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Fandom Gijinka academy

Aesami then remembers she was only half-dressed: in her corset and leggings. She blushes, putting on a random orange dress from her closet.

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"Hehe sure. I'm not much to look at, I'm only 14, remember, not that developed." Aesami goes up to Kurusaki, standing on the tips of her toes to kiss his cheek.

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Ichimaru flew behind her in a flash and crossed both of his scythes across her neck drawing blood from holding on so tight. "Oh ouch ugly that hurts me...you don't really think that do you?" He licked her neck where the scythe was.
Kurusaki smiles and he wraps his arms around her waist and kisses her on the lips instead."Well that does not matter to most guys and then they would have to fight me because i would never let them even lay eyes on you."


Moonlight grimaces."No i do not think that but i do think this."She kicks both feet up and into that little spot between his legs then fired the shadow balls into his stomach.
Ichimaru quickly slid to the left dogging the kicks "Woah feisty aren't ya." He smiled as she pushed the shadow balls at his stomach. He met them both with an x-scissor but was pushed back. He flew at her with his scythe stretched out flying at a tree.
Moonlight just stood their smiling as he rushed at her but more like he went through her then a faint whisper could be heard through the air."Illusion."
(Where is everyone right now anyway?)

Selena realized the person in the water didn't mind her presence and relaxed her tense body once more. The toad had already hopped into the water and made a splash. "Oh that...that toad just..." She trailed off not sure of what else to say.
Ichimaru's scythe went half way through the tree and he turned around withdrawing his scythe from the tree. He quickly went over to her right infront,then behind, then the side. "Razor wind." He whispered in her ear before going behind her and foreign it into her back.
"Eee, good to know you're protective, like my brother." Aesami smiles, walking out the door of her dorm. "Come on..."

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He coughed from being choked and slowly unwrapped an item in his pocket. This caused him to shift into a red form with red pincers. The darkness that was once choking him he could barely feel. He flew right infront of her grabbing her neck with his new pincers. He didn't speak as he squeezed down on her neck. He could see blood pooling down.
He flew up holding on to her neck and stared at her for a moment "Your lucky your cute..." He said calmly in a melancholic voice before dropping her to the ground. He wrapped the item back up reverting to his green form.
(Sorry.. back from discussion about me and college.. it wasn't pretty. What did I miss?)
Ichimaru looks toward Nicholas and speeds away from him "Your much to slow you wouldn't even be any fun." He said before disappearing with the Umbreon girl into the woods somewhere.

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