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Fandom fight for the earth (mew mew power/tokyo mew mew rp also has romance)

Ayumi and Izumi laughed at the scene. She saw how sad Kiyo looked and decided to do something. She hopped in front of his and swished her fluffy tail at him, and put on her best smile. "Don't be sad Kiyo! I'll let you pet me if you cheer up~" Her ears dropped and she looked at him through her eye lashes. Izumi facepalmed at Ayumi's attempt and turned back to Ritsuka. "What's so bad about kissing? You don't always 'exchange saliva'. It's just a way of showing the other person affection." He had a goofy side grin and a sparkle in his eyes.
Nichole saw his sad eyes and pinched the bridge of her nose. "Fine. One. Date. One." She couldn't believe she was saying this. She just didnt want this to end like her last relationship. Lets just say he hurt her pretty bad.

Kiyo looked up and bounced for joy. "Yes you wont regret it!"

"But." Nichole started.

"But what?" Asked kiyo.

Nichole said"I gotta set some ground rules.

1. No touching me inappropriately.

2. Not too much pda.

3. No alcohol what so ever.

4.no 'date drugs' not saying anything on that incident.

5. Nothing more than hand holding and kissing and the occasional hug


Kiyo nodded his ears flopping. "Gotcha!" Smiling like a lost pup.

"Sigh come get me at 7." Nichole said looking away blushing slightly.

"You wont regret you decision nikki!" Kiyo said handing her a rose and then jogged off.

Nichole blushed some then smelled the rose.
Ritsuka blinked at him, a little surpried from his question. A light pink powdered her cheeks and she quickly looked away. She got shy again,"W-well...i just think um...." She folded her hands together, not really knowing what to do with them. "I-i just think theyre....icky! Yea!" She removed a piece of her long snow white hair behind her right ear.

Itaru nodded, "oh right...." He mumbled in retrospect. Isha put his arms around her and he blushed a little from this but went away when she left to scare Kiyo.... 
(Oh yea! This is Ritsuka with her ears and tail :3)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.85602f596d836af709156565d9590f6f.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="15647" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_04/image.jpg.85602f596d836af709156565d9590f6f.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

(Maybe i posted it already, i dont really remember)



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Ayumi sighed at being ignored and stood in a corner with her head in the space. She started to bang her head against the wall a little rough.

Izumi chuckled at her response and leaned closer to her. "Ritsuka, have you had your first kiss yet?" He found her take on things a little childish but also very cute. His hand twitched as he wanted to feel her long hair. To see if it's as soft as he thinks. Another blush appeared on his face but he kept his eyes on her this time.
Ayumi didn't react and kept banging her head against the wall, this time louder and harder. She could feel a bruise coming on and a really big headache. Her face was expressionless as she mumbled to herself. "How was my cuteness ignored? Did I do something wrong? Maybe I was in the wrong position."
Ritsuka took a step back while looking up at him. She realized her blue eyes were staring into his and looked in all different directions but his to avoid eye contact. She blushed even more and looked down at the floor. Her lips pursed as the words started to make their way from her chest, to her throat, to her lips and finally a mumbled,"No..." Stumbled its way out into the open air.

Itaru saw what was going on and didnt like what he saw with Ritsuka and Izumi. His lips formed a pout and he hopped off the bike. He walked over to them, ignoring his bloody wound, and walked over to them, slipping the helmet off and holding it between his side and his right arm. His face was blank and his voice deep and monotone,"Im Itaru....Who are you...?" He lifted an eye brow at Izumi waiting for an answer. He just barged in letting his protective instincts kick in. Ritsuka looked up at him,"Its okay h-hes nice." Her voice was soft and tiny like always, but it almost sounded as if she spoke with a smile, but she wasnt wearing one. She looked back and forth between the two, feeling the tension from Itaru, it made her on edge.
"OI! GET BACK ON THE BIKE GOOOO!" Isha, after seeing Kiyo off, grabbed Itaru by his ear and dragged him back to the bike. "You can get all protective big brother later, right now you need medical attention, put on the helmet," She grabbed the helmet and jammed it back on his head, but with tenderness, plopped him back on the bike, swung her leg over the side and started it up. After grabbing his arms and firmly instructing him to hold on, she whacked the kickstand up with her heel, and drove off.
"Ow! Ow! Ow!" Itaru yelled while being dragged away. Being man handled this way didnt make him see very tough. He blushed angrily,"Im just looking out for her!" It all happened so fast, a helmet was shoved on him and he was thrown into the seat. He turned to look at Ritsuka with big puppy eyes and tears at their corners. A big frown shaped his mouth as he waived to her,"Ill miss you Suka..." And they drove off as he watched her.

Ritsuka and Itaru were rarely separated. Even though they werent brother and sister by blood, they sure acted the part. The times they were separated was when Itaru needed a walk after getting upset and he didnt want to be angry around her.

Ritsuka saw the look on his face and felt the same way. She waved back to him but with a soft sad smile. She put her hand down when he was out of her sight and sighed a little. She was always more open with people when Itaru was around, he was like her security blanket, she felt safe around him. Now she just vulnerable. "Um...." She didnt know what to say but tried to start a conversation,"Sorry about him..." She apologized sincerely to Izumi, giving a small bow.
"Listen, I know you're just being protective, but theres no need to be. Suka is old enough to protect herself from anyone who wants to harm her. Besides, you'll be back with her ina few hours. Don't worry." She glanced back for a split second, her voice ringing clear through the speakers in the helmet, then turned her eyes back to the road. She knew that he probably didn't like to be separate from Ritsuka.
Itaru felt a little sad. Hed like to believe she could take care of herself, but she doesnt believe in herself. Memories of situations started to come back to him,"If only that were true...." He muttered in a low voice.
She chuckled quietly. "You're like the protective older brother I never had." She pulled into her mansion driveway and shut the Motorcycle off. Servants rushed out of the house and began to haul the bike into the garage, as she helped Itaru off the back seat. "Normally I'd do that myself, but you need attention more. Come on."
Ritsuka turned to Nichole and nodded with a grin on her face. Shes never been to a friend's house before.

Itaru jumped off the bike with Isha's help,"Whoa..." He took off the helmet to get a good look at her house,"This...." He paused,"is your house?!" He looked at her and scoffed,"Im impressed, i had no idea..." The house was beaautiful. He grew excited and ran for the door,"Lets see what i can do!!" His mischievousness was itching inside.
(Sorry, my teachers gave me a huge essay and two projects to do x.x)

Ayumi brightened instantly, a flowery aura surrounding her. She nodded her head quickly and ran over to grab Izumi. "You are for sure coming. You're too cute to be out of my sight." She hugged him tightly and was smiling a lot. "Ahaha....Ritsuka..help me~" Izumi held out his hand playfully and made it more dramatic than it had to be. "I....can't breath....Ayumi!" She didn't let him go, just loosened her grip. He sweatdropped once again.
Ritsuka giggled at the sight of the two and followed Nichole home woth everyone. She put her hands in her lavender sweater pocket and felt something in side. "Hm???" She blinked and looked down as she pulled it out. It was a pill,"oops..." She looked around and quickly popped it in her mouth. In her other pocket was a lollipop, her eyes glittered and she lifted the wrpper and put it in her mouth. She walked with a smile, she was even more childish when she ate sweets.

She twisted the stick, feeling the candy rotate against her tongue. (Im guessing its night right? Cuz the day had just ended..) Ritsuka walked at the back of the group and they passed under the street lights. She glanced behind her every now and then, the dark streets just gave her the creeps (note: shes afraid of the dark). She sped walked a little closer toward everyone.

Once they arrived, Ritsuka's eyes rolled around observing the outside of Nichole's nice home. Even in the dim lights of the street lamps and moon, she could see how well Nichole and her family took care of their garden, it was beautiful. She took a look at the luminous moon, as it reflected back in her deep ocean blue eyes and she smiled at it, she always adored the moon, despite her fear of the dark, night time was always her favorite time of the day, just because of the sky and what it housed. The moon and all its stars gave her nostalgia of her childhood with Itaru. But it also made her a little sad.
Nichole said"come inside I'll start on dinner. Hm? Oh crap its almost 7! Oh man oh man what am i going to do?!" panicking. She quickly whipped up a quick and healthy dinner then made sure her siblings were safe. "Ok do what my friends say. I'll be back in a bit. I'll make us all your faves tomorrow ok?" Kiki and yuki nodded. They were fraternal twins. they hugged her and said"love you nee-chan! Have a nice time!" Nichole kissed their foreheads and went to get ready.
"Nichole?" Ritsuka was watching her run around,"Where are you going?" Her face looked a little sad, she liked Nichole, she reminded her of her mom a little bit. She looked at her younger siblings. 'More strangers...' She thought. She hid behind Ayumi a little, now she really wanted Itaru back. Yes, Ritsuka was shy, but she always got a long with kids, being how she was close to their height, and their mentality was almost the same, she felt right at home with them.
Nichole sighed and said"a date with kiyo. I'll have to reschedule it for tomorrow night."seeing it was dark. She called him while going to put on her pjs.

"Hello? Hey nikki! You cant make it? What if I came over? yes! Ok be overin a bit!" Kiyo hung up and jumped for joy.

Nichole smiled doing kiki's hair. "Ayumi,rritsuka, izumi meet my sibs kiki and yuki!" They bowed saying hello. Kiki was the older of the two.
Ayumi and Izumi look around, amazed and confused as everything happened so quickly. Izumi saw how nervous Ritsuka was being and laughed a little. "You're being obvious." Ayumi blinked at Ritsuka and patted her head slightly. "If you want to stay there I won't force you to move." She smiled warmly at her and bowed her head at the two sisters. "Nice to meet both of you." Of course, with Izumi being a gentlemen and all, he bowed respectfully and grinned at both of them. "It's a pleasure to meet two beautiful princesses this evening." He bowed his head once more before turning his head towards Ayumi. "Was that too much?" "Just a little Prince Izumi." She sighed but also laughed a little.
Izumi held up his hands and bowed once again. "I'm very sorry for mistaking your gender. I'll make a note of that, ehaha...." He scratched his head and didn't mention that he actually looked like a girl. His eyes glanced over to Yuki before awkwardly diverting them. He could feel a heat spread over his face from embarrassment and he hid it with his hands. "How did I mix them up...?"

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