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Fandom Gijinka academy

Nicholas watches Ichimaru and Moonlight disappear "oh no this is gonna be bad I really need to find them" he said as he ran to find them.
Ichimaru stood beside her and his scythes turned back into swords that he sheathed after which he tucked his wings back in. He kneeled down beside her spraying a potion on her neck so that they would heal and waited beside her.
River would hear the two fighting even from far away thanks to the earthquake, he wouldn't bother getting his shirt on as he gets up and heads to the two. He arrives to see Moonlight on the ground. He aims a cannon at the other person and yells, "You stop or I shoot." One cannon was aimed directly at him, a hydro pump from a blastoise was strong enough to cut through steel. River wasn't playing around as he walked over to the bleeding woman. "Amadeus amadeus!" He yelled keeping the cannon aimed as Amadeus the palkia appeared along with a hole in space itself. "Infirmiry, now" he would point to moonlight who was bleeding out. Amadeus would salute and go to pick her up.
Ichimaru looked down at the Umbreon girl seeing her heal and then looked up at the cannon guy. "What? You going to shoot me for healing someone? Besides you wouldn't be able to shoot that off fast enough anyways." He said unaffected by the presence of the blastoise.
River would shake his head. "You're talking to the champion of Hoenn. You wouldn't last very long against me." River would wave a hand and Amadeus would see that she was fine and leave the way he came. "Honestly, you'd be out of your league to try against me."
Selena still at the pool with the blastoise watched as they left and went off towards a rather loud noise from the distance. Curious as to why, she followed behind him and went to the scene to find a few others in what appeared to be a battle. She stayed nearby trying to keep herself away from them and listened in on what they were discussing.
With her brother, Beryl flew over the school. She didn't know what she was thinking, agreeing to this. She had never even been to a school before, and she didn't know if she- or Cerise- could control Mai. At his comment, Beryl gave him a weak smile and landed beside him. On the ground, she could see a lot of people walking around. Beryl frowned slightly, thinking as she folded her wings against her back for a moment. This is a bad idea. She thought, but didn't voice that thought. She knew how Cerise worried, and he'd be able to tell what she felt anyway.

"So... what do we do now?" She asked, since she genuinely didn't know. Were they supposed to check in with someone or something?
Nicholas sees River shooting Hydro Pump and goes to where he shoots the hydro pump "its the Umbreon" he said as he ran there.
River would sigh as he lowers his cannon. "You there... Own up to what you did and take her to the infirmary. It's the right thing to do, so please do it."
Ichimaru looked at the Umbreon girl thinking over an answer and turned down to her "Because that was to much fun to just let fade away." He said giving a quite semi awkward smile then looking over at the blastoise said "Champion huh? How impressive you don't get a new one of those every day...oh wait you do. And excuse me but what kind of champion allows other students to be captured by an evil plant?"
"Actually you don't... I'm the only one to beat Stone in 20 years." This was true. Champions weren't decided every day, in fact, they were a VERY rare occurance. River would sigh. "The same kind of champion who is the only one who actually landed a decent hit before he got smart and ran off. I may be champion but I am not omniscient."
Lauren was re-dressed and ready to face people again she left her room and walked to the garden witch people were fighting in so she would have to wait before returning to the catacombs. Her next stop was the now empty auditorium where it was finally abandoned with designs and measurement papers on her desk. Nodan must have taken a well deserved break she thought as she started cutting and sowing together her next outfit it would be a nice distraction.


Melody had returned to her room after becoming so easily tired due to these crutches they were driving her crazy. "This is what I get for striving to be alone" she stared at the beautiful colors on her ceiling it reminded her of the sunset she watched as a child when she didn't get huge anxiety and was carefree.

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Selena walked a little to get closer to the group. She was still too anxious to say anything being unaware of what was going on before she had arrived to the scene.
"Oh you aren't what a shame that must be difficult for you to admit almighty champion. Do you understand what winners all have in common...they assume they are the best but there will always be someone better." He said with finality and distaste before revealing his wings and disappearing again stopping in his room. 'I like that blastoise guy...he's amusing.' He thought to himself.
River would sigh and turn around, seeing the new girl and give a friendly half-hearted wave from being stressed out from the two already. Thankfully Nicholas would help and she would get attention to make sure she wasn't too injured. "Hey." He honestly had no time for some lowly scyther, he only imagined what would happen if Seriana heard that a fight broke out.
As Ryuu finished relaxing at the pool he returns to his green costume and ran to the lobby until he bumped a Jolteon "oh sorry about that" he apologized "you okay" he asked.
"G-Gah! U-Ungh... Y-Yes..." Taleo fell onto the floor and yelped before standing back up and dusted himself.


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