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Fandom fight for the earth (mew mew power/tokyo mew mew rp also has romance)

(ILL RESCUE YOU. sorry guys, I've been kind of busy.)

Isha looked at Itaru, then sighed, "I suppose you meant sleep in the ACTUAL bed with you." She got up now, threw her pillow on the bed and sighed, climbing on and laying down.

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Itaru's ears perked up and he smiled. His tail whipped back and forth with excitement. He rolled over to give her some space. He laid on his side to look at her with a grin,"Now i can sleep~!" His voice chimed. The sleepiness hit him suddenly and his eyes were heavy. His ears flattened as they layed against the pillow. "Good night~" he mumbled and cuddled a pillow with a smile. 
(Sorry guys Dx) 
(Well Twi and Neko, since theyre asleep we could move on to the next morning if u want? So the charas can come back :3 and if its okay with Kitten c: ^/////^)
(Oh! Thats fine i dont mind :D
(Since twi and neko arent here yet, why not?? ^u^)
(Why? Because I wanted to bring up a sob story, and maybe *cough* Itaru x Isha cuddles *cough cough*

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Late at night, the side of the bed that Isha slept on became cold, for she had left Itaru's side. The door out was open a crack, the light from the hall filtering out of the hall into his room, and just so happened to cross over his eyes.

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Itaru slowly came back into consciousness when the light from the hallway seeped into his eyes. He slowly opened them and looked to his side at Isha. He gave a sigh and thought,"Thank god i didnt have another nightmare...". He sat up his hair a curly mess. He blinked some and just sat there. 
(I have no idea yet xD )
(*Whispers* Ishhhaaaa... ishhaaa..... you know you want tooo... )

The whispers of the maid could be heard outside. "The mistress is alone again. Watching those videos."

A male voice replied. "She just hasn't been herself since her father passed."

"Neither of them were the same. They don't speak to each other."

"It truly is a shame.."

The voices faded away once again.
(Ill see what happens, i go with the flow)

Itaru turned his head to the door and listened, his ears still out and now turned toward the door,"Alone?" He whispered and tilted his head. "But she has us..." He thought.
(NO! Pick Isha...They are too cute together....I see the ship it in your eyes..... you doooooo xD )

The whispers of maids and butlers as they passed the room faded in and out, patches of conversation picked up.

"...In the living room again.."

"Those old tapes-"

"....She'll be a mess when she wakes up tomorrow."

"...someone should check in on her..."

(The room with the projector screen. Just follow the signs, I'm not joking, there are signs in this house for the newer maids.)

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(Okay gotcha OoOb)

Itaru got up, his back against the wall near the door, listening silently to the voices of the late working servants. As soon as the hallway was clear, he peeked out of the door, feline ears first. The pushed the door slightly and it creaked. His ears flattened at the sound, figuring if his cover had been blown. He stepped out and stood still, listening for any movement, tail tip swishing. He ran down the hallway, with muffled movements, he followed her scent. He came to a room with a projector and a large screen. He stood there for a moment watching what was on the screen then snapped out of it. He peered over the back of the (couch?) where he could clearly see she was sitting at. "Couldnt sleep?" His deep voice was raspy with sleepiness,"was it me?" He asked sincerely, still having sleepy bedroom eyes and hair a curly black mess.
The projector screen was illuminated, showing flashing images; a man in his mid thirties, in a tea party with a young girl with blue ponytails. The same man appeared again with two children of the same blue hair, one a boy, the other a girl. When he finally caught them, he proceeded to lift them in the air, the two children laughing and hugging the man's neck, crying, "Daddy! Daddy!" As the man smiled and laughed. The images were cut off- Isha looked up from a seat in the corner, her face tear-streaked and eyes red. "W-what?" She stammered.

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Itaru came around and kneeled in front of her, taking her hands,"Whats wrong?" He looked at her and let go of a hand to wipe her tears then took her hand again. His older brother instincts came in. When ever hed say a girl cry it reminded him so much of Ritsuka and it bothered him deeply.
(Ok im waking everyone)

Nichole yawned waking up and groaned a bit. She sighed and went to wash her face.

Kiyo was passed out in another room and the twins were just waking up.
"N-nothing, w-what are you doing awake?" She murmured, staring at his hands, and hers. She'd only ever seen Itaru like this with Ritsuka. It made her sad, thinking about it...

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"Im used to waking up in the middle of the night..." He said. He paused for a moment,"And you werent there..." He mumbled. It didnt feel right to him when he slept by himself, it just made him uncomfortable. He shook his head, his curly sleepy hair bouncing some,"Thats beside the point, why are you crying?" He turned back to look at the screen,"Is that it?" He whispered softly.
(Give Ayumi a chance.....they've barely talked.....ooooo....)

Ayumi stretches out and shakes her head slightly, laying there for a while. She crawls over to Izumi and nudges him. After a while without a response she grinned and her ears popped out. She sniffed out Nichole and poked her shoulder. "Do you have a marker? I want to draw on Izumi, you can help me." An evil giggle followed her sentence as she thought about the many things she could draw on him.

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