were going to be like or what Lysandere was up to. She was now in an random set hallway forgetting she was going to go to the catacombs but completely forgot about it anyways.

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"Disssssspose of it? Okey-dokey!"

The window next to Melody was opened, and Serviah picked up the crown, ran towards the open gap in the wall and threw the offending object out of the window. "How's that for disposing?"

Bayah happened to be walking along, when suddenly...BAM! An object hit his head from three floors up. However, due to being a cloth doll, he didn't get much of a reaction. Just a realization from childhood memories.

". . . . . Oh god." He said to himself. ". . . it's like Dodgeball all over again!"

. . . Without further ado. Serviah carefully picked up Melody and ran out of the door.
"Wha-.... Oi, Dodgeball is a serious matter! Those pitchers can throw quite hard, i'll have you know..." While the ghost type was trying to defend himself, he got his first glimpse of what exactly was thrown at him: The 'Queen of the Sea's' Crown.

". . Huh, and why would you throw that thing out of a window? It looks kind of important..."
Aria looked at the crown after she finished laughing like a lunatic."Well it does look important but they would not need it, if it was thrown out of the window."
Bayah picked up the object, looking at it and turning it around and around out of habit. "Seems kind of light for gold, though." He attempted to trace where the headware came from by looking up...and what do you know?

Yep, it was Serviah, waving from the Legendary's hall window, someone in her arms.

"...Why am I not surprised."
Aria looked up as well then she flew up to the window and just plain up shut it after pulling the curtains closed then she landed right back on the ground."Much better."
"Goodbye, then~" The Arbok continued her journey to the first floor.


"Touche, my friend. Touche." The crown was discarded from his hands, to be dropped wherever. "I don't know where she got the thing, but she's not getting this thing back ever again."
Aria smiled."Shutting windows in peoples face, one of the privileges of a flying type and i do not like the looks of that crown either and i am glad it has been gotten rid of."
Melody was carried to the first floor where this large room with a cat walk was she saw a female ghost pass py which seemed to be lost in thought. The room was pretty large as she had been told there was a couple of people two gijinkas were working at a drafting table and Nodan seemed to be looking through a pile of dresses and next to it an pile of normal outfits which also look nice. After she was set on a comfortable chair she looked at Nodan who seemed menceing at first but he was quite handsome in his outfit.

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