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Fandom Getting Out of Pittsburgh { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan waited, patiently. Quietly. He felt the hand taken, felt it brought to a chest with a heart beating so fast. Heard those deep and heavy breaths. He stayed still, watching Asher. His eyes widened when he fell, and then a warm smile when they were close. He considered closing the gap but in the end, it wasn’t him who did. Lips met his in a heavy hard kiss. Jordan’s free hand went around the back of Asher’s head. Fingers in hair, adding pressure and giving into the kiss. This was real, this is what Jordan wanted. This was everything he’d been thinking of. He wanted Asher and was going to show him that in the end, it was always them. No matter who they find, who they come across, in the end it would always be him and Asher.
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

He didn’t shoot. He hid him away against a wall, in back alleys, in a secret vault he kept for himself. He found him after being captured. He took him out of there. He defied everything. Jordan wasn’t wrong. That wasn’t what he would have done. The Asher he knew himself to be would not have done any of them. Going up against Diego? Maybe. Going up against Darling? Probably not. She had a fire not even he had. That was why she won before. But he risked so much for Jordan. He risked everything to get a bag with a photo in it. Who did that for someone who didn’t mean something? Not Asher. He didn’t shoot. So this had to mean something. Something real. When he kissed Jordan, it wasn’t some timid thing. This was all of the intensity of trying to come to terms with his own actions. Jordan wanted to help? He begged for that help in this kiss. Or maybe he accepted it. Maybe he took it. Whatever the answer, he wanted this. He needed this. He was irrationally angry with a wound for being in a spot that was making this difficult. Being turned like this hurt a lot. So he fixed that. He gripped the trunk of the tree and tossed his leg over Jordan so he could sit in his lap. Still painful but better. Easier. Easier to keep this intense kiss going. Easier to forget everything that hurt, not just the wound. Until he broke it again. Unsure again. “What am I doing? What are we doing?”
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Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan felt the intensity in the kiss, felt the beg and or acceptance of help as well. He wasn’t expecting to feel the leg thrown over so Asher was in his lap. He moved his free hand around Asher’s back as he kissed him. He wasn’t expecting for Asher to break the kiss and see that unsure face. Jordan smiled softly as he heard him. “We’re kissing right now gorgeous. And then we’re going to see this country together.” Jordan said as he kissed him again with the same intensity as before.
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Kissing. That’s what they were doing. He knew that. He noticed that part. He liked that part. He liked that a lot. He shouldn’t. He should know better. He should know better than to let this rule him. He can’t let the whims of someone who plays with emotions like this change who he is. But he didn’t know who that was. What if the change came before this? What if it didn’t? Too many what ifs were dangling in his mind, and he hated them all, so he hid in this kiss that he shouldn’t want but he loved anyway. Ravenous kisses he yearned for. He yanked himself away. No. He couldn’t let temptation get the better of him. He looked at Jordan, and he was the embodiment of desire. Desire was what would be his death. He moved a hand to his lips that felt raw. They burned with the absence. They longed for more. His entire body longed for more. He should get up.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan was getting lost in the kiss, eyes closed and giving everything he had. When Asher yanked away, his eyes flew open and he looked at him. He saw the hand move to his lips and Jordan just waited for a moment. He wanted to keep kissing Asher, finding out how much he liked it. “How are you feeling gorgeous?” He asked, softly. That question had multiple layers to it. Hows your wound. Is this okay. How do you feel about the kiss. Should we get moving or kiss again. All things Jordan wanted to ask and all he could get out was those five words. He waited and watched, biting his lip as he did.
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

He didn’t know how to answer that. He didn’t know what he was feeling. He was feeling too many things. Too many conflicting things. He wanted too many things. He didn’t want enough things. Asher shifted. “I-“ he shifted again before pulling his leg and himself off probably too fast for the injury that was still healing. “I don’t-“ He scrambled back to stand up, but his body was so confused. He was tired of being confused. “I don’t know.” He didn’t meant to sound so pouty, but his words did what they wanted. He tried again, moving like he would have normally, his legs able to pull him up, but the pain spreading up his chest so fast that he staggered backward, knocking into a nearby tree. “I-“ he grabbed at the trunk, but it was just a tree. No convenient branches. Just a tree. And every time he looked at Jordan, he started the entire process of trying to figure it all out over again.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

Jordan watched Asher, heard him. Saw him pull his leg and himself off and stood too fast for an injury. “Asher..” Jordan’s voice as quiet, as he stood up too. He heard the words and the pouty way they sounded. He watched him stagger back into a tree. No. He was going to reinjure himself if he kept this up. “Asher.. gorgeous.. come on. Relax. You’re going to hurt yourself more.” Jordan said, walking over to him and placing his hands on his shoulders. “Breathe. Calm down.”
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

“Don’t tell me what to do!” The words rang in the air as they assaulted the forest’s calm. Birds flew away and the skittering of animals left them entirely alone. He ripped one shoulder away from Jordan's touch, and gasped as he threw one hand up to his injury. He gritted his teeth. “Don’t-“ his words were already less angry than the moment before. “I can’t do this.” Shouldn’t. He twisted around, a hand slamming into the tree as he used it to brace himself. He pushed the other one into his wound. Hold it together.
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

For the first time in his life, Jordan flinched at the words. He felt the shoulder rip from his touch. But his concern wasn’t with how angry Asher had seemed to be, but his wound. “Okay. Fine. Be mad at me. Get angry and tell me this doesn’t mean anything, but please stop doing things that will hurt you more.” Jordan said, looking at him. “Gorgeous, I don’t know what else to say or do, but I’m not leaving your side. I told you that you were stuck with me and I meant it.”
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

This wasn’t what he wanted. Jordan looking like a kicked puppy. Asher didn’t know what he was supposed to do, because he wanted so desperately turn back around and kiss him again, but he also wanted to leave. He couldn’t go back to Pittsburgh. That was gone. He just didn’t know where to go. With Jordan? Without Jordan? All options left him feeling like he was so utterly lost and alone. He just sounded like he cared so much. “Love bug, I-“ Asher closed his eyes. This was a painful nickname he’d already come up with. He faced away and tried to breathe. Tried to force away tears. So he didn’t cry. He would not be ruled by this. So what did he do? What could he do? “We should go.”
Jordan DeShay
Former Smuggler | 27 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

He heard the nickname, his heart clenching painfully inside his chest. Jordan waited, patiently, quietly. He heard him and nodded. “We should. Will you let me support you? I fear if you walk on your own, it may make your wound even worse.” He replied, looking at Asher, arm and hand out for support. He needed a map, he had no idea where they were. So they needed to find a town, find a way to figure out where they were at the moment.
Asher McCoy
Former Hunter | 29 | Current location ;; Pennsylvania

He wanted to be able to walk on his own. He didn’t like having to depend on someone else. He never had to depend on anyone again after his parents. He would never let himself. Asher was supposed to be his own person. What was he if he took that arm? But he did. He took it more than he should. He didn’t just lean against him or wrap his own arm around. He used Jordan like he was merging them into one. Like he might have before he was so angry. Who was he angry at? Himself? “Yeah.” Himself. “Okay.” Maybe at Jordan a little but not really. He lifted a hand to the wound and breathed. It hurt but not as bad as before. Now it was on par with plenty of other wounds he had had. Jordan did good with this. “I just can’t sit anymore.”

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