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Fandom Getting Out of Pittsburgh { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Darling’s nostrils flared at the words, and her veins bulged as one of her men were shot. Asher, though briefly enamored by the sudden aggression in his companion’s demeanor, snapped his attention back to Darling and held his breath. She was furious. Seething. The last time he saw her like this, things went very badly for the other person. “Mm, Jordan, as much as I am very much okay with this new Wild West version of you, I think perhaps leaving, though admirable, is not exactly an option.” The veins rested, and she smiled that wicked smile again. She raised her knife. “Very clear, Love bug,” she said in an equally sickeningly sweet tone. “Why don’t you take your disgusting little flea and leave then.” She lowered her hands and crossed her arms, knife facing out. Asher was, most or less, incredibly alarmed. She had something planned, and that was never going to go well.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan caught her nostrils flare and her veins bulging. He glanced behind him at Jordan and snorted a laugh. This wasn't new, he'd done this many times in Boston alone. But then again, it was new to Asher. He narrowed his eyes at her, seeing that wicked smile. He didn't trust her, and he had a feeling that she wasn't going to let them leave. "If you try anything, I'll have no qualms in ending you and yours." Jordan growled. He put his hand behind his back and waved at Asher. Leave. He took two steps back, eyes watching the group before him. Jordan wasn't going to take his eyes off them, and his fingers twitched as one rested on the trigger guard of his pistol. He'd do exactly what he threatened if he had to. Little did he know, he took after his mentor in more than one way, considering about this time Joel was killing an entire hospital's worth of Fireflies for the little girl.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Darling’s entire posture relaxed. Her men didn’t, of course, but that was because they weren’t their own people. She waved her hands and two of them came closer. She rested her arms on their shoulder, waving towards Asher and Jordan with her knife. “Bye, bye now.” She also never took her eyes off of them as Jordan backed away. Oh, and Asher. He too was backing away since that apparently was a thing he was getting to do. Which was not at all disconcerting and most definitely a trap. The problem was that this was her territory and not his. She knew this section of Pittsburgh better than him. That meant that if she was going to let them go back through the alley, she knew something that he didn’t and that was more than a little worrisome. Asher hated all of this. Why did he decide that this was a good idea? What made him think going up against people like this was the best plan? Right, Jordan. Jordan who he was seeing far differently now.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan stopped his movements. He didn't trust how comfortable she looked and it made him question things. "Asher." His voice was a quiet whisper. He needed a second pair of eyes. "We can't go in that alley. There's no way to fight there, let alone not enough room. Is this the street we have to take?" He asked softly, eyes focused on Darling and her men. He was going to get them to that bridge, and no one was stopping him. Not a single person. He was getting them out of Pittsburgh. As he waited for an answer from Asher, he moved sideways, focused on both his path and her, gaze flicking at her then the ground then her.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher didn’t have an answer, and he did not appreciate it. “Unless you want to find a way on the roof of one of these buildings without getting shot with those very nice guns they have, that road is the only way I know how to get through.” He tried to think of the layout of this city. He was really starting to regret not coming to this side more often. Was there another option? There might be a way through some of the buildings. He wished he could turned around and see without looking like he was searching for a way out. Okay, so he was going to have to make it look like something else. “Darling, I don’t like how you’re staring at me. It’s like you don’t trust me. But look!” He threw up his empty hands. “I don’t have anything on me. Well, that I’m holding. I’m not going to lie to you though. You can see what I have on.” He spun around, quickly taking in what was behind him, and before he turned back around he whispered, “there’s also a door into whatever this building is back that way.” As he faced ahead, he dropped his hands. “See, nothing. So, can you not stare at me anymore?”

Darling just laughed like this was a game. It was probably a game. She was that kind of sick person. “I told you to go,” she repeated, thought the charm in her voice was waning. She was sounding a whole lot more like her usual horrible self. “Unless you would prefer a slow and painful death. I could do it to you both at the same time. Wouldn’t that be romantic?”
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

He groaned softly at the comment, looking at the road ahead of them. He didn't think he was going to get down this main road super easily. Not with her watching them the whole time. Jordan glanced at Asher, seeing him throw up his empty hands before spinning around. Jordan's eyes flicked back to Darling, hearing her laugh. He heard the charm in her voice wane and he clenched his teeth at the comment. "I told you to leave him alone." He growled, pistol coming up again. "Go." He whispered to Asher. "To that door, get in the building, I'll be right behind you." Jordan said, wanting to get Asher to that building first and then he'd make sure they didn't follow him.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

To the door? What exactly was his plan? Asher would have loved to have asked, but he didn’t want to ruin the daring heroics if Jordan had some brilliant idea that he was planning on enacting. He had absolutely no idea what he was thinking about doing, so he looked straight at Darling, took several steps back. “Alright, you want me to go? Fine. I’ll go. I don’t want to see your ugly face anymore anyway.” He twisted around, running towards the door as fast as he could, making sure to put the trash between him and anything else just in case the plan was to shoot him when he turned around.

Darling just laughed. She took a step back, pulling the two closest men together with a simple command of, “Kill them.” Therefore, the remaining men started shooting.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan knew it, knew exactly what was going to happen. He immediately ducked behind an abandoned car on the main street. He heard the gunshots, and immediately was firing back. He hit each man, somewhere on them. Head, chest, leg, shoulder. Somewhere. He aimed for the two hiding her but he missed the important part, getting their leg instead. Jordan looked around, and then grabbed a nail bomb from his pack. He flung it at them and turned, racing o the alley, pulling the door open and ducked inside as he heard the explosion. Jordan didn't know if it worked, but he wasn't going to poke his head out to check. He blocked the door with a piece of wood he found and looked at Asher. "Alright. Now, through this building?" He asked, breathing a little harder than normal.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher breathed heavily as he waited for Jordan to join him, and it didn’t lessen any as he did. With the door barred, he took a moment to give him another appraising look. “Yeah, through this building.” And he was off, running through this abandoned shop, quickly weaving between mostly empty and broken shelves. “You know, you might be the most interesting person I have ever met in my entire life.” He didn’t mind talking, because he could hear the men trying to break down the barred door. That meant that they weren’t in yet. If they couldn’t get it open, they were likely going to come around the front, but they were going to have to get around their own wires first. They had a moment before that.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan caught that look and smirked, before he took off with him. “Is that so? Must be pretty boring people around here if I’m the most interesting.” Jordan replied as he kept up with Asher. He was dangerous when he wanted to be, especially if his people are threatened. He didn’t take too kindly to that. “So once we get through here, where do we go? Because Main Street is not looking so great.” He said with a chuckle, looking at Asher as he moved.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher laughed which sounded more like a snort than anything else. “You’re only saying that because you didn’t just watch yourself go up against the most annoying thorn in my side. You do know that she’s going to find a way to cut us off and kill us right? Probably you actually.” He slid into the back of the store in the hopes that they could find a way to get upstairs. “Yeah, we’re gonna go up. I’m hoping she’s banking on us trying to run through to the next alley. And then we’re going to go from there.” He was not going to think about the part where most interesting was perhaps not exactly what he was thinking.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

“I’ve dealt with similar people, and they don’t scare me. And besides, let her come. I’ve been itching for a good fight. I used to a lot more fighting than I care to admit in the QZ. But ration cards were at stake.” Jordan said as he moved. He glanced at Asher and then looked around. “Can we use that?” He asked, pointing to a small staircase behind the registers that led upstairs. “Looks like there were apartments over this businesses. So we might have stairs on the outside we can use to jump the alley into the next building.” He suggested.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

“Who are you?” Asher asked as he listened to him speak. Just when he thought he understood the man he was escaping his home with, he learned that he definitely did not. That made it better. That made him question everything. He looked to the stairs and then smiled again. He was practically a smiler now. “Really, who are you with these brilliant ideas and aggressive tendencies? I like it. Looks good on you.” He hopped over the counter for absolutely no reason other than to show off and bounded up the stairs. That was absolutely a brilliant idea.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan looked at Asher when he heard that. He shrugged and smirked. “I’m a smuggler that dealt with the seediest part of the Boston QZ. I dealt with gangs, with terrorists and I was trained by a guy who’s seen and done worse than I have. And he taught me everything I know. Oh and I was part of a fighting ring where people would bet ration cards on who would win. Let’s just say I had more ration cards than most.” Jordan admitted as he walked towards the stairs. “That and no one threatens my people.” He added with a wink, looking back at Asher. “So come on handsome. Let’s see what’s up here.” He said, heading up the stairs.
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Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

After all that, Asher was still a little dumb founded. He moved up the stairs quickly, taking two at a time, and when he reached the top, he turned around and blocked Jordan’s path. “Would you believe that I now feel like I know you even less than I did before you answered?” He stood maybe inches from him as he looked him over. “If we make it out of here alive, I think I’ll ask you again. Because really, who are you?” He was more than a little intrigued and impressed. And also alarmed. His people? Asher was his people? He whipped around and opened the door to the hallway of apartments. He moved the direction they needed to be going and quickly searched for an outside stairwell. There was likely one along this back wall somewhere. He just had to hope it was usable.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan followed Asher up the stairs but his path was blocked when Asher stepped in front of him. He smirked a little when he heard that, seeing that they were inches apart. He saw Asher looking him over and chuckled softly. “Ask anything you want when we get out of here, because I’m an open book just for you handsome.” Jordan replied. He followed Asher after the other whipped around and opened the door. He followed him into the hall of apartments. Jordan ducked into each apartment, but so far nothing with an outside stairwell. He pushed open the last door and looked out the window. Bingo. “Asher.” Jordan poked his out into the hall. “In here.”
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Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher ran along the other side but immediately switched courses at his name. Jordan with the eagle eyes. Good. He followed after him and made it to the window that he slid open and stepped out onto the staircase. It didn’t felt incredibly solid and decently preserved as did most of the city. They may have become survivor hunters for sport, but that didn’t mean they didn’t take care of what was theirs. He stood at the edge and peered out the direction they needed to go. He ducked down in case any of their friends happened to be out. “Look how close we are.” He pointed to the bridge not but a few blocks away. “The main road is going to be difficult but we’ll have to get back on at the end. We could use these stairs to maybe… jump to the next building over and use that one? We could probably go up another flight and grab onto that section over there? That seems dangerous.” He glanced over at Jordan, mildly distracted by his presence. That wasn’t a sign of anything good. “Tell me something brilliant, lover boy.”
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan slipped out onto the stairs, ducking beside Asher. He looked over to see the bridge and smiled. The fact that it was so close made him happy. He looked at the path that Asher was describing and smirked as he heard him. “I’ll tell you something alright gorgeous. That’s a great plan. So you better keep up.” He said with a quiet chuckle. Jordan walked along the stairs, looking down for a moment, and he didn’t see anyone. Jordan climbed up onto the railing, narrowed his eyes before he jumped. He made it, onto the staircase there, it groaned but felt solid enough. Jordan slid open a window, looked back at Asher and winked before ducking inside.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher gawked. It was just true. He could not pretend that he was watching something a bit unbelievable, because he was. What else was this man capable of, and why exactly was he wanting to know so much? He followed behind, running and jumping as gracefully as one could do that and still be human. The stairs sounds were a little louder than when Jordan landed, but that was to be expected. He would not advise them going back that way for a while. These only stairs were probably fine, but sometimes they needed a moment to settle first. He tried to ignore how the wink made his stomach do that uncomfortable thing again. He moved inside too, slipping through like it was nothing. “So you call everyone beautiful but what about gorgeous? Is that one for anyone too?” He slipped past Jordan and into the hall. His plan was to run to the other side of the building and use the stairs on the side to either do the same thing they just did or find wherever the path continued.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan looked at Asher as he slipped past him. He chuckled at the question, though he did take a moment to think. “Hmm. No. Not anyone gets called gorgeous. Only the special ones get called that.” Jordan said as he kept up with Asher. He checked the rooms as he went, looking for a staircase to the next building. He walked further down and then one room had a window facing the way they were headed. Jordan slid it open and looked out. There was a plank, connecting this house and the next, and it was nailed to the window. “Asher.” Jordan called for him, bringing his head back in and looked for his companion.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

“Oh, the special ones. Mm, okay.” Asher checked rooms quickly, though yet again, it seemed that Jordan’s instincts were the ones that were going to get them through this. He retraced a few steps and slipped into the room with him. “Now how did you manage that?” He brushed their shoulders lightly as he looked out the window to see if anyone was close. No. He was not sure where all of their shot companions ended up, but he was hoping they were still searching closer to the ground or previous buildings. He climbed out and onto the plank. “Can you keep up with this?” Feeling cocky, he moved across without any hesitation. They did this kind of thing all the time. Planks weren’t scary. People like Darling were. He slipped through the window across the way and leaned his elbow on the sill, resting his head in his hands, as he waited for Jordan to join him.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan simply had chuckled and winked as he’d gone to check. He felt their shoulders brush as he looked at Asher and shrugged. “What can I say? I’m good.” He said with a grin. Jordan watched him cross on the plank, no hesitation. He smirked as he looked at him on the other side of the plank. Jordan put both hands on the plank and hauled himself up and out of the window. He rolled his eyes, amateur. Jordan jogged across the plank, no hesitation, no fear. This wasn’t his first time crossing using a plank. “Coming in.” He warned, hands out to grab the top of the window and slid into the building, feet first and landed on his feet inside. “Don’t we have a bridge to get to?” He asked, turning to head into the hallway of this building.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher did not bother getting out of the way until Jordan was almost there and sliding through. “I don’t know. Is that what we’re doing? Because it mostly feels like you’re trying to one up me at my own game.” He moved quicker so that he could catch up. “Do you think it’s working?” He asked, leaning in close as he slipped past him and into the hallway. He moved quickly through this building, not stopping as he took in the vision of the outside world through the windows. He pieced together each image he took in snapshot to see that they were very close. One more building, and then all they had to do was get to the ground and walk straight to it. No problem. These buildings were close together, and as long as this one had those fancy little apartment balconies… Yep. “Jordan, wanna take a leap of faith?” This balcony was close enough to the other one, because it was falling to pieces. He loved with the integrity of the buildings worked in his favor.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan snorted a laugh as he listened to Asher and grinned. "What can I say? I'm a show off" Jordan said as he moved through the building. He didn't know how close they were but he knew it was getting close. He stepped out onto the balcony and looked beside him to Asher. "I'm right beside you gorgeous." He said, preparing himself to jump to the other building. "You coming?" He asked, as he pushed off the balcony that was falling apart and landed on the next building, slipping inside and looking through the window to Asher.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

If he was going to be like this, then Asher could be like this too. He leaned against what little railing was left on this balcony and watched. He then stayed there as Jordan turned to face him. He grinned for another moment looking at him before he raised a brow before he answered, “Just enjoying the view. But I guess I can join you too.” He ran across, leaping practically gracefully and landed much like an action hero. He moved to the window and slipped in beside him, their arms colliding as he moved past. “This is the last building. Time to go down. Try to keep up?” And then he was gone, racing out of the room and heading for stairs.

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