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Fandom fight for the earth (mew mew power/tokyo mew mew rp also has romance)

Itaru gave a nod,"I sleep with Ritsuka, we have since we were kids. People think its weird, but i do it for her and she does it for me. We both get nightmares a lot so if one of us needs comfort, we're right there." He explained. He stood up, giving his hair some last few towel rubs and walked over to the table with the other towels,"We arent siblings by blood, but we shouldve been..." He said, dropping the towel on the pile. He walked back to the bed and sat on it, running his fingers through his damp hair,"Im just used to having some next to me while i sleep is all..." He looked back at Isha with a smile. He shrugged and laid back,"But youre right its much too silly for a kuudere, and you have room service, maybe one of your house maids would do it." You could almost hear the grin in his voice. He didnt even know if she had house maids and didnt even know if thats what theyre called, he was just trying to get to Isha.
"Oh, I see. Is that a challenge I hear?" She sighs, and rubs her forehead in frustration. How old was this guy again? Her age, right? Unless he was secretly a 12 year old in a seventeen year old's body. "Well.... Fine, fine. If it makes Itaru feel better... I just want you healing." She stared for a second, then turned and walked out of the room, to get her things ready. When the door opened the violin music blasted her ears, and she narrowed her eyes against it.
Itaru shrugged again,"Take it as you wish princess..." He was amused. She agreed to it and he was a little surprised then accepted it. When she walked out the door he stretched and actually in bed, under the covers. His eyes were open half way, and he started to miss his little sister a bit. He tried to ignore the feeling and turned to his side.
Violin music exploded into the room when the door opened again, and was silenced once more when closed. Isha, with a lumpy pillow and what looked like a stuffed bunny that had dragged behind a horse in one hand. She sat on the floor next to Itaru, silently listening to the muffled violin music.
Itaru's thoughts were interrupted by the sound of the door. He turned a little to see Isha walking with her stuff. Itaru chuckled,"Suka used to have a little a kitty in bad shape like that." He broke the silence. Silence fell again and the violin music could be heard. He rolled over to face her and propped his head up with his hand, his elbow on the bed,"You havent said a word to him..." He said to her about her brother.
"I don't talk to him. He doesn't talk to me. Whats the difference." She muttered, holding onto the rabbit closely. "We used to be best friends.... And now were not." She sighed and rested her chin on her knees, seemingly lost in her own world... She remembered nights running around these halls with Miori, fingers brushing the walls playfully, hiding in the darkness. Now, Miori hardly ever left his room.
"You dont think he feels the same way?" Itaru asked honestly. He sat up once more and felt a little pain but ignored it,"i mean he is your brother...your family. Id be bothered if Ritsuka never spoke to me. Eventually youll need eachother. What ever happened between you two should be put aside." He suggested. "But what do i know...?" He llayed back down and put his hands behind his head.
"Well that's because you and Suka are close... Me and my twin are not." She looked at him, then down again. "Can we NOT talk about my brother?" Isha stared at the floor some more. Oooo, theres something very interesting about this floor, I DON'T want to talk about my twiiiin
Itaru closed his eyes and sighed,"fine have it your way~" he gave in. Isha started to look at the floor again. He quietly reached over while she was lost in thought, and swiped her bunny. He took it and in a flash turned his body away from her and curled in a ball, protecting the stolen item,"Mine!" He said childishly.
She stiffened when her bunny was suddenly swiped.

OH HELL NO. This means WAR.

Slowly she turned her head, not moving her body, her face a mask of rage, one of the more terrifying faces she can pull out plastered on her face. A hissing breathe came out of her parted jaws. She started crawling on the bed, hissing still. "MY. BUNNY."
Itaru's pupils turned into feline ones, his kitty mischievousness coming out. He turned his head a little to look at her,"....no..." He pulled the covers over him and the bunny and chuckled a little.
With an inhuman squeal, the blue haired girl pounced on the boy, ripping at the sheets, literally tearing them away from him, nails and all. "MY BUNNY." She grabbed the nearby pillow, ripped it from under him and started smashing him in with it. "MY BUNNY! MYBUNNYMYBUNNYMYBUNNYMYBUNNYMYBUNNY YOU CAN'T HAVE MY BUNNY!!!"
"Ow! Ow! Ow! Okay! Okay!" He held the bunny up,"here!" He gave it to her. When she took it, he blinked at her.
"Ha. Can't take a beating from a pillow?" She laughed and cuddled her bunny, clutching it closer to her chest. "THAT, is for snatching my bunny.... This is just precious to me, okay?" She looked up at him, and sighed, holding her bunny close. "It's all I have left of my dad... Okay?"
Itaru layed there playing with his hair,"oh..." He paused,"Im sorry...." He apologized. He fixed himself another pillow and looked at her,"I mean it..." His expression was sincere and he layed his hands on his chest.
"It is okay... You wouldn't know." She looked at him, then, suddenly, she smiled playfully and snatched his pillow. "Your pillow privileges have been revoked." She didn't smile much. This was a rare sight, and her smile shone in the dark room. She glanced at him, a playful shine in her eyes.
Itaru's head fell back onto the bare bed, feeling the cool sheets that was under the pillow against his almost dry hair. His head snapped to her,"Hey!" He growled. His mouth tilted to the side as it formed a pout,"i gave your bunny back..." He mumbled and crossed his arms.
"Awwww, I guess the mischievous mood is gone. Fine then, you shouldn't be moving around too much anyway." She tossed the pillow back at him nonchalantly, and laid down on the floor. "You know, I never noticed how soft these stupid imported carpets are.... I guess I spend so much time in my room I've tamped it down with my shenanigans."
Itaru crawled to the edge of the bed and looked down at her,"Dont tell me you plan on sleeping there..." He stated. He grabbed a pillow from behind him and rested his head and arms on it as he spoke with Isha. A bump just below his back poked at the blanket on him, his tail swished out, taking off the cover, and his ears popped out as well. Since his pupils were already cat like, his fangs were the last thing to complete his transformation. He gave a smirk to her, fangs poking out a little.

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