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Fandom Getting Out of Pittsburgh { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan nodded at that description. "That would be Joel. He taught me everything I know on being a smuggler and how to use every weapon. He took me in when I was fifteen after I lost my mom. And the little girl Ellie, I heard she was feisty." Jordan said, as he walked. He didn't know what those two had done when they'd come through Pittsburgh, but he had a feeling that Joel caused havoc in the city.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher honestly could not believe that this was how this was going. “That crazy guy was your mentor?” He shook his head both a little impressed and a mild bit alarmed. “Well, I’ve got news. They made it out. Made a hell of a mess doing it, but they made it out. They’re the only ones in a long time to get through.” He shrugged. “Would make sense that you would be the next one to make it out too. So tell me, are you as crazy as him?”
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan nodded with a chuckle. "Yep! He's crazy but he is nice if he likes you." He replied, before he glanced over at Asher. "That.. doesn't surprise me honestly. It would've surprised me more if they'd been killed. Joel's crazy but he's smart. He's seen things that even I don't know about." Jordan said as they walked. He actually looked over at Asher at the next comment. "I would say my level of crazy is just below him."
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher let out a breath that was almost a laugh. “Great. I’m helping a crazy person out of my own home.” Because apparently this was the truth. If he kept saying it, then maybe he would believe it. Maybe the reality of what he was doing would come to him sooner rather than later. “Okay, next question. I don’t remember him throwing around compliments as a means of distraction and subterfuge. Is that a thing I missed or do you just flirt with everyone you come across?” He almost smirked as he looked over at him. "The boys talk. I heard that I am not the only handsome one out there it seems."
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan heard him let out a breath that one could've considered almost a laugh. He nodded at that comment with a wide smile. "Yep. And you're coming with me." Jordan told him, looking around. He turned his attention back to Asher when he heard his question. "No, he didn't teach me that. I've just always liked people, seeing them turn red with the right words. You by far had the best response to my flirting. It was fascinating to watch your facial expressions change. You were much more interesting to watch than the others."
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher narrowed his eyes but a small smile sat on his lips. “Ah so I’m an experiment.” He nodded in approval. “That’s a good way of getting what you want. It is certainly… distracting.” He noticed that Jordan did not deny the fact that he was calling everyone handsome. It made him feel slightly better that this was simply a thing that he did and not like this guy was actually coming onto him or something. He felt like it would be easier to travel knowing that he was doing what he had to in order to survive. And experimenting which was a little weird but interesting.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan made out the small smile on his face and smiled himself. “I wouldn’t call you the experiment. I may flirt with everyone but I was being honest to you.” Jordan said, wanting to let Asher know that he actually did like him. That there was more to his flirting when it came to Asher. “Though it works as a distraction too, especially with a bunch of enemies. They don’t expect it and I’ve escaped a few situations thanks to it.”
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher glanced at him from the side and chose to believe that this was another one of those subterfuge moments, which was commendable since it was making him stop to think about it instead of thinking about other things such as his own survival. He chose to believe this was showing an example of how Jordan was very good at this. He chose to believe that Jordan was in fact very good at it. “Sure,” he responded, looking straight ahead the dingy tunnel that was starting to feel more like a sewer than a basement. Perhaps it was a sewer instead. He really was not sure. “I’m certain you fully mean it every time.”
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan could sense that Asher didn’t believe him. His words only confirmed that and Jordan sighed, how did he get Asher to believe him? This was new territory to Jordan as well. He wasn’t used to feeling something more than just simple interest. He looked around the area, uncertainty in his body. He didn’t trust that they were alone, and he didn’t know how Asher fought. “I don’t fully mean it each time.”
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher, still looking out at the darkness of this tunnel in mid collapse, relaxed. “That’s what I thought.” Because that was familiar. Lies were better than truths. Shields and masks were easier than being vulnerable. It was reassuring to know that everyone else relied on those too. As they moved, he paused briefly as there were several ways they could go. They could continue walking or they could attempt to climb up. He did not travel these sections very often. Usually, he used them to travel in that same central area. These got a little too cramped for his liking. If something were down here, then it would be one hell of a time trying to get away. He had an idea where this would lead them in the city, but he was not sure. The uncertainty made him feel uneasy. Continuing would hopefully move them further to that bridge. He had done it once before. He cursed himself for not being more thorough. In the end, he kept moving despite the unease that was beginning to settle on his shoulders.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan sighed softly. Asher didn’t understand and this might be the first time Jordan has had to be direct. But not now, he wanted out of Pittsburgh and that was more important. He paused when Asher did before he followed him. He didn’t feel comfortable not knowing where they were going and what they’d find. Jordan looked ahead and followed Asher.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

He moved silently again as though they had not been in conversation just a moment ago. He felt mildly more relaxed with Jordan, but he was still some guy he met not that long ago. It was honestly hard to believe that Asher was doing this. Part of him wondered if he should turn around. This was giving this guy another chance, right? He could tell him to keep going and when to climb up. There was a cord somewhere that dangled down from above. That meant he was in the right place and close to the exit. Probably. Asher could turn around, go back the way he came, and resume his miserable life with the comfort of familiarity. Maybe he would make this a habit. He could be the guy who moved people out without them having to die just for existing near their home. Or maybe not. Maybe- No, stop. He couldn’t go back there. He knew it. He knew it before Jordan ran into him. Jordan was just a sign that it was finally over. He didn’t know what he was going to do, but he wasn’t going to hunt innocents down anymore. He was too tired for that. So instead, he kept walking as the world around them looked like it was only barely hanging on. That was the fascinating part about these places below. They always looked worse than they structurally were.

And that was when he heard the sound that meant they were not alone. Nothing highly specific. Just a sound of movement. The sound that meant he had not cleared out this section like he thought. Well, that was what he got for not coming this far back.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

The silence was thick as they walked. Jordan was never one for quiet, but right now he was also listening for anything that could come out after them. He didn't really want to be killed today. So he played it carefully, and went silent. Jordan wondered what Asher was thinking as they walked, but he didn't want to attract any unwanted attention by starting up conversation again. He was glad for that choice because he heard something moving. His head turned to the side and listened, but he didn't see anything or hear much. Movement, that was it and it unsettled him.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher sighed heavily. He was not in the mood for things like infected running amuck in the below. Yet, there was clearly something. He was almost certain it was a person since they stayed clear of the basements and sewers because of the infected. So, no, they were not alone. “Your crazy guy teach you how to deal with the different kinds of infected?” He asked in a low whisper. “I’m assuming he taught you to fight, because he could certainly do that.”
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan wasn't in the mood to fight infected either. He just wanted to make through this city and find Joel. That was his goal, that was his intention. And nothing was going to stop him. Not infected, not hunters, nothing. Jordan looked over at Asher when he spoke again. "Of course. I know how do deal with the different types of infected." He replied with a grin. "Don't worry about me gorgeous." Jordan replied and then he felt a smile on his face. "He certainly did teach me how to fight. And he was crazy good at fighting himself I agree."
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

He may not have been in the mood for a fight, but there was something just a little bit exhilarating about the way Jordan said that. Gorgeous. Okay, sure. Gorgeous. Maybe it was habit to do that. Still made Asher’s stomach feel a bit weird, but he could work with weird. Especially since he was still kind of excited about what was to come. “Wanna show me what you can do?” He grinned and reached into his bag. He did not pull a lot of supplies, but he got enough to start a fire. Or at least watch a fire burn briefly. He wasn’t sure who was down here, but they would be fine. Probably. If Jordan was anything like that crazy man with his feisty teen, they would be fine.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan grinned, hearing that comment and nodded. "I can do that." He replied, taking the supplies and making short work of them. He had a molotov in his hands, ready to light. He heard motion to his left and paused, hold on. Jordan looked around and found a rock. Perfect He thought as he picked it up and tossed it away from them. It clattered noisily against the wall and floor and screeches and a few clicks could be heard. Jordan waited until he saw them barely all gathered together, lit the molotov and tossed it, spraying them all with fire. He let it burn out as he had enough to make one more, lit that one and tossed it. That killed many of the infected, leaving one or two still burning as they ran around searching for the source of the fire. "What did you think of that beautiful?"
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher was impressed. Okay, so a lot of people could toss a rock and a Molotov which killed a bunch of infected. Sure. But there was just something about it that made him a little bit excited, and that was new. He didn’t have a joy in killing. He didn’t get the rush in combat like some people did. He didn’t even find joy in the interrogations. But here? He was kind of down. Maybe it was Jordan’s confidence. Maybe it was how easily he did that. Maybe it was the way he talked. He kind of liked that too. “Yeah, that was pretty good.” He dropped the Molotov he had back in his pack and pulled out the pistol. No silencer but that was fine. He rushed forward, not bothering to hide since the infected were busy burning, and took three shots, two for the ones still running and one for the infected that joined the party after the sound. They all went down immediately. He paused and asked out loud, “anyone else? No?” He shrugged and turned back to Jordan. “What did you think about that?”
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan looked at Asher as he heard him say it was good and smiled at that. He loved hearing that he did good from Asher. Of course, he wanted to know all about Asher as well. He watched Asher rush forward and shot three times, and Jordan watched as they each hit their mark. He chuckled hearing the question and saw him turn back to look at him. "That was pretty great gorgeous. I'm impressed."
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher stepped closer to the downed infected and dropped to the ground, pushing them around. Nothing interesting on the bodies. They were too burnt and bloody for anything to be of use. He moved quickly back towards Jordan. “Thank you very much,” he grinned with a bow. It was strange. He was not that kind of person. Okay. Maybe it was the thrill of leaving. Everything was exciting and new. “So, tell me Jordan. Who are you other than some crazy man’s protégé?” His curiosity was getting the better of him.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan watched Asher move to the infected and pushed them around, probably searching the bodies. He smiled seeing the bow and grinned wide. "You're welcome handsome." He said, then tilted his head a little at the question. "Who am I? Well. I used to be a smuggler, I'm overly flirty, and I enjoy reading old world books and listening to music if I can find it. And, on that note. Who are you Asher? Aside from a hunter in this city, who are you inside? What makes you, you?"
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Handsome. Gorgeous. It may have been part of Jordan’s vernacular, but Asher had to admit that it was kind of nice. He wouldn’t admit that out loud of course. He could keep that for himself. But he could also give a little smile for it. Maybe. “Overly flirty smuggler who likes old world things. Yeah, you do seem like you’re that kind of person.” And who are you, Asher? Wasn’t that the question? Wasn’t that exactly what he didn’t know anymore? What would he have answered yesterday? A week ago? A year ago? Would it be the same? “Who do you want me to be?”
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan chuckled with a nod, hearing the perfect summary of his character. Though tenacious and persistent would've been apart of that as well if he'd had his choice. "You've got it." He replied, and though he did get an answer to his question, it hadn't been what he'd thought he'd get for an answer. "I want you to be yourself" Jordan told him. "I want you to be who you want to be."
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher replaced his gun in the holster he strapped around himself and walked forward. He might have been avoiding the question. He might have been avoiding the answer. Who did he wanted to be? He didn’t know. “I am the guy who got you out of certain death. I am the guy who also put you there, so don’t get too comfortable.” And just like that, he cast his eyes away, lowered his brows, and let that small smirk of a smile disappear again.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan sighed, seeing the small smirk of a smile disappear and his eyes were gone from Jordan's view. Jordan kept pace beside Asher and sighed lightly. "That is who you were not who you are right now by the way but I know it'll take time for you to realize who you are now beautiful" Jordan told him with a smile on his own face.

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