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Fandom Gijinka academy

Taleo looked up at the Yvetal canonball into the pool and swam away, managed to get away from the water splash.

"Hey Logan... Jade is coming in for another splash!" Taleo said before looking up and swam away from Jade.
Lue headed into the building and began walking in a random direction. She tilted her head to the side as she heard splashing close by. She turned a corner and found the pool with a few gijinka in it. She went to the nearest edge and leaned down behind a Jolteon that had swam that way trying to get away from a splash. "Hi" She knew it sounded weird having the female voice coming from the male sharpedo she looked like, but she really couldn't help it....



When she landed, Cerise put a wing around Beryl's shoulders before they began walking. He knew he was going into his over protective mode but didn't care. He linked his hand with hers again. "Lets see if we can find someone to show us our room"

She sighed as she got hit in the face with just a small amount of water. Just enought to break her illusion though. She frowned and muttered, "dang it. oh well" Looking at the Jolteon, Lue grinned and whispered, "So who's the most likely to freak out if I look like them here?"

"H-Huh? W-What the--?" Taleo shook his head and looked again at the Gijinka above him. It was a female Zorua not a male Sharpedo.

"Uh... I guess... Logan?" Taleo answered hesitantly.

@Jerico Curtiss
Airagog said:
River would sigh and turn around, seeing the new girl and give a friendly half-hearted wave from being stressed out from the two already. Thankfully Nicholas would help and she would get attention to make sure she wasn't too injured. "Hey." He honestly had no time for some lowly scyther, he only imagined what would happen if Seriana heard that a fight broke out.
Selena noticed the boy from the forest give her a greeting. She already felt herself tense up again and couldn't think of what to do right away. She thought for a moment then decided what to say. She walked closer to him and the others, "U-um hello." She said.

She pulled out her notebook quickly and sketched all of the people in the pool down on a new piece of paper. Looking at them all she picked out the one yelling as Logan and shifted into his image. "Like this?" She looked down and tilted her head to the side. It was a new form and pretty weird for her. "HI!!!" She called out across the pool to get everyone's attention so the person named Logan would look up at her. She just needed a good laugh at the moment.

Lue blushed softly then wrinkled her nose. She only blushed when she got complemented. And she didn't get them a lot. "Ummmm.... Thanks." She grinned at the Yvetal. "Like looking in a mirror huh?" She spoke quickly to cover up the sudden shyness of getting a complement. She glanced off at the Jolteon and reminded herself to sketch him later and get his name. But first she needed to finish what she started. Lue grabbed her drawing book again and stared at Logan before sketching just him on a new page.


Logan smiled softly, tilting his head softly. He then went behind to see if she got it all "wow even my.....scar on my back...." sniffles abit, remembering his horrible past.
She turned quickly as she heard the sniffle and put her book down in favor of grabbing Logan by the shoulders, breaking her illusion in the process. "Oh! Please don't cry! Ill take it out of the picture if you want me to!"

Lue's ears and tail, now very much visible, twitched in great anger at Logan's word. "What!?" She didn't even shout, just whispered the word furiously. Then without warning she pulled him forward and hugged him tightly. "That's so not cool! I mean, I was abandoned in a forest and raised by a zorark, but I was never beat! I am sorry that happened!"

"You don't have to!" Her eyes went wide then she stumbled over her words. "Protect me that is... unless you want to!" She really didn't know what was wrong with herself. She was normally calm and collected but now she couldn't even string a sentence together! "I'm blushing again, aren't I?" Mumbling, she hid her face by looking down. She was too flustered to acknowledge the Jolteon at the moment, afraid someone else would see her blush

@the-lich @Telios

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