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Fandom Getting Out of Pittsburgh { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

This was a whole lot of trust this guy was putting in Asher, and he didn’t know how he felt about it. Granted, Jordan didn’t have a whole lot of choice here. He was going to die if he was on his own. Maybe that was enough. But it was still a little humbling. Standing at the doorway, he finally said, “If you get tired of waiting, the only way out is up.” He pointed to a panel he had pried off. “I don’t know if you can climb though. So.” He let that settle a moment. “I’ll be back.” He stepped out and closed the door, hearing the satisfying lock. He moved quickly away and back through the rest of his world wondering just why the hell he thought this was a good idea. Because it really wasn’t. This could go wrong in so many ways. He was really going to have to push the boundaries of the authority he had created for himself.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan looked up at the panel when Asher pointed to it, but Jordan wasn't going to be able to climb through it. He was more than willing to wait here, knowing that Asher would be back for him. Jordan looked at him and nodded. He heard the door lock and Jordan laid down, glancing at the photograph by the cot. Those must be his parents and him. Back before the world fell apart. Jordan wondered just what happened to his parents, what happened to the boy that looked so happy to turn him into the hard man he was now. He reminded him of Joel, glimpses of a happier past and then something happened to make him cold and hard. Jordan's eyes closed as he thought about that.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

With quick hands, he spun the wheel, turning left, right, left until he heard the loud unlocking clunk and opened the vault door. He turned back, making sure no one followed, listening. Nothing. He pushed it almost closed just in case, and quickly made his way to the cot. “Hey, Sleeping Beauty, you up? Because we gotta go. Like right now.” He dropped the pack on the ground and instinctively looked back at the door. It didn’t move. Asher rushed to the side grabbing his own pack and shoving in whatever supplies he could imagine they were going to need. They officially had run out of time.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan heard the clunk of the vault door and jolted awake. He used his hand to rub his eyes open as he heard the thump of a pack hit the floor. Jordan looked up to see Asher talking to him. "Yeah, I'm up." He said, sitting up and went to stand. He was sore but he could move faster than before now that he'd gotten some sleep. "I fear I won't be as fast as you though" He muttered as he reached for his pack. He shifted through it quickly, the pistol was gone but in a small pocket inside, he found the pictures and sighed in relief. He slipped them back in and tossed his pack on his back. "I'm ready when you are."
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Medical supplies, ammo, guns. Oh Jordan was going to need a weapon. “Here.” He handed one of the pistols he squirreled away to him. “I don’t have a lot. I’ve got a pistol too and a shotgun. It’s loud but could help us.” He shoved some ammo towards him. “Again, not a lot but better than nothing. It’s okay if you’re not fast. I think we’ll be okay if we go now. It’s been dark a while, so they’re down to a smaller skeleton crew out there. But if we wait much longer, I’m afraid they’re going to figure out something is weird. Darling was more than a little suspicious. I just barely talked her out of assuming some things. Correct things, mind you.” He opened the vault door wide. “Let’s go.”
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan took the pistol with a nod, as well as the ammo when it was shoved towards him. He made sure the pistol was loaded and the rest went in his pack. "Okay. Well then I'll follow you. And I'm sorry that I've caused such problems in your life." Jordan apologized, moving towards the vault door after Asher. He wasn't expecting this to happen at all when he left Boston, and if he'd known what he'd find, he would've gone along the shore instead of following Joel's path. Jordan nodded with a small sigh. "After you handsome."
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

“It’s just Asher.” He was started to sound like those records that would get stuck sometimes. He was mildly annoyed that he had to repeat that, but at the same time, it was still kind of nice to hear someone call him that. Though, he had a feeling it was nothing special for him. Jordan went in with that. He probably tried to flirt his way out of everything. “And don’t feel bad. It’s what has to be done.” The moment Jordan was out of the vault, he almost closed the door. He paused then went back inside, grabbed the photo on the cot, and shoved it in his bag. Then he closed the door and locked it. If he couldn’t have his things in there, then neither could all these horrible people either. He moved silently through the bank and turning a way they didn’t come through. They could go underground for a while. That would probably help them. If they followed the basement, they could probably pop back up on the other side and hop through some of the buildings until they made it back to the bridge. Hopefully.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan chuckled. "Sure." He said, not very convincingly. Jordan wasn't going to stop, and he had a feeling that it was exactly what Asher needed. Jordan wouldn't stop feeling bad, but he pushed that feeling away with a nod. He stepped out of the vault, but he noticed Asher go back inside real quick before he came back. Jordan had a feeling he went for the photo. A small smile danced on his face as he followed Asher through the bank, going a way they hadn't come through before. Jordan looked around as he nodded, happy to let Asher lead them away from this place.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher was silent, because that was who he was. He was not much of a chatter. He was not much of a gossiper. Really he was not much a talker.okay, that wasn’t true. In certain situations, he could talk for hours, but those times became far less frequent after the death of his parents. And when they were happening, it was all in planning for the overthrowing of FEDRA. Or just being ugly about them. Now that they were in charge, he had a whole lot less to talk about that much. So now, he was mostly quiet. He was a man on a mission and that was to get out. So he silently moved through the bank until he found the hole that led down into the basement. The crumbles of the building meant that it was almost like a staircase. It was a couple of feet jump to one large piece of something structural and then to one more and then the floor. He jumped down to the first and then raised his hands to help Jordan down.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan wasn't a big fan of silence, in fact it was the worst to him. He rubbed the back of his neck as they walked, trying to find something to talk about. But there wasn't much he could think of. As they walked, he looked around, thinking about some conversation piece. "So.. Have you lived here your whole life?" Jordan asked as they came to a hole in the ground. He watched Asher jump down and Jordan sat down on the ledge carefully, taking both of Asher's offered hands and managed to get down onto the first section.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

A personal question but an average one. Asher was fine with that. Not everyone was okay with the silence. “Yes.” A simple and quick answer. He jumped down to the next section and offered up his hands again. He did not offer any other conversation piece. Instead, he took the moment to peer off to the side and make sure that nothing and no one else was down there with them. It seemed unlikely. He had gone through this basement plenty of times when he was not in the mood to be around other people. Especially when he found himself causing trouble with the higher ups again.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan heard the reply and let out a small sigh. Okay, so questions should require more than a yes or no. Good to know that. He sat down and took Asher's hands again, making it down to the next ledge. "Okay. How uh how old were you when the world ended?" Jordan asked, making his way to the next drop to the floor. "I was three" Jordan offered his own age, "And I was born in Boston, well on the edge of the city." He added.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher jumped to the bottom and lifted his hands for the last jump. “Five.” He could see himself standing next to the rest of the kids in a classroom. He could no longer remember their names. “Almost six.” Not really, but he always thought he was almost six. All kids were almost that other age once they hit the six month mark into that next year. He sometimes could not remember the actual time. Sometimes he forgot how months still worked. It wasn’t like they had an easy way to keep the days apart from one another.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan took his hands for last jump and looked around the basement, before he nodded. So Asher was two years or so older than him. That was good to know. He moved up to stand beside Asher, trying to think of what else he could say. "So.. If you guys are in control of the city, then that means you took down FEDRA here right?" Jordan asked, before he continued. "Good on you for that at least" He added, his words hinting that he wasn't exactly fond of the group himself.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher grunted something between a laugh and a scoff. “Yeah, we took them down.” He eyed Jordan at the last comment. He didn’t like FEDRA. That was good. He was the right sort of people. At least he hadn’t decided to defect and risk his life for someone like that. Just a total stranger who complimented his way into getting Asher to switch sides. Hmm. “Didn’t appreciate them treating us the way they did. So we ended their oppressive reign.” The basement was dark, so he clicked on his flashlight that clipped onto his bag. It was mostly in shambles. Some of the places were slowly filling with water. He did not like to come down here often.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan nodded. "Glad to hear it." He replied as they walked. "The Fireflies tried in Boston to take them down, but they were losing numbers fast. Not many people wanted to be affiliated with them." Jordan said as he walked. "I lost my mother to FEDRA's rules. I got lucky when I found my mentor." He added as he walked, looking around the dark basement, clicking on his own flashlight that they hadn't taken from him. He rubbed the back of his neck as he walked. Jordan wasn't uncomfortable talking about his past, in fact the more comfortable he got with Asher, the more he was willing to open up.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher turned his attention to Jordan, a little shocked by the things he learned. He didn’t know about the Fireflies, but it was nice to know that there were other groups who also wanted to end FEDRA’s horrible rule over them. He was disappointed in their failure, but that was not the most interesting part of the story. “You lost your mother to FEDRA too?” That was something he had not been expecting. He was not sure why. He looked away, staring at the shadows that disappeared as he faced them with his light. “I lost both of my parents to FEDRA.” He swallowed back years of pain. “I lost a lot of people to them.” He could see their faces. The people he knew as he grew up. The people who fought against them with him. He lost a lot.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan looked over at him and nodded at that question, though he wasn't sure if the way he lost his mother was the same. He looked over at Asher and saw him look away as he spoke. Jordan could only imagine how many people Asher lost since they decided to uprise and take back Pittsburgh. "I'm sorry to hear that. I don't even remember my father. I lost him to the infection on the day everything went wrong." Jordan said, looking away but keeping his light aimed ahead of them. "My mother died of sickness that FEDRA didn't want to treat."
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

That might have been a better death than his parents’. Maybe. Maybe not. He wouldn’t know what it was like to lose people to the infection. That was not something that ever was a problem. They ran out the infection, or at least ran them out of their parts of the city, years ago. They were mostly in the basements and things. Places like where they were now. It was probably fine. He walked these tunnels many times. “I’m sorry. They aren’t good to anyone.” Neither were his people anymore, but at least they weren’t like FEDRA. Right? Right. Maybe some of them were. Maybe some of them were worse. Some were definitely worse. But he was leaving. He didn’t want to be part of that anymore.

Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan chuckled lightly at that. “That’s the truth. I got lucky to find my mentor when I did. Otherwise I would’ve been forced into the training to be one of them.” Jordan said, his voice clearly changing from grateful at finding Joel to anger at the fact that he could’ve been a FEDRA officer. Thank you Joel. Jordan paused as he heard something. “Asher? Are we alone in these tunnels?”
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Forced to join them. That could have been him. That could have been his own unlucky fate. He felt for Jordan. It was good he had a mentor. Asher followed the trail mechanically down in the basement that became the underneath of several different buildings. Enough places had collapsed for everything to get all muddled together. Were they alone? “Probably,” he answered though he was not entirely certain. “If we’re going to find some unwanted friends, they would be down here. But I haven’t seen any in a long time.” Though? Tell him the though.” “Normally I don’t go in as far as I plan to go.” And that’s where they could be. “So. Maybe.”
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan didn’t like that part. The part that said they might not be alone. That the part they’d be going in was further than Asher had gone. “Oh great. Okay.” He replied, his least favorite thing was infected. Even if he enjoyed killing them, he didn’t like them still. Jordan went quiet, looking around before he decided to ask. “So my mentor was traveling with a little girl. And you’re sure he didn’t make it out?”
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher was perhaps not the best at helping out of a difficult situation. It might have been nicer if he tried to comfort Jordan rather than blandly answer, but it was too late for that. Besides, he was not used to having to coat things nicely. He turned down one of the paths, one that was arguably more run down and taken by nature than the main one they were following. He slowed slightly at the mention of the mentor. Older man traveling with a little girl. He only remembered one of those, and that was not a good time. Was it possible? He peered at Jordan out of the corner of his eye. “How little?” Maybe little girl was a young child and not a young teenager with all of the spunk they could have used on their side.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan looked over at Asher when he asked how little Ellie was. Jordan thought about it for a moment before he answered. “She was 14? 15? More of a teen than a little girl. Why?” Jordan asked curious. He was more concerned with Joel than Ellie but he was curious as to if either of them made it out.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Huh. “Older guy, maybe in his fifties or something but deadly with just about every weapon? Traveling with a maybe more of a teen firecracker of a girl?” The odds were astronomical. He was about to leave his very own city with the mentee of the guy who ruined everything. Well, that did seem to be about right anyway. Life changed then too. He probably should have known.

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