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Fandom fight for the earth (mew mew power/tokyo mew mew rp also has romance)

Nichole aimed her guns and said"CHOCOLATE STRAWBERRY SUPREME!" shooting for the head. She then ran adround it and ran up the hockey stick. "DIE YA BASTARD!" kicking his snout.

Kiyo glared at itaru and gripped his sword tightly. "CHERRY SLASH!" a powerful red wave of emergy hit the bear as he slashed.

Ayumi was so focused on fighting the stupid creature that she hadn't noticed everyone else file in. "Wha-?" She landed on the ice and slipped a little, landing on her hip. "Ow!" Her hand rubbed the place where she had landed and it felt like a bruise was going to be there. She used the ice to an advantage and ran across it, gaining speed. Five knives appeared in each hand and she jumped up in the air and threw all of them at the bears face. "LUNAR FANG!" The blades became longer and curved slightly at the ends. (Stupid name, I know T^T)
Bear man looked at the onslaught of attacks and roared in frustration, whacking more falming pucks at the mews.

Isha watched and suddenly had a thought. "Wait! Maybe we should be whacking those back at it!"
Nichole said"lets try that!" Landing on her feet. "We should try combining our attacks to send them back! Sound like a plan? "

Kiyo chuckled and said"any plan you say is a good idea to me~"
Ayumi ran into the ice rink wall with a thud and half stopped herself. "I hate ice skating..." She mumbled to herself. When Isha and Nichole spoke up she ran around the beast and slid next to Nichole. "So, what were you thinking?" (School -.- Bye!)
(I like it :D )

Ritsuka was above, looking below at the scene. She looked around to find a way to get in. She took her elbow and closed her eyes. She rammed it against the glass and shattered it. She was a gymnast but never did anything from this height. She sat at the edge and took a deep breath. She leaned forward and caught onto one of the bars that helped hold up the ceiling. It was thing and small, perfect for her small hands. She hung on and brought her knees to her chest, almost upside down, she brought her legs on either side of her arms and put them over the bar so that she would hang from the back of her knees like i child would on the high bar in the play ground. She let her hands go and hung upside down. She swung her torso and once she caught momentum, went for the bar across and below her. She reached but it just beyond her finger tips. Just before she start hurdling toward the ground, her ears and tail popped out again. She reached for the bar watching it get farther and farther, inch by inch but grabbed something else. She looked up and noticed a scythe in her grip, the crescent blade over the bar, catching her from her fall. She tilted her head asked herself,"Is this my weapon?"

Itaru looked at the girls and Kiyo,"Sounds like a good idea." He lifted his rapier again waiting for anything. "We just need to get it to strike again."
Ayumi nodded at the plan and stood next to the group. She ran her thumb across the hilt of one of her blades, a new habit that had formed for her. Focus....focus....focus....Her eyes danced across the bear thing and she raised her hand a little. "I could attack it....I mean it only throws the pucks if you attack it, right?" Taking a step forward, she readied a knife.
Nichole said"it can still hit you with the hockey stick or its paws ayumi." Sighing then cocked her guns.

Kiyo got into his stance. "Ready everyone? !"
"With my knives, not my body....." Her voice was low and slurred together so only she could understand it. She gripped her weapons in hand and got into a fighting position. She nodded once again before spinning the two blades in her left hand. Ayumi opened her eyes a little more to see the surrounding easier. Don't focus just on it, focus on the scene. Pay attention to how it moves and what are it's weaknesses. The small voice it her head, probably an old friend, kept repeating these words.
While it seemed like everyone else had their own tactics to prepare, so did Itaru. He learned to slow things down. Sounds silly i know, but the way he did it took practice. Everything around him seemed to just....move in slow motion while he was in real time. He usually did this when he got into fights, seeing everything slower made holes and mistakes in his opponents attacks, he was able to strike at the time, and in actuality, during real time, he just seemed like he made faster strikes than his enemy. He did just this, he felt like he was in his own little slow world, moving half the speed than usual, maybe even slower! He stood quiet on the outside, it felt like several minutes had past to him but they were really just mere seconds.
Isha watched the other Mews, and searched the room for Itaru. She could smell blood. It wasn't a pleasant smell. While she was distracted, a puck came lying at her, and she didn't have time to react, the puck hitting her straight in the chest and sending her flying backwards, all that was left in her place was blue feathers. And a squawk. That was thrown in too.

Meanwhile the bear was getting bombarded by it's own attacks. And didn't even know what to do, so it simple waved the hockey stick around, blocking but a scarce few. Soon it was trapped in a pile of it's own pucks, and struggling to escape.
"Its working!!" Itaru said it more to himself than anyone around him, hitting another puck that was coming toward him.

Ritsuka managed to get safely down and ran over to Itaru, occasionally dodging a puck or two. She had her scythe dragging behind her. "Ruru-nii! Look!"

"Not now Suka..." He said as he pushed her behind him and threw back another puck.

Ritsuka watched them and felt a little helpless. She looked around for Isha and ran to her. She knelt beside her,"Isha! Isha!" She shook her a bit,"Are you okay?!" Placing her scythe on the floor.
Nichole's eyes narrowed trying to find where its weak points were. "Once more." Nodding to herself and aimed shooting. Nichole then shot forward and sighed in her head.

Kiyo sighed and shook his head combining his attack with Nichole's.
With another roar, the bear faded away in a blur, leaving nothing but a small gem and a predasite.

"Urgh..." With some effort, she sat up, a large gash on her forehead, and a black eye. "Agh, well that was dumb of me.." She looked up at Ritsuka, smiled weakly and stood up, rubbing her eye. "I'm fine. Really." She touched her forehead and looked ta her bloody fingertips. "Or not."
The gem glowed in a funny way, the purplish stone was translucent.

Hatashi ran over to Isha, looking worried. "Onee-chan? What happened?"

"I got beamed with a flaming hockey puck." She muttered, transforming back to normal, and still in her figure skating outfit, which was kind of torn up by now. "Great... Another costume ruined. Why me?" She looked around, scanning the faces,"Is everyone okay?"
((Alerts!! Why u no work!?!))

Ayumi transformed back immediately after the monster was defeated. She sat down on the ice despite it being really cold. Her breathing wasn't normal and she tried to calm herself down but it didn't work. She felt a growing pain in both of her legs, on her thighs. Ayumi took a deep breath before pulling up her skirt a little (it goes to her knees) to find pretty deep scratch marks in her skin. She covered her mouth and looked away, taking shaky breaths. When she tried to move her legs, they pulsated with so much pain that her eyes started to tear up. Ayumi raised her hand slowly. "C-Can I get some help o-over here.....I c-can't s-stand up..."
Nichole changed back and she jogged over to ayumi helping her up. "I'll get you to ritsuka." She helped her over to rit and was worried for her friend.

Kiyo helped her and thought.
Isha looked at Ayumi, looking her up and down."Do you need a lift somewhere? My bike has two seats." While it didn't thrill her to have someone else on her bike (More people to scratch my paint! UGH!) she knew some
Ayumi smiled weakly at her friends and shook her head at Isha. "I think riding on a bike would hurt more. Just moving my legs hurt." She could feel the blood dripping down her legs but she didn't dare look. At this moment, she realized something. In her transformed mode, she loved to fight and doesn't feel small pain. But in her normal form, she hates seeing blood and will faint upon seeing bad wounds. Ayumi turned her head slightly to look at Nichole. "Can Ritsuka help me?"
Her head swam and she saw the world in a blur. She blinked and rubbed her head. "Y-yeah...sounds like a good idea..." Ayumi gripped onto Nichole and had to put pressure on her left leg, making her whimper in pain. I'm going to pass out from blood loss...this can't be happening!

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