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Fandom Getting Out of Pittsburgh { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan bit back the loud laugh he wanted to give in favor for a snort and a grin. “And what a view it is.” He said with a smirk as he watched Asher clear the gap and then he was sliding inside the window. Jordan felt their arms collide as he did. “I’ll keep up, don’t worry gorgeous.” Jordan replied, turning and racing after Asher. He kept up pace with him, finding the stairs and heading down them. He stoped at the bottom and looked at him, waiting for him to lead the way.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher didn’t know what exactly they were doing, but it wasn’t just finding a way out of Pittsburgh. Was this playing? Teasing? Ugly joking? He played and teased and joked with ugliness before with plenty of the other hunters when he was younger. He had a few people he did this sort of challenge, one up kind of thing too. This felt different than that, and he wasn’t sure what was happening. “Ah, yes, the special gorgeous.” He slowed at the end of the stairs, meaning to run past, but instead, he wavered as he stood almost against him. Their eyes connected, and he had to almost catch his breath before he moved on. He glanced out and saw the opening to the Main Street as well as the bridge itself through the windows. He looked at Jordan, eyes together again, standing so close their breaths merged, and he almost laughed. “I’ll race you to the bridge.” He turned away, legs starting to run, arms swaying in the beginnings of pumping them as he moved, and then the air was suddenly gone. All of his senses were redirected to the intense pain coming from somewhere in his stomach. Too low to be his chest. His eyes lost vision for a moment and came back as he was staring down at his shirt covered in blood and the blade that was all the way through him. All he could think was that’s a long knife before he was finally able to look up into the cruel and devastatingly delighted eyes of Darling. “Didn’t think I would find you, little rat?” She yanked the knife out of him, and he began to crumple to the ground.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan looked at Asher, saw how close they were. Eyes looking at each other and standing so close their breaths intermingled. He’d never met someone like him before, someone so willing to go along with his challenges. Most people in Boston simply ignored him. “Oh yeah? You’re on!” Jordan said, making his way after Asher. His heart sank, eyes narrowed as he saw Darling appear, seemingly out of nowhere and stabbed Asher. He could see the tip of the knife in his back. “ASHER!” Jordan yelled, pulling his pistol and fired at Darling about the time she yanked the knife out. Jordan was running as he shot, his heart pounding in his chest. Not him. No. Nonono. Jordan slid to his knees beside Asher. He pulled off his outer shirt and packed it in the wound, hoping his shots had given him a minute or two to stop any blood loss. His hands were shaking as he worked. It was rough and not the best but it would work until he could patch him up. Jordan picked Asher up in his arms, pistol in the hand under his back. “If you don’t want to die. Get the hell out of my way.” He growled low, pistol aiming straight for her.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher couldn’t see. He knew somewhere deep down that it hurt too much to see. Maybe his body decided that this was too much for him to handle and cut the easiest sense off. Maybe there was more too, because he wasn’t sure he could smell anything either. Could he taste? Would he know if he could? His stomach hurt. His leg hurt. Everything hurt actually. There was nothing that did not hurt right now, and he wanted to make it stop. He had been stabbed before. Shot before even. But this was different. This was worse. It felt like there was something inside him that wasn’t supposed to be there. He was moving. Something was moving him. He willed his eyes to focus on whatever it was. The world was so blurry. “Jor-Jordan.” Not a question. He knew this as truth. He tried to look at his stomach, but he couldn’t see it. He tried to push his arms into his stomach to get whatever out of him that wasn’t supposed to be there. “Jord-“ he coughed. “Jordan, I have to-“ he breathed heavily, suddenly aware of how hard that was. “I have to-“ but the pain was clouding his mind and he couldn’t see anything anymore. “Let me g-g-go.” The end of his word was a gasp.

Jordan shot, and Darling slipped out of the way and to the side without much effort. She did briefly have a meat shield after all. She laughed as she watched this cute little scene. “What are you going to do about it, Love Bug? Are you going to shoot me? Are you going to kill me for killing your what? Lover?” Smoke filled the area around them. “Ooh, look at that. It’s going to get harder for you to use that, isn’t it?” She slipped to the side and out of sight. Her voice rang through the air. “You better run, rats.”

“She-“ Asher gasped again. “She’s gonna- uh! Hunt us.”
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan heard Asher’s voice, his heart clenching painfully at the sound of him. “Shh. Don’t speak. I’ve got you. And I’m not letting you go.” Jordan said, his eyes dropping down to look at Asher briefly before flicking up to look at Darling. “You’re dead.” He growled, clenching his teeth as the smoke filled the area. It crawled in his nose and throat, blurred his vision. He held tight to Asher, eyes darting around as he tried to locate her. It was so hard. So Jordan didn’t waste any time. He took off, down the street. His eyes looked around, pistol aimed as he tried to fire at people. He dodged forgotten cars, and ran in ways that didn’t appear normal. Their goal was right ahead. And he was going to get them there. Jordan was watching for wires, people and trying to get them to the bridge, all while fear of losing Asher dug into him.
Asher McCoy
Pittsburgh Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

The world was spinning so much he could almost forget how much he hurt. Everything was so jerky. They must be moving. A limp hand pushed against Jordan’s chest. “No she’s- she’s gonna-“ it was so hard to breathe. So hard to speak. He could hear loud sounds that boomed around him. Gunshots? That’s what he would do too. She learned so well. “She won’t sto-stop until she’s-“ he cringed, fingers gripping Jordan’s chest tight as a wave of nausea on top of the pain he did not forget after all washed over him. It took so much effort to stay where he was, and he let his head roll to the side. The bleary world behind him stung his eyes.

“Where ya going?” Her bright voice called from somewhere close. Or maybe far away. He couldn’t tell anymore. “Don’t want to play anymore, rats?” So many of her men fell as Jordan shot them. Their own shots sometimes were close but never hit. The wires exploded behind them and around them as they shot those to get to them. Asher’s hand lamely pressed against Jordan’s chest. “Well, that’s too bad.” More insistent. “I’m not done yet.”

“Jordan. She’s behind you.” His voice was small and tired as he stared at the blurry body of a tiny form racing towards them with the knife still covered in his blood.
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Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan looked down when he felt the limp hand push against his chest. “Shh. Don’t talk. Focus on staying alive for me okay?” Jordan said. He kept firing hitting many of the men. The explosions behind him didn’t rattle him like they probably should’ve. He heard the gunshots, heard Darlings voice and the moment he heard Asher say she was behind them, he turned. Jordan stopped, aimed and fired. The bullet landed in her head, and down she went. Then Jordan looked around. “Anyone else want to try it?” He asked as he backed up, narrowing his eyes at them before he turned and ran. The bridge. Right there. “Let’s leave this city behind gorgeous. Then I can stop and patch you up.”
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

The world spun and spun and spun like something was spinning him around and around. His head whipped at Jordan’s turn, and his eyes focused for only long enough to see the tiny form of the deadliest person he ever knew drop. Oh. Well, she wasn’t going to hunt him anymore. He choked out a cough as he tried to speak again. It was getting so much harder. His hand lightly tapped on Jordan’s chest several times. These men were not going to back away just because Darling was dead. He would know. When it was his leader, he became bloodthirsty. Not because he cared about his leader so much. More like he wasn’t being held back anymore. He raised a hand for their attentions. He knew that it would. They were all watching the man who just killed their leader and thus also the one in their arms. He could tell them to stop. He knew the command. It was his after all, but he doubted they would listen. So as Jordan spun them around and around and around, his hand opened his pocket and shoved that bomb out of his hand as hard as he could. It wasn’t that hard, but they were already coming closer. Good. He feebly laughed when they exploded. He coughed again and closed his eyes. The world was so dark and heavy. But at the same time, he was also so weightless.
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Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan felt the tapping on his chest and looked down. Then he noticed the men watching them. Jordan froze for a moment, assessing, watching. Learning. He saw Asher’s hand raise, then he caught sight of the bomb. Oh boy. Jordan turned and ran for the bridge, the explosion behind him loud. He pushed himself harder and then they were on it, crossing it, and finally over the line. He had no idea where they were at the moment, but he kept going. Once he made it into the woods, and knew he wasn’t being followed, stopped. Jordan laid Asher down gently, and sighed. “This isn’t going to be pretty. Or painless.” He warned, as he removed the shirt, grabbed his medical kit and started cleaning out, disinfecting and packing the wound.
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

He was so tired. The sound of the explosion didn’t even hit him the way that it should. He was muffled like it was miles and miles away. He was exhausted. So so exhausted. He hurt, but what was pain in the grand scheme of things? His mind cut it off. He didn’t need to feel it anymore, because he couldn’t feel anything. He could shut that behind a door. A big door he barred to block everyone else out. He could barely feel the movement of his limbs as Jordan put him down. Where was he? Everything was hazy. Blissfully unknown. His peace was suddenly ripped away from him, and he tried to jerk up and away from all the pain. “What-“ His eyes tried to focus on whatever was happening that felt like someone was tearing him apart. Jordan. That’s what he could see first. What was Jordan doing? His eyes rolled until finally they landed on Jordan’s hands. Bloody hands. Working on him? Why? Oh, he got stabbed. Right. Darling stabbed him. He dropped his head back on the ground. It hurt too. Darling was dead now. Jordan shot her in the head. He could see the shock in her eyes as she fell. He lifted his hand, trying to touch Jordan’s arm. Trying to grab his attention. “H-hey. Y-you, you killed- her. Th-that’s uh that’s immm-immmm. Pressive.”
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Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan’s as halfway through the front part of the wound when his eyes caught motion. He had felt Asher try and jerk away from the pain but had kept him still. He saw the hand lift and his attention turned to look at him. His heart clenched as he bit his lip. Tears watered his eyes but he refused to let them out. “I warned her. I told her to leave you alone. She didn’t listen.” Jordan said as he grabbed a needle and some thread. He had enough to stitch up Asher. “I’m going to stitch you up now. Don’t move.” Jordan said, starting the stitches on his stomach. “Y- You got lucky she stabbed you where she did. This could’ve been so much worse.”
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher gripped something in his hand as tight as he could, clenching as everything came in an aggressive wave of what felt like torture. He gasped, unable to hold it in, and let out a long string of the ugliest curses. “She always was- t-too impulsive.” He beat his fist down on the ground as he cringed from the constant little stabbings in his stomach. Those were somehow worse than the big one. “So f-full of anger.” He attempted a shrug, but this apparently meant also trying to move his core somehow and he bit his lip and ground his teeth. “I always knew that if some- ungh- one could get me, it would be her. I never had,” he paused to take a deep breath and let it out, “a -uh mm, a b-better student.”
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Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan listened as he worked, stitching Asher up. He heard the curses, the fist beat the ground. His eyebrows raised as he caught the last part and he actually let out a small chuckle. “You trained her? Really? Well. That just adds more questions to the man I’m with.” He said with hum. “Okay, so your front is done. But now I have to get the back. She did do a good job at slicing you.” Jordan said, one hand on his shoulder and the other on his hip. “1. 2. 3.” He counted down before he rolled Asher over and started cleaning and disinfecting the back side of the wound.
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher grunted as he was turned to his other side, saying some equally vile things for that too. He huffed. “Yeah. She was mine.” He held onto whatever it was that he stole to squeeze as Jordan set his entire being on fire. “They were all supposed to be- mine.” He almost died, they were all dead, and he was officially out of Pittsburgh and on his way to who knows where with the man who both ruined and saved his life. “She jus-“ he growled in his pain, “just got to it first after your uh- uh crazy old man and his crrrrazy little girl killed ev-everyone.”
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Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan’s eyes widened a little as he finished cleaning the wound and packing it. “Huh. Well. I’m sure that wasn’t his intention when he came through. But then again, he probably was more concerned about getting through safely rather than the mess he left.” Jordan commented as he started stitching up the wound. “You asked me who I was, back there. And I have to admit, the same question goes for you. Just who are you?” He asked, as he finished the stitching.
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Who are you? Isn’t that the question. He didn’t know anymore. If Jordan has him that a year ago, he would have known. He had a plan. Six months ago? He might have wavered a little but known. Three months ago, he would have been a little unsure but still mostly certain. A month ago? That was when things started getting confusing. A week ago? Who was he then? Who was he now. He took a moment to breathe so that he could talk without sounding like he was dying. It was starting to grate on his nerves. “Asher Samuel McCoy. Son of Samuel and Jessalyn McCoy.” He sat up, because being on the ground was not working for him anymore. “Real rich people with lots of money to spoil their little prince. You know what happened here? Or there? How countless people died because of the way they treated us?” He rolled his eyes and his head went with him has he fell back, because he was too unstable after all that. He fell back on something a whole lot less painful than the ground. He looked up and there was Jordan. He groaned and decided it was just easier to stay there. “You want to know who I am?” He placed a hand over his eyes, because he was so woozy. “I killed them. Those monsters. I hunted them down, and I killed them. You wanna know why Darling was like that? Because I made her that way.” He let his head roll off to the side. “You still want me to come with you?”
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Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan tensed a little when Asher sat up. He was ready to catch him. He listened, knowing what Asher meant. He’d seen how people were treated in Boston and he could only imagine how it was here. Jordan saw Asher roll his eyes, saw his head go with him and he caught him as he fell back. A soft smile on his face as he looked at Asher, looking up at him. He hummed in answer as he tilted his head a little. He saw that hand over his eyes. Hmm. Well. He’s heard of worse pasts. “Yes gorgeous. I still want you to come with me. This world is not black and white but shades of gray and if I judged you on your past, then I’d be a hypocrite. So you rest up, heal and tomorrow we head west. To Utah.”
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Gorgeous. For the special ones. He was so tired. He should have moved off of him, but Asher wasn’t really thinking a lot about where he should and should not rest. “Sure,” he muttered as he fought the sleep that had been trying to take him the entire time. “You won’t later.” His words slurred. “You won’t when I tell you what she would have done to you.” He groaned. “To me. Because I did…” He tried to blink himself awake, and it was not working. “I did worse.” That was always what it came back to. Who he was. Who he knew he would always be. The him who could stalk out of somewhere barking orders with a dead body over his shoulder. No one questioned that. Why didn’t they question that? Because he did that before. They knew this about him. They knew it, and he knew it, and it was only a matter of time before Jordan knew it too. And then he would be on his own. He huffed again as he rolled his head back over and rested against something soft. Something he wasn’t aware was still Jordan. He breathed, and he fell asleep.
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Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan listened to Asher, heard his words and shook his head. “No. I won’t change my mind. It’s you and me. Leave the past behind us.” Jordan said quietly. He remembered what he’d seen in Pittsburgh. The being held over his shoulder ‘dead’ and no one blinked an eye. He remembered how she acted. But he’d done bad too. In the end, neither of them had fantastic pasts, and Jordan wasn’t crazy proud of his own past either. “Shh. Sleep.” He whispered, taking Asher close and pushed himself against a tree. Jordan pushed his head back against the bark and closed his eyes. His grip on Asher never changed, never wavered. And he’d stay like that until morning came.
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher had a fitful sleep. He was restless. It was probably because of the part where he was stabbed by some punk kid trying to kill him. When he dreamed, which was often, he saw the battered faces of his parents. They didn’t deserve that. They didn’t deserve the terror they had to go through before they died. He dreamed of a little kid who was feistier than anyone he ever met. Maybe he dreamed of two. He woke up many times, though never enough to really be awake. It was only ever enough to groan in pain, try to shift or roll, do so poorly, and fall back asleep. He was perhaps not the most pleasant partner to sleep with. All of his limbs squirmed throughout the night.
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Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan got about three hours or so combined sleep last night, having been woken up by Asher more than a few times. As the sunlight filtered through the trees, Jordan woke up. He had managed another hour of sleep before he did. He never remembered his dreams but the soft smile on his face when he woke up to Asher was something he’d remember. He didn’t want to wake him up, but he should check on the stitches. Especially with all the movement from last night. “Asher?” He said quietly, hoping to wake him up.
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

His sleep was the kind of shallow, light sleep that meant he never felt like he was full asleep. Those were always the worst. Not to mention that the pain in his stomach radiated throughout what felt like his entire body, and he was so incredibly uncomfortable, he didn’t know what to do. The only good thing was that he did eventually find a position towards the end of the night that was mostly comfortable. What he was not aware of was how much this position was him practically curled around Jordan. His warmth drew him close since his shirt was removed. He never bothered to deal with his bare torso when he was so tired. It would have hurt too. The sound of his name roused him from his sleep. It was better but still not good. He moved slightly, one arm running over Jordan’s chest. His brain was just so tired. His body was still so exhausted. That was a lot yesterday, not that he remembered it. He didn’t remember much of anything right now. Instead of looking up and acknowledging the person who saved him, he curled more in the hopes that he could hide from the pain he didn’t want anymore.
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Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan had noticed now that he was awake, that Asher had curled around him. When Jordan called his name, he felt the arm run over his chest. He also noticed Asher curl in more. “You can have a little more rest, but then I need to check your wound.” Jordan said, holding Asher closer. He wasn’t planning on letting him go. So Jordan put his head back against the tree and started humming. A little relaxing hum never hurt anyone. And he figured it might help Asher rest easier. They probably weren’t going anywhere for at least a couple days, not with that injury.
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Asher fell back into a painful, restless sleep with only the faintest awareness of the words that he heard. Rest. Wound. So he did. He curled until that hurt even more, and he uncoiled like one of those little roly poly bugs, writhing in the pain and discomfort that comes from being stabbed in the gut. If he were more conscious, he would have been very angry with Darling despite the part where she was deceased. Instead, he was not so great about being awake. He didn’t know how long he was allowed to sleep. He didn’t know anything. It was probably better that way. When he noticed too much, he got cranky, and when he was cranky, he did things he regretted later.
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Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan held onto Asher, until he uncurled and he just loosened his grip a little bit. He was a mixture of emotions inside right now. Angry, scared, worried, and upset. He was angry at Darling, and even angry at FEDRA for hurting Asher like they did. He was scared and worried he was going to lose the one man he’d ever found that he wanted to have more than a few words and sometimes a night with. He was upset because these were emotions tied to one man. Tied to the man in his arms. He pushed his head against the bark of the tree and managed a few more hours of some kind of sleep before he had to wake Asher. When he woke up again, he tried again to wake the man in his arms. “Asher.. wake up.. I need you to wake up.”

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