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Fandom Getting Out of Pittsburgh { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan was keenly aware of Asher holding him close. In fact, he was perfectly fine with it. A rarity. Huh. “And in the end, you managed to have me. Lucky me.” Jordan told him. It was a few moments later that he felt Asher let him go. Something hit inside Jordan, something he’d never thought he’d feel. Sadness? Loss? Being separate? He shook his head and nodded. “I agree. After you.” Jordan told him, gesturing for him to lead the way.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Managed to have me. That may have been an accurate statement in that here was Asher walking along a trapped road trying to help this guy escape, but he didn’t really see it as having him. Have him. Some part of Asher felt incredibly uncomfortable with the statement. His stomach felt all strange. Have him. He stepped around another trap mine and groaned. This was going to make this so much slower if he was going to have to navigate through them. Could they cut through one of these buildings? “Alright, can you spot these things as well as he can sweet talk?” He stepped towards the edge of an abandoned store and leaned against the window. “Because there’s a lot. Darling means business. I’m not sure she believes you’re actually dead. Or she’s overcompensating for her tremendous loss.”
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan chuckled, hearing him. “I can spot those and sweet talk at the same time beautiful.” He told him, knowing now that he had to be cautious and aware of his surroundings. Jordan watched Asher lean against an abandoned storefront window. “You just let me know which direction we’re heading in, and I’ll keep an eye out for wires. Okay gorgeous?”
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Beautiful. Gorgeous. This guy was a charmer, and Asher had to admit that he kind of liked it. He pushed himself off the window and slid an arm across and over Jordan’s shoulder as he spun him around. “Bridge,” he said with a deeper, cooler voice that was laced with amusement. “Still.” Then he pulled away before gently pushing on Jordan’s arm to get him following. “But there’s a lot out here. Let’s cut through that parking garage. She’s not likely to have set as many in there. Or maybe she has and we can test how well you move.” He smirked at the thought before heading that direction.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan wasn't expecting the arm over his shoulder, nor the spin around but he had to admit he liked this. He was slowly getting a new side of Asher. He heard that amusement in his deeper voice that sent a shiver down Jordan's spine. Hmm. That was new, he never felt that reaction to anything anyone else did. "Right. Bridge." He agreed, biting his lip as he felt Asher pull away, and then a push on his arm. He followed before he heard him. "Sounds good to me handsome. I move just fine, though I would never say no to showing off." He said with a chuckle as he followed Asher towards the parking garage.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher bit back the grin Jordan’s words created but it didn’t stop a little of that smile to still sit there. He hadn’t smiled this much in ages. He hadn’t hung around someone like this possibly ever. There was no room for this kind of person in Pittsburgh. “Well then, I think you should show off.” As they moved inside the crumbling building, he gestured to the dark and shadowed spaces full of cars, rubble, and who knew what else. “I don’t know if I believe you can keep up.” He popped up onto the hood of a car as he examined the area. This was part of Darling’s area too. It was significantly more dangerous and not nearly as used as the main paths, so he wasn’t sure what she had done to it.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan arched an eyebrow and grinned wide. “I’d love to show off for you beautiful.” He said, as he followed inside the building, looking around at the cars, rubble and other things. “Oh is that a challenge sweetheart? I’m sure I can keep up with you.” Jordan teased, as his eyes looked at the ground for any signs of trip wires or other things. Jordan kept an eye out as he moved.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

It was so dark in this area that it was hard to see if she added any of her traps. As far as he could tell, this place was clean of trip wires, though there was no telling what kinds of dangers they would find as they traveled. He peered down at Jordan before he walked down to the hood of the car and then jumped to the floor. “It most certainly is,” Asher replied as he raised a brow before moving through the garage. This place had not faired well in the apocalypse. If they were able to navigate through this, they would be able to cut past a large portion of the street and either pop out on the other side of the main level or potentially cut over to one of the adjacent buildings. Anything was better than going through that main thoroughfare. “So, lover boy, whatcha got?” He peered around a large pileup, trying to find a way around. This must have been nasty when it happened all those years ago.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Even with the darker area, he wasn't completely blind and he smirked as he looked over at Asher, walking down the hood and jumping to the floor. He looked ahead of them to see a large pileup of cars and then flicked his gaze over to Asher. "Try and keep up handsome." He said, before hauling himself up on top of one of the cars, crouched, searched and then pushed off the car and onto the next one silently. His sharp blue-grey eyes looked around, and then he jumped onto the next one, almost lost his footing and then regained it at the last second. Which was good, because in between these two cars was a trip wire. "Wire." He said simply, pointing down. Jordan readjusted, and aimed for the truck bed of the next car and paused, looking up ahead. Something had moved and he ducked down, looking back at Asher, before flicking his head forward and shaking it. 'Something was up there' He tried to convey.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Seeing Jordan in action should not have been something Asher liked so much. Really, he should not have been so intrigued. But he was. This was Asher expecting this guy to do what they all did trying to show off but looking like an idiot, because frankly Asher was better than all of them, and instead he got someone who actually knew what he was doing. He was not about to admit this to himself, but he was impressed. Asher just as silently bound behind him as he allowed the other to navigate through. It wasn’t like Asher knew his way through this area any better than Jordan did. In fact, he didn’t ever come down here. This was not his turf, and Darling was not one to mess with. She may have been the youngest of those in charge, but she was also the meanest. Even Asher, the one with the reputation of getting angry enough to no longer have a prisoner, was not as bad as her.

Asher peered past Jordan to where he gestured. He scanned and though he could not immediately tell what kind, he could tell there were at least three infected. One, he suspected, was a clicker. Wires and clickers. Great. He inched forward and took a leap of faith, landing not in the truck bed but beside it. The landing was a bit more painful as it had significantly less give but it was quieter. He inched forward and peered around. Yep. One clicker and two runners. He held up three fingers.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan watched Asher land on the ground near the truck bed and he winced, that looked a little painful. Jordan pulled his pack off and rummaged through it quietly. Did he have.. yes. He quickly crafted a silencer and attached it to his pistol, just in case. Jordan looked between the car and truck, saw the wire and slipped quietly down the hood and to the ground. He crouched, pulled out his knife and glanced at Asher. Two fingers up, one pointed at him and the other at Asher. Runners first. One each. Jordan watched the ground in front of him, kept himself behind cars and saw one runner up ahead, this one was moving away from him and then it would turn around. He paused, a few feet away and waited for it to turn around. Once it did, he quickly came up behind it, and slit its throat before it could alert the other two. He lowered the body to the ground and looked up to see where the clicker, runner and Asher were at the moment.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

There were several ways to get rid of infected that you didn’t want around. One, clear out a place and keep it clear. That was what he did in his own section. Apparently Darling did not care about that too much. Two, use something sharp or pointy to take them out quietly. Jordan had that down, and Asher appreciated that. Three, use something big and heavy to wallop on one. Though he wasn’t against it, that was not so much Asher’s style. His was a fourth option. He pulled out his gun, already sporting his silencer, and shot the runner without a thought. They were easy targets. He ran around another car, jumping up and around a wire, and then leaping up onto another car and climbing on top of what used to be a van. It was an effective wall currently. From there, he took another shot and watched the clicker’s head split in ways that really were quite gross. “Not bad, rookie.” He jerked his head his direction. “Looks like we’ve got a clear path from here. I mean other than those wires over there.” He gestured to a couple of areas. “Come join me?”
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Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan looked at the runner as it fell, before he watched Asher run around the car, up and around a wire and then on top of a car and then a van and shot the clicker. His mouth opened a little as he watched, a look of awe on his face. He'd never seen anyone, not even the best smuggler in Boston, look that graceful and good looking when moving. He was broken from his stare when he heard words and Jordan shook his head with a grin. "Rookie? Okay. Just because you know this city and I don't, that's a bit of an unfair advantage." Jordan said with a chuckle before he nodded. "Don't you worry handsome, I'm right here with you." He said, hauling himself up and standing beside Asher, ready to move on.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher found himself watching Jordan instead of continuing forward. He really looked at him again as he joined Asher up on top of the van. He gave a half little smile as he raised both brows. “Yeah. Prove me wrong.” Then leapt out and across one of the wires, landing both feet and a hand on the ground. From there, he looked over his shoulder and asked, “you coming or what, Rookie?” He moved forward, weaving through the remains of cars that had long since run. He remembered cars that actually moved. That was before they were crushed and overrun with the grasses and earth.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan looked over at Asher, catching that little half smile and chuckled. "Okay. I will." He replied, watching Asher leap across a wire, handing on his feet and a hand on the ground. Jordan's eyebrows rose in awe as he watched that, before he grinned. Jordan skirted around the wire, up and over a car before landing next to him. "I'm right here gorgeous." Jordan commented, moving through the remains of cars, his only real memory of these vehicles was when he was little, going from the babysitters to home, home to the store and that was about it. He didn't remember much. As he moved, he watched out for wires, and kept up with Asher.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

This guy really was going to prove it to him, huh? Who was this Jordan who was looking for his crazy mentor traveling with a feisty kid? Who was this guy who literally ran into him and convinced him to leave everything he ever knew? It wasn’t like Jordan was the first person to try and get off of his capture. He was just the first one to succeed. Sort of. Because here they were, still together. That was so unexpected. “I found our out,” Asher commented with a head jerk towards an exit. “This will take us to a side street that we can cross into an alley that will probably take us pretty near that big void of a building. And then we’re pretty close to freedom. You ready to get out of this city?” It was a strange question, because he found himself answering it inside. Yeah, Asher was also ready to go.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan was making his way through the garage when he stopped, hearing Asher and looking to where he said. A way out, close to freedom. "I'm more than ready to get out of this city." He said with a smile on his face. "No offense to your uh wonderful group but I've had about enough of this city." Jordan added as he made to follow Asher towards the exit. He didn't know what he was expecting when he left Boston, but finding Pittsburgh and Asher was not it. And yet, Jordan wouldn't change a thing about it.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher paused at the exit and scanned the area. A single wire blocked their path, but moving around it was not too difficult. Whoever set this side up was sloppy. If he weren’t planning on leaving, he might have told Darling about it. That may have been unnecessarily cruel to whoever of her crew did this, but Asher was used to having to make sure everything was in the best condition for the group. Maybe that wasn’t so necessary. The group did, after all, suck really. “Yeah, well, they want to kill in you ways that will make you wish I just shot you, and they probably want to kill me too now that they’ve realized I’ve gone AWOL and not everything was lining up with my story of your untimely death.” He popped quietly into the alley and moved quickly but silently through it. Avoiding the bag and bags of horrendous smelling garbage was easy when he was used to it. “So, I don’t blame you for wanting to go. Or me apparently.”
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan made his way around the wire at the exit rather easily. He blinked as he looked at Asher. “Oh. Well. Yeah, let’s get moving then. I really don’t want that to happen.” Jordan admitted as he moved into the alley. “You don’t belong with them anyway gorgeous.” Jordan commented as he covered his nose. The smell from those bags was making his eyes water. Ugh. He kept moving through the alley, keeping up with Asher easily. He was eager to get out of Pittsburgh.

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