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Fantasy Franzia Highschool:School for the supernatural.


The fallen angel.
Franzia highschool is the school for the Supernatural and paranormal. Creatures such as the graceful werewolf to the beautiful Vampire and to the Magical Fairies are welcome to this private school. It is hidden from the human world with wards that cannot be shut down easily. There is a beautiful forest for everyone who wishes to go. This highschool is a private school where you have your own dorm that you can change at will. It is very beautiful and looks rather like a gothic castle filled with many confusing corridors and staircases. We are looking forward to seeing you in our school for the supernatural. We welcome you to Franzia High!
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Clarissa woke up later than she should. She groaned as she rolled and fell out of bed. Huffing the hair our of her face and growling she stood up and went to the bathroom. She started on her colorful hair curling it a little. She brushed her teeth and walked back out. She put on a shirt with a dripping black heart and some black jeans on. She did her makeup all black to match. Her nails were already painted black and white so she figured this would match it. Next was her jewelry a skull ring with black roses and a pierced black heart necklace <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c289d0028_fashioncuteoutfitscuteemooutfitcreatedbyserenejtwoyearsago___.jpg.c275a4adb540918987b6cc2448aa2ede.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53521" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c289d0028_fashioncuteoutfitscuteemooutfitcreatedbyserenejtwoyearsago___.jpg.c275a4adb540918987b6cc2448aa2ede.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>. She grabbed her phone and started off to school. She walked hearing the little fox yap to her. Why is it that she only talked to the pack. She could always find more people.When they finally got there she took off away from the annoying pup and went to silence. Daring anyone to talk to her.



  • fashion cute outfits cute emo outfit created by serenej two years ago ___.jpg
    fashion cute outfits cute emo outfit created by serenej two years ago ___.jpg
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Alice hardly slept the night before, still getting used to hiding her wings, and sleeping in a bed. She got up, and popped her back, rotating her shoulders to loosen them. she quickly changed into a long blue dress with ruffles, and an open back, for her wings.


She looked in the mirror and shrugged. She ran a brush through her red hair, and put in up in a bun. She let her wings sprout from her shoulder blades and sighed. "Much better...." She said, before walking out of the dorm, and into the main school building.

Alice wrinkled her nose at some of the other students' choice in clothing. People called her style "old" but she preferred the term "simple, elegant, classic!" She detested modern fashion, as it seamed that if the cloths couldn't cling to you tighter than your own skin, then it had to be skimpy and revealing, and Alice didn't particularly like putting on a show. She walked into the school and found the darkest corner in the school, and stayed there, standing by a girl in tight pants, with multi coloured hair.
Kylie woke up perfectly on time for her to take a shower and do her hair. Most of the other fairies hated her hair and disapproved of it but she decided it was her hair so what did she care. She got out after thinking about ranting to her mom about how they disapproved of her hair. But decided against it she got out and blow dried ger hair. She put on her heavy eyeliner and purple lipstick. She put on her cute dinosaur shirt and black pants and her purple converse. <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c28a7923a____ClothingStyleCuteEmoClothingEmoStylesOutfitsEmoOutfit.jpg.5aaf12a00bbaf5052e7dc7811ea64674.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="53547" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c28a7923a____ClothingStyleCuteEmoClothingEmoStylesOutfitsEmoOutfit.jpg.5aaf12a00bbaf5052e7dc7811ea64674.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

She got done and walked out side her dorm. She flew to the school. She was ready when she landed she saw a girl with bright red hair and landed beside her. She walked away from her and went to go sit down somewhere.



  • ___ Clothing Style, Cute Emo Clothing, Emo Styles Outfits, Emo Outfit.jpg
    ___ Clothing Style, Cute Emo Clothing, Emo Styles Outfits, Emo Outfit.jpg
    101.3 KB · Views: 66
Alice watched the dream fairy with blue hair land beside her, and shook her head at the tight pants. Everything else about her seemed alright, and not as out of date as Alice's own apparel. Alice decided that this was one dream fairy she liked, and decided to try to talk to her the next time they saw each other. Dreams and night have a connection after all.
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It was dawn when Zizi first woke up.Ziz

Almost immediately she felt under her pillow, for the wicked dagger she kept near her always. A sigh of relief escaped her; its corded handle touched her hand and felt cool.

Zizi sat up, her head pounding from the nightmare she had woken up from. Her small room was still dark, the only light coming through the filtered cloth covering the window. The people who organized this school had accepted her lie that she was a werewolf, and hesitantly let her stay here.

In a world where the monsters where hunted, she had nowhere left to go. Her family was dead, her friends all but deserted her. Zizi was truly alone.

She silently stood and pulled her black cape off her hair, wincing at the pain in her hand. A tree had whacked it the other day, and it was badly bruised. She knew she should be more careful, but at the time she was falling out of said tree she was trying to avoid some sort of creature she didn't recognize. Tiny, with a puffy little tail and soulless black eyes. It must've been a demon of some sort. Zizi was sure of it.

With her other hand she reached for her boots, still covered in mud and leaves from her walk yesterday. Awkwardly she pulled them over her leggings, and stood. She pulled the dagger out from under the pillow, sheathing it in a secret pocket in her brown pants. It ran down the length of her thigh, and was almost completely hidden.

Doing everything with her left hand proved to be a challenge, as when she reached for the black cape, tying the knots with only fingers from one hand was nearly impossible. Zizi almost called out for her brother, Pazen, to come and help her, before remembering.

She had watched him get mauled by a werewolf. He was gone, and she had come here, under the guise of the hated creatures.

Silently she pulled the knots tight. The staff at the school had forbidden the killing of other students. But if she recognized the werewolf that had killed her brother...

Zizi reached down and patted her hidden knife. She would make sure it got the same fate as Pazen.
Ariettie said:
Alice watched the winter fairy with blue hair land beside her, and shook her head at the tight pants. Everything else about her seemed alright, and not as out of date as Alice's own apparel. Alice decided that this was one winter fairy she liked, and decided to try to talk to her the next time they saw each other. After all, what goes better together than cold and dark?
The one that landed beside you was a dream fairy...
Chloe woke up to her annoying alarm clock. She looked at the clock and groaned. "It's only 5 in the morning" she said to herself. her hair was a complete mess so she was kind of happy she woke up at this time of the day so she could shower. she rolled out of the bed groaning when he hit her head on her end table. He rubbed her hair and got up to go take a shower. it wasn't really any use it always the water was always freezing cause if it was to hot it'd burn her more severely than normal fairies. when she got out of the shower she started on her out fit. A sea green sweater and faded blue skinny jeans. her tan combat boots and her brown purse. Finally her jewelry a simple bronze owl necklace. when she was satisfied with her outfit she starts on her white blonde hair and blow dries it and straightens it. she then curls the very end of her hair. she went out side her dorm and took off and flew towards the school. she landed next to this girl with bright red hair and a fox tail. She smiled and she extended her hand and tried to shake the girl's hand.

Amber woke up smiling as she yawned and stretched. she could hear her room mate the wolf, Clarissa, getting ready and muttering to herself about how much she hated school and people and how she didn't even want to go and how she was being forced. Amber smiled more because she thinks its funny. this girl could leave and run if she wanted but yet she stayed. Amber got up and started to brush her bright red hair. She put her nose piercing and waved her fox tail around. it was every where too so she brushed it down to make sure it wasn't sticking up everywhere. she started on her soft simple make up and put on a cute fox pull over with dark jeans. she grabbed a black purse and walked out side seeing Clarissa walking away she yelled"hey wait up!" and ran to catch up with her. they walked while Amber talked the whole way there excited about the new school. when they got there the multi colored hair girl left and Amber frowned not knowing anyone she stayed silent and looked down when a girl with pretty white fairy wings landed next to her and tried to shake her hand.

Casper was never a morning person. He stayed up through the night hunting for human prey. Yet, when his mother had forced him to go to this random school he was rather hesitant. He threw on a beanie and with a sigh. For the past two weeks he had to adjust to his rather odd sleeping schedule. Throwing on the first random t-shirt he could find, he prepped himself for the new school.


Cas didn't know what to expect, but it surely wasn't this. The sun would burn him, so he put on sunscreen and got out a black umbrella to shield him from any chance of being burnt. The vampire adjusted his long hair before heading out the door. Casper was stuck. He couldn't fly unless he wants to put himself in harm's way. With a sigh, he decided to walk out towards the school.
Silently Zizi watched as the rest of the students walked towards the Gothic castle. Had she actually been a werewolf, Zizi supposed that she would've been able to smell them and identify, but she couldn't. So she just watched, judging what they were. A few fairies flew by, with beautiful wings of varying colors. A vampire, or at least he looked like a vampire, walked by, looking as happy as she was to be going to this school.

She put her head down, and inconspiculously headed in the same direction they were, towards the castle. No werewolves, but one couldn't really tell. Most of them who looked human could've easily have been vampires, wraithes, or werewolves. The only thing she knew for certain was that they were, in fact, not human.

The gothic castle appeared to have too many exits and windows. If they needed to lock it down, for whatever reason, they would have a difficult time doing so. A smile tugged at her mouth. Which meant that escaping wouldn't be too much of a problem, if she did indeed find that despicable killer werewolf.

Oh well. Might as well learn something while I'm here, Zizi told herself. No need to be friendly with anyone, but information is always useful.

But she was so into her own thoughts that she almost didn't notice when she collided with the vampire she had identified earlier.

Casper kept walking closer and closer towards the school. At least it's dark. He thought to himself as he walked through the forest. He broke a few branches on his way, but he brushed it off. Within mere seconds he had found himself in front of this huge and somewhat sinister castle. There was wings everywhere, and he had to blink to brush away all the dust the wings were spreading. Coughing, the vampire pulled the umbrella closer above his head. The weather was burning to him, and he felt as if someone had set the whole place on fire. Looking down, he covered his eyes with his black sunglasses in an attempt to break all contact from the sun.

Walking by, he looked up as someone fell onto him. He quickly adjusted his umbrella before helping the girl up. "Are you alright?" He whispered to the girl that had collided with him. The girl had a light brown hair color, and wore dark black clothes.


Ally brushed her long hair anxiously, afraid that she was going to be late for her first glass. She floated up a little, looking at the white bulb of energy that took her form in the mirror. The ghost smiled meekly before changing into her older vessel. She changed into a yellow sundress and tied her hair back in a vivid white ribbon. Allison couldn't contain a giggle that was tickling her throat. The ghost clapped before landing on the ground. She fixed her waves before exiting the old and broken house. The ghost easily transported towards the tower. This will be fun. The blonde convinced herself as she looked around. From what she saw, she assumed that there was no other ghosts around. Just a vampire, fairies, a merman, a dragon, a werewolf... and a few others.


Corey combed through his hair, his upper body leaning against the soft sand for support. After a few more strokes, he pulled out of the water and got up. Almost magically, his fins were trading in for a pair of legs. The siren pulled on the clothes that he had arranged on the beach earlier that day when he went for a swim. Packing up a dozen water bottles in his bag, he headed off for the new school. A grin was imprinted on his face even though it secretly pained him to use his feet for running. It was worth it though when he saw all the sorts of magical creatures walking into the castle. Welcome home, Core.
"Are you alright?"

Immediately Zizi felt for her knife, before telling herself to calm. She was in no danger here, or so said the school's authorities. She stood, straightening her black cloak, and studying the vampire she had fallen against.

His umbrella shaded him entirely, and even though it was cloudy today, Zizi knew well that vampires had trouble with even the smallest amount of sun. Other than his fangs and black clothing, he seemed to be harmless. According to rumors, they only fed on human blood. She tugged at her sleeve, covering the bracelet that kept her human. Hopefully he hadn't seen it, and had no idea what she truly was. Still, her gut told her that the vampire meant no offense, and she hoped that if she just left, he would forget this encounter entirely.

"I'm fine. Sorry."

She tried to brush past him, hoping that she would be more careful and not draw as much attention to herself.
Alice watched the people move around, and saw a vampire with an umbrella. She sighed, feeling pity on the poor creature. She moved her hand in the direction of the vampire boy, and whispered, "Let a cloak of night protect from the cold unfeeling light." As soon as the words left her mouth, a swirl of black and purple left her fingers and fled to the vampire. The magic swirled around the boy, and finally rested in a thin vale of night around him. The boy, and the area around him, looked as though it was midnight, wile everything out side of the vale was still the same cloudy daylight.

Casper grinned with his fangs digging against his bottom lip. It looked like it might have hurt, but it was painless. He stared at the girl, trying to find out what kind of creature she was. Dusting his shirt, he scanned over the girl. She gave off a mysterious yet clumsy vibe. Arching an eyebrow he tried to find a scent on the girl. When he couldn't identify what creature she was, he stared at her with a frazzled look.

When she swore that she was alright, he dropped the subject. "See you around, my dear." He whispered, smiling a bit more when he saw how embarrassed the girl looked. "Don't worry." The vampire promised.

As Cas turned towards the castle, he stopped in his tracks when a cool air swept over him. The bright sun had seemed to vanish. Dazed, he looked around to find out he was covered by a dark spell. His eyes widened slightly as he grinned. Turning around, he saw another girl bring shade to him. "Thank you, darling." Slowly and cautiously, he shut the umbrella. To his excitement, he didn't feel anything burn him. The spell had worked.

Alice smirked in accomplishment. The spell was simple, and very easy to produce in small quantities. she used a much larger version of the spell to shade her forest, but unfortunately had to take it down recently, as large versions can't last with it's creator gone. She gave the vampire a small salute like wave, and smiled slightly at the look of joy and relief on his face.
The vampire slid a few fingers through his hair, putting the closed umbrella into his pocket. He looked at the girl, sending her a wink. It was a lot better for him to be able to adjust to his first day without worrying about being burnt to a crisp. The vampire got out a hair tie and put his long hair back into a pony tail. He smiled with his teeth, sending the salute back to the fairy playfully.

Alice smiled slightly, glad to have helped a fellow creature of the night. The place wasn't crawling with Day Walkers like her last school, but the timing wasn't very dark friendly ether. She was already not likeing the school, but figured now she had to stay. If she left the school now, then who would help the creatures of the night that couldn't take the time frame?
Clarissa growled when she saw the vampire. She hadn't had a good run into them seeing as they ripped apart her friend. She stood up and discreetly sniffed at the hair. She smell the vampire couple of fairies and a... Dragon? It can't be she thought. Though her nose has strayed her wrong before so maybe itbhad this time. She walked forward before brushing past the vampire and a brown haired girl. She growled lowly hoping no one heard. Her multi colored hair swinging behind her. When she past the girl she caught another whiff of the dragon she turned around with a confused look on her face. It couldn't be. Her eyes turned black as she became frustrated with herself. She turned back aroumand begancwalking again.
The vampire headed towards the building, blinking as a ghost girl ran past him. He wasn't sure if she was a teenager or a little girl. The sight confused him. He examined the rest of his future classmates. A boy that was holding a bunch of waters had caught his eyes. Why does he need so much water? Casper wondered. He let out a yawn, this time being way past his normal bed time. He watched a few fairies that had dark wings and light wings. Next, he looked at a girl with vivid red hair. There sure was a diversity of students attending it. He just prayed that they'd be nice. If they weren't... he would be excited to try new types of blood other than human blood. As he headed in, his eyes laid on a girl with black eyes. A werewolf. No, not any werewolf. An angry werewolf.


Ally looked at the group of people should be going to school with for the next semester. She frowned, floating closer towards the groups of people. Her eyes widened, a smile widening on cue with her orbs. Fairies! The seven year old in her shouted. The ghost had never seen a fairy in the flesh before, so she was mesmerized by everyone. She rid herself of her seventeen year old disguise, and walked around. There was a vampire, a dragon, a fox, a werewolf... and so many more wonderful creatures. Being optimistic, she couldn't help but think of how much fun it was going to be going to school with these people. The seven year old tapped her chin playfully.


Corey walked threw, unscrewing the cap on one of his water bottles. He refreshed himself and walked through the crowd. He readjusted his clothes, pulling out a pair of black framed classes. He put them on, looking around. The merman couldn't lie. It seemed like an interesting mix. The siren wasn't sure if he was excited or anxious about all the people at his new school. He walked towards the front door, leaning against the wall.​
Kylie forced her wings back into the tattoo on her back. She smiled as she looked at the school. It was magnificent. She saw another fairy with red hair and beautiful wings and smiled.she looked over an saw a winter fairy. She began walking towards the school.
Nervously Zizi joined the throng of students, reminding herself constantly why she was here. The bracelet, hidden under her sleeve, was cool against her skin, and Zizi took a shallow breath.

She didn't like people. For a year she had lived in New York City, and hated the crowds and the smells. Here the wards seemed to stop her from doing that, and as she passed into the school boundaries with the rest of her... classmates, she caught a student's gaze for a second.

And during that second, their eyes had turned black as pitch.

Zizi dropped her gaze, walking away. Black eyes. Where had she seen black eyes before?

The screams of her brother flashed in her mind, and for a moment she felt sick, stumbling against a wall. Don't think about it, shut it out, breathe.

The wolves. They had had black eyes. Which meant...

The girl was a werewolf.

Zizi took another breath. It didn't mean she was the werewolf, only that she was a werewolf. She shook off her nausea, heading with the crowd to a classroom of some sort. A fairy brushed past her, its dust making her cough.

Oh skies above, she told herself fiercely. I can't be doing that in public. I can't show intimidation, or fear. No more nausea spells.

She caught sight of the vampire she had collided with earlier, as well as the werewolf and a few fairies. How did she end up in the same class as the werewolf? What if it was the killer werewolf and was here to finish the job? What if it was just waiting, ready to bring in a whole pack to slaughter her?

Breathe, Zizi, she heard Pazen say in her mind. You're always worrying too much.

Yeah, but I'm usually right,
she had said back.

He had laughed. Zi, someday, you're going to find out that not everyone's trying to kill you.

That was the night where he had tried to be nice, inviting a werewolf to stay with them, for the night.

The night where Pazen's kindness was repaid in his blood and mutilated body.

Zizi steeled herself. Kindness is overrated. It only gets you soft and everyone else killed.

I will never be kind again.
Casper walked over to the girl who was fading. He wasn't sure if he was going crazy or not. As he approached the girl who seemed to have an obsession over the fairies. To his shock, the teenager had turned into a little girl in front of his eyes. The little one was transparent in contraction from the older version. "Hello?" The vampire called out to her.

Clarissa put her head down letting her eyes change back. She walked to her homeroom an found the vampire and the brown haired girl. She saw the fairy from earlier and sat nex to her. She put her feet on the desk and leaned back in her chair. She glaced at the brown haired girl from earlier and leaned over. "okay I have to ask cause I'm getting different signals from you but what are you" she said in a hushed voice. She may not like people butvthe sooner e could settle what this girl was the sooner she could not look confused.

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