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Foreteller Fairy of the Library

Eagerly nodding at the permission to use his nickname before realizing her mistake, she hurriedly speak up but manage to keep the same lowered voice to give her confirmation in words instead. "Soodi it is then. Yeah, I'm Tiana." Opening her book bag, she brought out her pencil case as well as the study materials for English, alligning them neatly on her desk as she still paid attention to his words as well as his gratitude. "Apparently, most people who borrows books from the library are forgetful." She commented with a subtle laugh in return, recalling the times she had done the same to other students.

The blind male's next question took the librarion by surprise, almost yelping as if she had been found out but was quick enough to close her mouth. "What?" She slowly began nervously, following a guilty chuckle as she continued her whispers. "I don't think so. Well, nothing that I remember." That did not seem to be quite convincing for her, wanting to add with the intention of lessening his suspicious but she was sure he had not yet caught on. "Um... could it be just something you imagined?" Tiana winced as she finished that sentence, biting her lip as she could feel her palms getting clammy.
Feeling a little deflated at her answer, Soodi only hummed indifferently. Though she sounded unsure, almost... guilty? No that was ridiculous, he must have been fathoming, it wasn't unlike Soodi to overthink this could be no different right? "Yeah maybe, maybe you sound like one of my old friends," he offered, attempting to ease the odd ambiance between them. Feeling a little spurred on by her friendliness, Soodi attempted a compliment, "Your voice sounds quite nice by the way." Soodi let that roll around in his brain before he suddenly realised that sounded way too flirty. "Shit- uh not like in a... Sorry I just meant you have a nice voice, it's not grating or anything..." Oh god he swore and was rambling like a madman, he cut himself off with a sigh, apologizing under his breath once more.  

Attempting to backtrack, Soodi ran an awkward hand through his hair reverting back to the previous topic. "Maybe I remember you from the library, not that I usually get anything to read," he chuckled at his joke, hoping it didn't come off too odd to Tiana. Self deprecating humour was as ingrained into his vocabulary as sarcasm was, though some people seemed to get on edge around that on occasion. 
The librarian was very relieved that the male was not too hung up on it, him dropping the subject returned her sincere smile. Upon the comment of her voice, the librarian could literally feel her face growing warm, never did she have thought of an opinion for it since generally no one wouldn't until someone else pointed it out for them. Him attempting to assure her was easing her composure a bit but her mind still would not stop bugging her about the fact, trying very hard to get rid of how it sounds like even though she knew that he did not really meant it romantically.

There was a pause as she had tried to process what he had just said, her mouth forming an 'O' once she had realized on the hidden hint although not really making a sound. "If you want, I can help you with that." She mumbled though her voice was loud enough for him to hear. "I mean, the school does try to accomodate all the students attending here so there are quite an amount of braille books." She continued to explain, using hand gestures as if to be excited about it however was too late to recall that he could not even see it.
The pause in between his joke and her response had Soodi feeling like he was balancing on a thin line, having a compelling need to get this girl to see the potential of friendship in him. The burst of relief that blossomed inside him when he felt her surge of excitement through the chime in her words and flurry of breath had Soodi cracking a wide smile at her, feeling her own excitement in the braille books seep into his own demeanor. "I'd love to take out some books, maybe some sheet music if the library has any in braille? I usually just have to play clarinet by ear, but I'd be nice to read some new music," he'd unconsciously gotten louder as he spoke about clarinet, though not finding the care to be bothered as he spoke to Tiana. She was accommodating and helpful without the catch of unnecessary sympathy, a change of pace which had Soodi eager to take her up on her offer. 

"Could I come and find you at lunch? Then could you help me pick out something, I don't really go to the library much." That much was true, libraries were always an ironic reminder of his situation.

The teacher having finally arrived, long coat billowing behind him as he swooped in muttering apologies of lateness. The lesson kicked off without a hitch, a mundane revision of Frankenstein in preparation for a lengthy upcoming test. Though the weighty keys of Soodi's braille writer didn't weigh down his brightened mood. 
Tiana had felt all the tension fading with his positive response as well as showing as much as excitement as hers, forgetting completely on what he had talked about and her mind was now filled of finding the said books just for the blind male. It was somehow interesting to learned that he had played the clarinet, not really have a musical talent herself though she loved to hum to tunes. She was certainly getting much comfortable speaking with as if they were old friend, practically ignoring that they were togethere with the rest of the class.

"I'm sure the library would certainly have at least the most famous songs." She responded with a gentle manner yet feeling all hyped up at the thought of revealing the books in braille she would find, remembering that she had spotted some before. "And during lunch sounds great. I'll be at the there by then." She added, noting that she should have asked Layla for help on buying her meal. She wanted to find the books as soon as possible, not really minding about anything else. Once the teacher had entered, she quieted down before giving Soodi another glance and started to return her attention in class.
The clung of the bell had Soodi glimmering with exuberance, having dragged himself through his middle periods in anticipation for lunch. Whipping out his cane as fast as he could after stuffing his notes along with his braille writer into his bag, Soodi sped off quickly to his dorm where he could snatch up his lunch (bought at break to save time of course) and gobble it down with haste as he made his way to the library. The halls were fairly clear of gangly invasive teenagers since he got out of class so quickly, so the he wasted no time in over extending his cane, not finding the care to be self conscious as he turned into the boys dorm rooms. 

Slamming into his room, Soodi promptly dropped his cane before fumbling around his desk space for his previously bought chicken sandwich. Finger crumpling over plastic, he wasted no time in tearing open the package with a vigorous tear, another few fumbles to find his discarded cane and he was off again  with his sandwich already halfway stuffed into his mouth. The halls being more dense with people, navigating to the library was a little harder, no less he pushed on throwing quick sorrys over his shoulder when he felt his cane clip the ankles of his fellow peers. 

Coming to a stop at the end of the hallway, a quick brush of the fingers against the engraved braille of the library sigh telling Soodi he was definitely in the right place. Taking a breath to steady himself from his brisk walk to the library, Soodi swallowed the last remaining crusts of his sandwich then pushed into the library with his face accompanied by a smile. 

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