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Fandom fight for the earth (mew mew power/tokyo mew mew rp also has romance)

Izumi and Ayumi exchange looks before joining the wierd group. She pointed to Izumi and smiled proudly, like she had found treasure. "This, is Izumi. He wants to be friends with everyone so be nice to him." Izumi gave her a confused look before nodding. "Something like that, yeah." He smiled and bowed, with unique colored eyes settling on Ritsuka.
Ritsuka watched as Ayumi introduced him to the group. She caught his glance and stiffened a little, eyes darting away from his. This was a moment where shed cling to Itaru, but he was knocked out cold. To distract herself from the embarrassing eye meet, she went to Itaru and picked him up slightly from the ground, arms under his armpits she lifted his head and shoulders from the floor,"I guess we should get him outta here..." You could hear the struggle from his heavy weight in her voice. Kiyo came outta no where and glomped Nichole, slightly frightening Ritsuka. In her surprise, she accidentally dropped Itaru and gasped. She hurried to pick him back up again. She glared at Kiyo and thought,"I was wondering why it seemed bearable around here..." She turned her attention back to her "brother"
Kiyo said"oh dont act like you girls dont love me." Laughing.

Nichole's eye twitched and she was getting angrier the longer he was on top of her.
Ayumi decided to make the situation funnier and glomped both of them. "You two are just so cute~! I can't handle it!" She rubbed her face against Nichole's, seeing that she was getting upset. An evil grin appeared on her face as she wrapped her arms around Nichole's neck, snuggling closer to her. "Admit it Nichole, you like Kiyo. And me! Hehehe!" She stepped back and giggled while pointing to herself. "I mean, who wouldn't like this face." Izumi slowly raised his hand and she batted it down while he smiled. He noticed Ritsuka trying to help Itaru up and went to help her. Izumi smiled warmly at her and knelt down. "Do you need help?"
Nichole said"there is no way I like this stupid flirt!" Getting up.

Kiyo stood and hmped. "I still see a blush kitten." Smirking and grabbed her by her tail yanking her to him.

Nichole yelped and hissed at him trying to hit him. Which kiyo purposely turned into a dance. "Let go kitten you know you like me!" Nichole got out of his hold and pushed him away. "No I dont. Now leave me alone!" Clenching her fists so hard they nearly bled. "You dont know anything. "

Kiyo couldve sworn he saw a tear or two and walked over to her. "Kitten?"
Ayumi cracked out laughing from seeing the two dancing. She wiped tears from her eyes and rubbed her sore face and stomach. When she saw tears she oooo'ed and pointed at Kiyo. "What did you do this time? Oh wait, was it my fault?" She couldn't hold in her emotions any more and her ears and tail popped out. Her ears flattened and she hugged her tail. "I'm sowwy Nichole." Ayumi gave her the puppy eyes with tears in them.
Nichole said"its not you ayumi. Hic."taking a step back and ran off.

Kiyo grabbed her hand before she could.Then gentlu pulled her into a hug. "Kitten who hurt you?" His voice laced with worry. Nichole's eyes were wide and she froze. How did he?
Ritsuka looked up at Izumi with her sapphire eyes blinking at him. When he asked if she needed help her eyebrows furrowed and she looked away from him, down to Itaru, her snow white bangs covered her eyes and her lips were pursed into a pout,"No thank you im okay..." She mumbled in way that was almost in audible. She tried to show that she didnt need help by pulling him, but she didnt get very far. A tiny body can only be so strong
He half smiled before helping her anyways. "I'm not helping you then, I'm helping him." Izumi held onto one of Itaru's arms and made sure he didn't lean too much on Ritsuka. "So, where are we moving him to? He could stay here, I could get a room." He almost brought up his parents but caught himself just in time, looking away from Ritsuka.

Ayumi let out a breath of air and wiped her forehead. "Woooh, that's good I guess. When Kiyo brought her in for a hug, she fangirled over them and started to jump around. Her eyes were big as she took out her phone and started to take photos, giggling like a madman to herself. I am soooo sending these to Kiyo later, hehehe. Izumi sweat dropped.
Nichole slowly relaxed into the hug then came back to her senses. "Get off me! I dont take pity!" Glaring at him.

Kiyo sighed and said"get back over here." Pulling her by her tail. "No let go of my tail!" She said flailing.
Ritsuka looked up at Izumi with a puzzled face,"im not sure..." She looked at Nichole,"Were we taking him to your house?" She asked, not really remembering what the plan was.
Nichole and kiyo were having a glare off. Then kiyo said"you have beautiful eyes kitten." Nichole scoffed and got out of his hold. "We were taking him to um." Trying to remember her name.
Ayumi stepped in. "Isha's house." She giggled before shuffling towards Kiyo, showing them the pictures of them hugging. "I like this angle the best." Her phone thumb swiped across the screen and the photo appeared. From this angle you could see the side of both their faces. "Hehehe." Izumi glanced at Ritsuka before he realized he was staring. A mad blush spread across his face and he looked away, focusing on keeping Itaru up at the moment.
Nichole nodded and then kiyo pulled her away. "Hey let g-mmm!" Her eyes wide. Kiyo broke the kiss and smirked seeing her expression. Nichole's tail and ears were up and her tail fluffed.
Ayumi's eyes widened and she stood there frozen. A small smile formed and she started fangirling all over again. She covered her mouth and started to giggle and say random things in a high pitched voice. "Omgmgomgomgomgomg~!!!! So cute~!!!!!" Her ears popped, along with her tail and she buried her face in her tail.
"Well then..." With that, she grabbed Itaru and stuffed the helmet on his head. "You wear that. Protect your good old brain bucket." She tapped the helmet, then swung her leg over the bike, dragging Itaru onto the seat behind her. "You conscious, buddy?" She bopped him on the head curiously. "I can't transport him if he can't hold on."
Ritsuka didnt notice Izumi staring at her but went red when Kiyo kissed Nichole. She put her hands on her cheeks not knowing how to react at the sight. Then she tried to play it off,"Thats gross, exchanging saliva like that..." Her face still red from embarrassment. She put a hand in her hip and the other still holding Itaru. Then Isha took him from her and Izumi's hands.

Itaru's nose twitched and he became conscious,"wha?" He said groggily. He shook his head and rubbed his eyes, giving a little yawn,"What happened??" He looked around. He woke up when he noticed he was on the bike with a helmet on,"Whats happening?!" His silver eyes darted around.
Isha looked at Kiyo, very clearly displeased with his manhandling of her... friend, then looked at Itaru, "I already explained, I'm taking you to my house, for medical care, since you don't seem to like hospitals. Now hold onto me." She grabbed his arms and shoved them around herself, not even phased by it, though on the inside she was having a panic attack. Why was she inviting this? She glanced back at Itaru, and muttered, "You don't want to fall off, do you?"
Nichole growled and slapped kiyo stomping off.

Kiyo blinked having a big red handprint on his cheek. "~baby come back! You can blame it all on me! Baby come back!!~" holding onto her leg.

"No! Get off me! You're causing a scene!" Nichole said as people looked at then.

Kiyo got an idea and ran off then came back with a whole lot of stuff. And a large poster board that said "GO OUT WITH ME NIKKI!"

Nichole said"you've gotta be kidding me? "Facepalming.
"...stay here." Isha stood, got off the bike, grabbed Kiyo by the back of his shirt, pried him from Nichole's ankle, and shoved him against a wall. "Can you not tell that she's not interested? Do you normally act like this, or are you just too blind to see that you've gone too far?" She glared at him with her piercing yellow eyes, staring him right in the eyes, straight to his soul. Most would say her gaze is scary, especially when she's angry. "Do you want me to show this guy away, Nichole?" She turned to look at Nichole.

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