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Fandom Getting Out of Pittsburgh { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Were. Who was he now? Other than beautiful, of course. Beautiful, handsome, gorgeous. “You know, you really don’t need to do that,” he said as he walked forward. With purpose. “Keep complimenting me. You’ve already got me on your side.” He grimaced. “No need for further disarming.” He peered over at that smile, and he was not sure what he felt about it. It was nice, but it also made him feel uneasy. Uncomfortable. Everything was too different and new. It really would have been easier to send him down here and then turn back around. Not that he was going to do that. He was finding it harder and harder to even consider the further he moved through these tunnels.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan looked at him when he spoke and chuckled. "Who said I was doing it to disarm you or make sure you're on my side still gorgeous?" Jordan asked, glancing over at him. He was doing it now because he liked it. He wanted to make Asher understand this wasn't just him trying to get him on Jordan's side. As they kept moving, Jordan would glance beside him, the silence stretching between them and he bit his lip trying to figure out what else he could talk about. "So.. I was headed west if you wanted to join me once we get free from here." Jordan extended the offer to Asher to join him on the rest of his journey.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Wasn’t he? That response confused Asher more than anything else. If Jordan wasn’t doing it for disarming purposes, then why did he do it? Clearly, it would be because he wanted to tell Asher that he found him attractive, but why? They weren’t even going to see each other after Asher got him out. He had no idea where he was going to go afterwards, but he couldn’t come back here. He really should have brought more things with him. He should have- West? Did Jordan just offer to stick together after this? So his plan was not the same as Asher’s it would seem. Did he really want to keep this going? Did he want it to stop? Um. “Not sure what’s out west.” That was as much of an answer as he could manage. He turned his attention to a fork in the path and paused. Which way was it? These tunnels were so frustrating. It shouldn’t be much longer. Left. Definitely left. So he went that way.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan watched as Asher went quiet, and he rubbed the back of his neck. He was actually a little nervous, which was a feeling that Jordan never had before. He had offered for Asher to follow him, and he listened to him, hearing the answer. "Well, my mentor was headed west to Utah last I heard and so I figured I'd try and find him. Which was why I ended up here, in this city with you." Jordan hadn't finished his sentence in a compliment for the first time in since he'd met Asher. He bit his lip as he stayed beside Asher, following him in the tunnel.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

West. Utah. Okay. There was no reason not to go that way if he did not have another plan. Because he didn’t. He had one plan and that was to get them out. Out of the one place he had ever known. The one place he fought to take back from people who thought they could control it. The place he still defended. Or did defend. Maybe not so much anymore. He stared straight forward for a moment, unable to find a way to say something to that. Because there was a reason not to go somewhere like that. Somewhere west and maybe Utah. He slowed as they finally neared the exist. They were going to have to climb out. Thankfully, it was another one of those pesky sink holes with plenty to climb on to get out. “You do realize I tried to kill that guy, right? I don’t know if you want me going with you to find him.” He tried to kill everyone. That was something he could not deny.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan looked at Asher, wondering what he was thinking. He was good at reading people, well, thought he was good at reading people. Jordan had pieced together some of what happened to Asher but there was still a lot he didn't know. He looked at the sink hole, knowing they'd have to climb out. Okay. He could handle that. HIs eyes were drawn to look at Asher when he spoke and shrugged. "Joel's had a lot of people try and kill him, you weren't the first and definitely won't be the last. So I do want you coming with me." Jordan told him, knowing he was going to need help climbing out of this sink hole.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

That response baffled Asher. Jordan knew exactly who Asher was, where he came from, and what he did, and yet Jordan still wanted him around. Was that to get him out of the city? There was no reason to keep him any more than that, right? But Jordan was so dismissive of any reasons against this that Asher said. The thought made Asher nervous. Or uncomfortable. Or something. He didn’t know, because this was not something he was used to experiencing. It had been a very long time since someone might have actually wanted him around for non hunter reasons. “I can certainly help you get out of the city. And here.” He stopped at the edge of the first little climb. “How’s your injuries? I can be down here as a stabilizer or I can pull you up.”
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan didn't care what someone's past was, it wasn't who they were in the present. The world was not so black and white like a lot of people think it is now. He wasn't sure what was going on in Asher's head right now, but it was fascinating to see his reactions to everything Jordan said or did. "I'd hope you stick around after we're out of the city, and as for this climb. It might be more helpful if you pull me up, I'm not sure I can get up on my own." Jordan said as they came to the edge.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Hope you stick around. Why? Why would he hope that? They literally just met, and yeah, Asher saved him or whatever, but he also almost killed him. He also considered leaving him behind. He also thought about walking away plenty of times by this point. Why exactly would he want him around? That question stung in his mind so long that he realized he had been standing there doing absolutely nothing for probably too long before finally climbing up to the first and bending down to reach for him. “Okay. Like we did to get you down but the other way I s’pose.” A hint of a smile tickled the corner of his lips. It was small, it was hard to see, but it was there. For now.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan knew they'd just met, but he didn't care. He learned long ago that sometimes split second decisions and even leaving your old life for someone might mean there was more than just survival. He noticed that Asher had stood there for a while doing nothing, but he didn't mind. Once the hand was extended for Jordan, he clasped it and used it to get himself up onto the ledge. "Well, that worked better than I thought." He chuckled, and looked at Asher. He'd seen the hint of a smile and it just confirmed that Jordan didn't want Asher to leave him when they made it out of the city.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

There was not a whole lot of room up on this ledge, which meant that when Asher pulled Jordan up, he was a whole lot closer than Asher was expecting. He held his breath, though he wasn’t really sure why. Blinked a few times. Finally, he huffed out, “you are amazingly capable after being tortured by the worst of them.” Huffed with that tiny hint of a smile he wasn’t aware that he had. If he had known, he probably would have squashed it. He probably would have shoved it away. He might even have turned around and left. But he didn’t know so he let it stay there. “One more time?” He hefted himself up and onto the street, bending down to reach for Jordan one last time.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan didn't know there was very little room on the ledge, and he absolutely liked how close they were. He found it wonderful himself. "I'm a lot more capable than you might think, but just because I am, doesn't mean I want to push my healing injuries beautiful." Jordan told him, not saying a word about that small hint of smile. He would rather see it and be quiet than say something and lose it. Once the hand was back out after Asher climbed up, Jordan took it and used it to help himself get up onto the street. "Okay handsome, where to now?"
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Yeah, Asher was seeing that now. He was not sure who he thought Jordan was before this, but he was quickly learning that maybe he was not exactly whoever that initial impression was. Not just a guy who survived by flirting. Capable. He was a capable guy. A capable guy who kept calling him things like beautiful and handsome. A capable, kind of attractive guy- kind of attractive in the way that people like that always were. It was not like he couldn’t be aware of people’s levels of attractiveness. Like for himself. He was pretty sure if was an attractive kind of guy. Girls told him that all the time even though it didn’t really mean anything. That never really made him think about it. Not like when Jordan called him things like that.

He was doing the absolutely nothing thing again. He let out a tiny little groan as he closed his eyes and looked away, hand reaching to the back of his head nervously. No, not nervous. In thought. He was thinking. Which way was it out. Focus, Asher. Focus. He looked around them to reorient himself. “Um.” Stalling. “Okay, we need to travel down this street. We should be pretty clear as long as everyone is distracted on the other side of the city still. We might, um,” Beautiful, “we might come across some of Darling’s gang if they’re already back on the street looking for something to make them feel better for missing out on a piece of you.” Piece of Jordan. Oh. “I mean-“ Not that. “Uh.” He dropped his hands and swiveled away. “This way.” And started walking.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan looked around the street, before hearing a small groan from Asher. His head turned to look at him, seeing him put a hand to the back of his neck. His blue-grey eyes watching intently as he waited patiently while Asher looked around and then he swallowed hard. "Hopefully they stay on the other end of the city." He admitted, and then he turned and followed Asher when he started walking away. He had so many questions about this individual he was with, as well as what happened here really. FEDRA was gone, but how long since they'd been gone? Did Asher help in getting rid of them? Jordan was uncharacteristically silent as he walked, thinking a lot.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Why was traveling with someone else so complicated? This should not have been so difficult. This should have been an easy move to get this guy out and move on mission, and yet, Asher found himself really struggling with that. He could pretend all he wanted that it was about whatever would make him feel better, but the words that stayed with him were beautiful, gorgeous, and handsome. Compliments. It had been a very long time since he got those kinds of compliments. And when he thought back on the ones he got now, he realized they were perhaps not exactly the kind he would have liked once upon a time ago. Compliments. Really, Asher? You can be swayed by a pretty face and compliments? Pretty face? Gorgeous face. Beautiful, handsome face. Handsome face who wants him around not because of his hunting skills but because… of what? Before he could talk himself out of it, as they moved down the street, he turned to him with narrowed eyes. “So why do you want me to come with you? After we get out.” Because it just didn’t make sense. None of this made sense.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan was quiet, thinking as he walked along. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard Asher's question. Why. Now that was a question even he didn't have an answer to. "Because you need someone to remind you that the world is not so black and white. So harsh. There is beauty everywhere, it just has to be seen. I do not know what happened here, but you don't belong here. This place is draining you gorgeous. I've seen glimpses of someone else while we've been traveling. Someone who would thrive outside this city." Jordan explained, walking beside him. "And.. because I don't want to travel alone anymore."
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

This place is draining you. Was it? Yeah, even Asher could tell that. That was why he already thought about leaving before Jordan ran into him. That was why he was so willing to follow the first guy he ran into who didn’t try to kill him immediately. That was why he was putting his trust into someone who was putting their trust into him. “Not so much one to be alone then?” He asked with a hint of that smile back. That much was obvious. Someone so prone to flirtation was bound to be better with others around. He still was not sure why he was the one that Jordan thought would make good company. He was not exactly someone who could flirt back. Or would want to. He had not flirted with anyone possibly ever in his entire life. He had no reason to. When the world ended, there was nothing left for him to love like that. “I’m as good of company as any you will find around here then.”
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan chuckled and shook his head as he looked at Asher, seeing that hint of a smile. "Me? What ever gave you the impression I wasn't one to be alone." He asked, as he kept walking. "I quite enjoy your company more than your friends beautiful." Jordan commented as he looked around. "So... how much longer till we get to the bridge?"
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Friends? “I don’t have friends.” Beautiful. “But.” But. “I have to say. I don’t hate having you around either.” As strange as that was. He didn’t understand it. It just was. He looked forward. This he did understand. “As long as no one gets in our way,” he pointed forward and squinted. It was hard to see. “Look.” He grabbed Jordan’s arm and pulled him closer. He tried to line up his arm with Jordan’s line of sight. “See that tall building that looks a bit like a void. It’s all black and like a block or something? We’re heading to that and then it’s close by. Maybe another couple of buildings past that. So. Not far.”
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan raised an eyebrow at Asher for a moment, then chuckled. “Well. I’ll certainly take that as a compliment. I certainly don’t hate having you around either.” He replied, before he felt Asher grab his arm and pull him closer, and he followed the arm, seeing that tall building. “Okay, so not close but not super far. Then I guess we should get going gorgeous, after you.” Jordan said, a smile still on his face.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher eyed Jordan from the side just a moment before also kind of smiling and kind of laughing. He certainly was not used to the way Jordan talked, but he was amused. Or intrigued. Or maybe he just liked it? That was new. He hadn’t liked anything in very many years, and this man runs into his life like ‘hey, gorgeous, let’s run away together.’ And what does Asher do about it? He says yes. How could he not with someone calling him gorgeous at every turn. Someone who was gorgeous. Well, probably. If he were to think about conventional beauty probably. Not because he was sitting around thinking about it. No. He was walking… “Okay, lover boy. I guess we should.” His eyes flicked down just a moment as he moved a little bit faster like he hadn’t just totally checked this guy out. Like he hadn’t given in to that temptation. Temptation? Was that what this was?
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan heard that kind of laughing and saw the kind of smile and chuckled himself. He could see someone else under the surface, one that Asher was hiding. It was beautiful to see those layers peeling back and revealing the true man underneath all the hardness he had. Then his eyes widened and he laughed. “Lover boy. Hmm. Nice.” Jordan commented under his breath as he followed Asher as they walked toward the building.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

The smile didn’t drop as Asher shook his head at the silly reaction. “‘Course you like it. It describes you to a T.” He scanned the buildings, looking for any sign of Darling’s crew. Hopefully they were still pouting about Asher ruining their playtime. Though it was looking pretty sparse, something caught his eye. This road was a lot more overgrown than some of the others. This one was a lot harder to see. This one- He grabbed Jordan’s arm and pulled him back just before they walked over the trip wire. He pointed down and shook his head. “I didn’t know she set up more of these. I guess she’s very upset with me.”
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

He noticed the smile didn't drop and he chuckled, hearing that comment. Jordan noticed Asher looking around at the buildings, until he felt a grab on his arm. He stumbled at the sudden pull back, and looked down to see a trip wire. Oh. Well then. "I guess I'm a hot commodity around here if she's upset enough to set up more trip wires?" Jordan asked, a smirk on his face as he stood there.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher still held Jordan close as he swept the immediate area for more of the trip wires. “Someone who was able to get away? Oh yes, you are certainly a rarity. You may supposedly be dead, but you got away first and then they didn’t get to finish with you.” There were quite a few down this road seemingly leading exactly to where they wanted to go. Some of them had probably been there, but some of these were new. He would know. Asher made it his business to know everyone’s business. He was afraid that Darling might have done this for him. The last time they met was while Jordan slept in his secret vault and he was getting Jordan’s thing back. She looked at Asher, all anger in her five foot three, and said with the venom of someone who knew she was missing a piece of the puzzle, ‘You did something, didn’t you McCoy? I can smell it on your neck.’ He thought he’d been careful. Apparently not careful enough. His attention was brought back as he realized that he was still very much attached to Jordan and immediately let go. “Um.. I think we should be careful.”

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