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Fandom fight for the earth (mew mew power/tokyo mew mew rp also has romance)

The doctor started cleaning her wounds just like she had predicted. He had not given her anesthetics yet and it hurt....a lot! She had to bite down on a rag to keep from biting her lip on. Ayumi toughed through the cleaning and then moved onto something else she doesn't remember. She had passed out two times from the pain before the doctors finally gave her anesthetics. Her legs felt numb after they were fully done. She played with her fingers while staring out of her room's window, very bored. "I wanna leave now!" Ayumi would yell at the doctors every now and then.
"Stiches?!" He exclaimed.

Ritsuka face palmed, it was supposed to be a secret.

He looked at Isha and continued,"And its a stab wound!" He corrected.

Ritsuka pushed him toward Iasha,"perhaps a home environment would make him a little more relaxed?" She nodded to her idea.

Itaru looked at the floor, he realized he does have to get this healed whether he liked it or not,"Y-yea..." He hesitantly stuttered.
"Yes. Stitches. With THAT 'it's a stab wound' remark, only proves my point even further. That definately needs stitches. Ritsuka... Can I call you Suka? Can you go get my other helmet from Ayumi, please?"
Ritsuka nodded at Isha for calling her Suka. Then she ran to Ayumi's room and knocked on the door.

Itaru looked at Nichole all teary eyed from hearing he needs stiches,"Hi nichole T^T" he said slowly and quietly.
Ayumi turned her head to the door and smiled slightly, thinking it was a doctor. "It's open!" Her cheery voice half faked for who ever stood outside her door. She kept herself busy with a piece of string, tying it tightly and weirdly, then trying to untie it. (I was just wondering, do we need another male character?)
(Shes sixteen xD just....small and...childish xD .-. And itaru is 17 xD )

Ritsuka pushed down on the knob and pushed the door open. She peeked and opened it slowly,"A-ayumi?" She called out then stepped in and closed the door behind her. "Um..isha is asking for...uh...a helmet of some sort??" She twiddled her fingers.

"Theyre gonna give me..." He paused dramatically,"Stitches...." He looked at the ground, really dredsing the thought.
"AND a shot?!" He snapped his head back up to look at her.
Nichole said"well shot first then stitches. Or I can hit your pressure point so you get kknocked out. We need to stop the bleeding anyway. Now where was the pressure point for your abdomen? "
Ayumi giggled and leaned over her bed, grabbing the helmet from the floor. She swung her legs off the bed and walked over to Ritsuka, feeling only a little pain. "I believe this is the one." Her eyes darted to across the room where she saw the window again, then back to Ritsuka. "I'm gonna bust out of here. It's way too depressing in this stupid building. Lets go." She walked swiftly out of the room and into the hallway, already hearing the rest of the group.
Ritsuka hugged the helmet and watched Ayumi as she left the room,"What?!" She jogged to catch up,"Ayumi!" She walked briskly beside her,"Youre crazy! Youre not well!"

Itaru's eyes widened,"Pressure point?!" He exclaimed,"Now you listen here...!" He started but was distracted by the sound of Ritsuka coming back.
Ayumi laughed as Ritsuka tried to catch her. "Hurry up slow po-ugh" She ran straight into someone and fell on her butt. Her hand went straight for what felt like a bruise coming on. "I'm so sorry, are you okay miss?" Ayumi looked up to find a handsome guy extending his hand to her. "Y-Yeah..." Izumi smiled before helping her up, glancing behind her to Ritsuka, then back to her. "Oh, I'm Ayumi. My friend is Ritsuka....if you wanted to know...." Ayumi motioned for her to hurry up.
Ritsuka caught up to her and panted, she put her hands on her knees, still hanging on to the helmet. She huffed and puffed,"i do dislike running...." She looked up and saw someone infront of Ayumi. She gasped and zoomed behind Ayumi, peeking a little to observe the stranger.

Itaru saw someone bump into Ayumi. He got defensive immediately,"Hey?! Whos tha--" then he dropped to the floor unconsciously.
Izumi smiled at Ritsuka and leaned towards her slightly. "You don't need to be afraid. I promise not to do anything that would offend you." He payed no attention to Itaru as he bowed respectfully. "Please to meet you Ayumi, Ritsuka. My name is Izumi, I hope to be good friends with you two in the future." Ayumi nudged Ritsuka and leaned down. "Gentlemen huh? You would look good with him." She giggled and covered her mouth.
Ritsuka came out beside Ayumi and bowed to him back, saying it was a pleasure to him aswell. When Ayumi made her remark, her cheeks grew red and her face crinkled into an upset expression, but was blushing madly from the embarrassment. She didnt know what to do or how to react so she ran past him to Isha,"Heres the helmet~" she smiled cheerfully. If her tail was out its be wagging, like a dog working and looking for praise, as if saying "are you proud of me?" She noticed Itaru on the ground,"WHA?!" She stepped back a bit,"Wh-what happened to him?!" Her bright blue eyes wide and hands covered her mouth.
Nichole smiled. Looks like there's gonna be great chemistry between these four. She wondered what Kiyo was doing. "I hit one of his pressure points to at least knock him out for know so he won't so scared."
Ritsuka looked at Nichole,"How long does it last?" She asked curiously. She looked back Ayumi and their new friend, motioning them to join the rest of the group, minus Kiyo.

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