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Fandom fight for the earth (mew mew power/tokyo mew mew rp also has romance)

Ritsuka looked up at Ayumi,"O-oh, sorry >.<" she stopped hiding behind her. She bowed to the twins, her long, bottom length hair, fell foward to her shoulders as she bowed. She looked back up them,"Hi" she said timidly. She quickly remembered to smile when meeting someone new, and thats exactly what she did. Her sapphire eyes creased into crescents as she smiled and let out a quiet giggle as Yuki threw a fit about being called a princess.
Nichole said"get changed you two." They nodded and went to their rooms changing. "Nee-chan who's coming over? is itachi coming to apologize? " they asked in usion. Nichole's bangs covered her eyes and she gave a sad laugh. Yea he's coming over some time."Tickling them. But really he wasnt. Itachi was her ex and had used her to make his ex jealous.
Izumi instantly relaxed and he sighed with relief. "At least he isn't that mad at me." He noticed Ritsuka's little giggle and had to cover his mouth from laughing. So cute! He hugged her gently and let his love for cute things show just a bit. "Awww~!" Ayumi slowly took out her phone and started taking pictures of them as well. She had this crazed look in her eyes as she thought of the many ways to use this against either of them.
There was a knock at the door. Nichole blinked and went to answer. Speak of the devil and he shall come. Itachi said"hey nikki um you look great. Can we talk?" Nichole said"itachi no." Starting to close the door. He forced his way in and pinned her to the wall. "Look I just wwant to talk! " Nichole whimpered a bit.
Ritsuka blushed when she was suddenly hugged,"U-ummm..." She didnt know what to say. Just then some one barged through the door, pinning Nichole to the wall. Knowing Ayumi , Nichole, and possibly Izumi would have this under control, Ritsuka ran to the twins and hugged them, keeping them from getting caught in the middle just incase things get a little heated. Even though she didnt know them, she was very protective over children. She didnt seem that afraid and was watching the situation intently, but heart was beating furiously.
Izumi got angry fast. He doesn't like this side of him but it has to come out sometimes, right? "She said no!" He grabbed his wrist and tightened his hand around it, twisting it ever so slightly. His eyes were burning, fueled by the anger inside of him. Izumi was ready to punch this idiot right now if it wasn't for Ritsuka. He really didn't want her to see a bad side of him. Ayumi on the other hand was growling deeply at Itachi, feeling her fangs grow and her wolf aspects coming out. She had to hold back from ripping the guys throat out right here.
Itachi got in close looking into Nichole's eyes.

Nichole said"itachi let go you're hurting me."

Yuki said"itachi what are you doing to nee-chan? " getting out of ritsuka's hold and pulled at his jeans leg. "Nothing just talking go play." He said gently nudging him aside.

Kiyo walked in and saw the situation and saw the fear in Nichole's eyes. He growled and stomped over grabbing him. "What the-" itachi started off before he got sucker punched in the face.

Itachi held his cheek and spit. "Why you." Growling and punched at him. "Leave him alone itachi!" Nichole said holding his arm. SMACK!

Nichole held her cheek and everything went quiet.
Ayumi had to release some of the anger that was building inside of her. She grabbed his shoulders and threw him to the ground harshly, the house shuddering beneath him. "Don't you EVER!" Her hands found his arm and she threw him against a wall. "Touch my friend, AGAIN!!" Ayumi punched him as hard as she could, aiming at his face. She took shaky breaths before storming out, trying to find something to calm her down. Izumi kept glaring at him, watching his movement. If Itachi got up, he would see it instantly.
Itachi, like the idiot he was, stood up shakily and staggered. "Pff that was a girly hit." And this time the younger sibs came in to kick his ass. Yuki said"YOU DONT TOUCH OUR SISTER LIKE THAT!" Hitting him. The twins jumped him and pulled at his hair.

Kiyo tended to Nichole. Then Nichole saw itachi dare to touch her siblings and went berserk. "Roar!" She tackled and broke his already dislocated arm and she punched him again. "GET OUT!" kicking him between the legs. "AIEEEEE!!!!!!!" Itachi shouted.
"Wha!" Ritsuka wasnt a fan of violence. She ran to the kids and picked them up, one in each arm and took them back to the couch,"You have to be careful guys..." She looked worried.
Itachi crawled out the door. Nichole sighed and put an ice pack on her cheek. The twins went to check on their big sister, who taught them how to protect themselves anyway. "Im ok thanks guys."

Kiyo hugged her close and said"Im glad you're alright."
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Ayumi growled and him when he came out of the house. She took a deep breath as she entered, slowly turning back to normal. Izumi went over to Ritsuka with a worried look on his face. "You weren't hurt were you?" He took her hands and his eyes roamed her body, careful not to look weird. His eyes shook as they met hers.
Ritsuka's fingers retracted, and she tensed up wanting to pull her hands back, but she didnt want to be rude so she went with it. Her embarrassment and nervousness was apparent when her face fell red and her hands began to shake,"I-Im fine..." She looked at his eyes, allowing him to peek at her deep blue ones before they quickly darted away from him. She looked down, her snow white bangs covering eyes.
(Ahhh I haven't been getting alerts!)

Isha grabbed Itaru by the back of his shirt, "Break my things, you'll get kicked out, okay? Okay." She grabbed him by his wrists and lead him down the many hallways, to a large bedroom. "This is one of the ten guest bedrooms. Go ahead, get comfortable, I'll go fetch Franceux." She gestured to the huge bed with luxurious sheets and linens, then turned and walked out.
Itaru stood in the room with his hands on his hips, observing the place,"Wow nice room~" he looked down at his wrists and rubbed them,"Jeez that kuudere is rough..." A little smirk grew on his face when he realized what he just said and chuckled at the thought. He plopped on the bed and gasped, grasping his wound he forgot about,"Ow ow ow....dammit."

He cringed leaving one eye open and gritting his teeth. He took off his shirt and applied pressure with one hand, using the other to toss the shirt on the ground. He lifted his hand from the wound carefuly and is was covered in blood,"Crap its bleeding" he put his hand back on and it squished the blood making it spread on his skin and run on his toned tummy. Using his clean hand, he ran his fingers through his jet black hair and wiped the sweat on his face from the pain. He sighed and his silver eyes closed as he tried to bear the gash and wait for Isha's return.
When Isha appeared with another man, she had a briefcase in hand. "Now, I get the feeling you don't like needles, so hows about the old fashioned way?" She walked over to Itaru, grabbed onto his pressure point and pinched, hoping that would knock him out. While that was done, she leaned close to his ear and whispered, "By the way... I don't particularly like being called the Kuudere... 'kay?"
Itaru's eyes shot open when they came in the room. With brief case in hand, Isha seemed determined to knock him out. "No!" He kicked his feet to try and move away from her but she got him, pinched his nerve and he passed out onto the pillows, his bloodied hand fell limp and to his side revealing the open wound.
"Well, I think he just need some stitches. Here's your medical crap, I'll be in my bedroom... Tell me when he's done." She looked at Franceux, then turned to walk out.

"Yes, ma'dam. Oh, and ms. Makoto?"

She turned and looked at the house medic. "Your brother is home."

"....Get to work." With that, she turned and walked out. Her brother.. She scoffed and walked away down the hall.
Nichole sat down after fixing everyone's plates. "Ugh I hate itachi.." she said facedesking the table. The twins nodded agreeing. "Hes a big meanie pants!"

Kiyo sat down and was still a bit pissed off.
Itaru, deep in his sleep, begun to dream....

He was falling, at a high speed, he hit the ground hard and groaned,"Aghh..." He sat up and looked around rubbing the back of his head,"where am i?" He looked around in the pitch black. A very light breeze touched his face,"Air..." He whispered. He stood up and followed the sensation. There was a light way down ahead of the direction he was walking. After walking for what seemed like thirty minutes, he came to a glass door. Her turned a knob and walked into a house. It was all too familiar, the furniture, the pictures, and the little knick-knacks on shelves, and one little plushy cat on the floor,"Ritsuka..." He mumbled. Suddenly the sound of little feet padded through the room and a little head of white hair bounced with each step. The toddler Suka of about 4-5 years old ran to the little kitty and sat on the floor with it. Her little yellow sun dress sprawled. Suddenly a vision flashed and there was blood on her dress and she layed motionless on the floor, a sharp pitch rang in his ear. "gah!!!" He covered his ears and shut his eyes then...silence...

He opened his eyes and it was back to normal. He breathed heavily and looked around. The little Ritsuka looked his way, big blue eyes blinking. A smile spread across her face and she jumped up running toward him,"Nii-chan!!!" But she ran right through him. Itaru's smile left at the sight, and his eyes widened. He turned around and saw she ran to the window behind him and a saw a 6 year old version of himself.

The doorbell rang, and Suka's mother came to open the door and let the young Itaru and his parents come in. "We'll be back guys." The parents started to walk out. "NO!" Itaru tried to grab Ritsuka's mom,"dont go! Dont go!" But since he wasnt physically there, she literally slipped through his fingers with each attempted grab.

The scene vaporated. He turned around frantically,"No no no..." 
Ritsuka thanked Nichole and took her plate sitting at the table. She kicked her legs letting them swing as she nibbled on her food with a smile.
(I didn't get alerts -.-")

Izumi say her nervousness but didn't care at the moment. He hugged her for a moment then let her go and smiled warmly. "I'm glad. I hope I didn't freak you out or anything. Ahaha...." He scratched the back of his neck and diverted his eyes from hers.

Ayumi didn't feel like eating after what had just happened. She sat with her back against one of the walls while glaring at the air. Her ears twitched up and she couldn't stop them from coming out. Her tail followed the lead and wiggled out, swaying to a stop by her side. Ayumi murmured small words to herself. "Neck....eyes...throat....ribs...feet...head...kill....hurt..." She twiddled with her fingers and kept staring out into space.
Ritsuka shook her head in response,"Dont worry..." She smiled gently toward him, her first genuine smile to him and continued to nibble her food
Izumi was surprised that she smiled at him. He covered his face and a big grin spread across his face. "That was adorable!" He chuckled and turned back to her. "Why don't you smile more often, it looks better on you." Izumi knew what he was saying and he meant it. When girls smile it makes them look even more beautiful.

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